The Invincible Full-Moon System

Chapter 767 Clash With The Army

Chapter 767 Clash With The Army

Hello, Alpha Author here. I'll make it quick.

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In the wide span of the entire Supernatural territory, crossing for half of the continent, about six armies that are sent forth to tackle from different points, Haikal couldn't believe that they were the one that was hit by massive bad luck.

Almost as if Lady Luck loathes them for some reason.

Even the other nine were completely stunned, cursing the luck they have in their heads.

Walking out of the darkness of the forest was a figure that has a glowing bright mark right on her neck, the glow was silver and the shape of the mark made Haikal and the others pale in absolute terror.

For the last couple of months, they were drilled about the danger of the Silverstar Pack.

Not even the messengers were allowed to stay and linger around in the presence of the Silverstar Pack, it was a direct command by King John himself. More a warning than a rule, for their safety of themselves.

Upon the sight of this figure, the army was split into two different categories.

One category has their expression pale from realizing that they ran straight to the Silverstar Pack, and another one was still brimming with strong vigor not knowing the enemy that they were facing is not only the Dark Elves.

Ignorance is bliss they say, and that saying is clearly depicted at this current moment.

Coming out with slow and steady steps, the figure exposed herself in a human form, her eyes are blazing with gleaming purple flame with a purple serpent circling her waist, and look to be very much active and alive.

At the sight of this figure, the Awakened frown when they realized something.

Not only was the figure seems to be a human, but she also seems to be in her Gladiator Form which further confirms that they were fighting a human. It slapped confusion in their minds, caught off guard by the situation.

"Wait, how come there's an Awakened here?"

"Am I hallucinating? I thought this is the Supernatural territory?"

Many started to voice out their doubts, they were expecting the Dark Elves, not this figure.

Haikal gritted his teeth when he saw this, his survival instinct instantly kicks in as he quickly turn to the other nine with a crisis on his face, "That's one of the Silverstar Pack Members! Quick, teleport out of here!"

For a moment there, the nine were stunned for a few seconds.

Just a moment ago they were quite confident to not meet with the Silverstar Pack, they were even slightly joking at the mention of the Silverstar Pack, yet fate has played a trick on them and led them straight to the Silverstar Pack.

On top of that, the army was on guard when they saw movement in the trees.

Hundreds if not thousands of pairs of red eyes can be seen stalking them from the tall trees, each emitting malice beyond measure, and the sound of the strings of their bows being pulled instinctively make the army cast a protective spell to avoid being rained by arrows.

Without a doubt, the Dark Elves have arrived and cornered them in the middle.

Snapping out of their dazed mind as they realized that this is a matter of life and death, the other nine quickly grabs a circle-shaped elixir strapped on their belts intending to quickly leave the place before it's too late.

Not idling any longer, all of them including Haikal slammed the elixir to the ground.


Upon shattering the circle-shaped elixir, the Black Hands and the Awakened beside them were surprised when they caught sight of a green smoke infiltrating the place and thought that it was a sign to attack. Clenching their weapons, about half of them charged forward, roaring their battle cries.

It was right at this moment, the Dark Elves lose their arrows freely.

Albeit the number of the Awakened and Black Hands are no joke, swarming forward like a colony of ants, the Dark Elves and the figure standing across them didn't seem to be troubled and had complete confidence.

"Shall we clean them up? We need to gain intel from those ten in the middle"

"Let's go, the faster the better"

Out of nowhere, the army was confronted directly by a pair of fire goddesses that are channeling their respective fires around their bodies. In a pure second, the two of them were engulfed in fires and turned into a worm of fire vortexes.

Lunging forward, the fire vortexes created a devastating suction of force.

Responding to the fire vortexes that were gushing with violent energy, the Water Elementalists stepped forward and conjure a huge tsunami together. It was a war spell that is used to weaken fire-related Supernatural races such as the Demons.


Under the chant of hundreds of Awakened, the tsunami reached a hundred feet high.

Although their powers are around the fifth to the sixth-rank realm with a couple nearing the seventh-rank realm, their combined energy is insurmountable, making up the difference in their strength with their sheer numbers.

In a one-on-one fight, they can't hope to compete with the two fire vortexes.

But in a situation such as this, with their side containing more than twenty thousand people, they can match the power through quantity. And just like that, the gushing tsunami clashed against the two fire vortexes.




As a result of the clash, the entire place was drowned in water vapor, blinding the vision.

Following that, the battle royale started as Awakened and Black Hand started attacking anything that doesn't wear their thematic outfit. Some were still facing the fire vortexes while the others leaped and clash with the Dark Elves that were relentless with their arrows.

Meanwhile, at the center of the human army.

Haikal and the others feel their spine shivers when the green smoke dissipated with them still standing on their spots, the fear on their faces was evident, "H-Haikal, how- how come we're still here?"

"A-Aren't we supposed to be teleported away? It's the Green Messenger's power!"

"W-We're fucked! Let's abandon the army!"

Upon hearing the others' complaints, Haikal was also stunned in his place. 'Why... Why is the Green Messenger's power not working?' he thought, beads of cold sweat already decorating the side of his face.

Like the others, his expression was drained from all colors.

It was so bad, the fear inside of him that is, that the color of his face was akin to that of a corpse. Even his lips turned completely colorless from his bodily response to the imminent danger that he was feeling right now.

Just as he was thinking that something hit the center of them.


Snapping out of their dazes, the ten looks to the side and saw a corpse of an Awakened that has its chest torn apart with clear fear depicted clearly by its opened eyes and can't help but suck in a cold breath.

Following that, another loud crash came from the front, pulling their attention once again.

Covered by the blur of the water vapor that drowned the entire place, they saw a towering shadow in front of them with sharp yellow eyes that seemed to be able to see straight into their souls directly.

A mark can be seen on his neck, spreading to his shoulder and his mouth.

Although it was not a Silverstar Mark, Haikal and the others can't help but gulp as this figure's aura is choking and also feels ancient. Stepping out of the water vapor, the figure's appearance was exposed.

With a humanoid form yet adorn with unnatural claws, this figure doesn't look normal.

But Haikal and the others feel their blood rushing into their brains when they saw the figure is covered in scars, and there are also numerous blood stains which shows that he has slaughtered many people to reach them at the center.

"My apologies, yet I can't let you teleport away," the figure said before he smirked evilly.

Not waiting for them to answer, the figure engraved a rune to his arm that doesn't seem to be complicated taking a shape of a red thin line. In the next second, the figure pulls back his arm intending to punch the ground.



Slamming his fist onto the ground, the figure created a web-like crack that spans wide. Moreover, the sheer strength from that punch propel Haikal and the others to the sky and leave them open for any attack.

In reflex, Haikal quickly does something with his entire arm.

As if his entire arm was made out of rubber, it takes the shape of a shield and turns solid once more. But then his eyes dilated seeing a thin violet fire coming straight at him and forcing him to defend himself with his shield arm.


From below, Flunra squinted his eyes as he inspected this clash.

Right before the fight began, he, Evelyn, and Adhara already scanned the entire army for the strange Black Hands that Khulfo had mentioned to them. Out of all the Black Hands in the army, their gaze was drawn the most to the ten individuals at the center that doesn't possess the natural skin color that a human possessed.

Each of them has a weird hue of color that seems to mix together, subtly.

If they didn't pay attention then the weird color would be hard to be spotted. But since they were actively searching for oddness in the army, they managed to spot the ten individuals and locked their eyes on them.

One thing that they were told was the fact spells bounced off of their bodies.

Flunra watches from below as he made a signal to Adhara to try her spells on them, she didn't use her full power but enough to be able to hurt Haikal that is only in the seventh-rank realm.

But like they were told, her violet fire bounced from his skin and went in another direction.

Something like this puts a frown on Flunra's face, he squinted his eyes to study this weird occurrence before his mind started racing to an answer. 'No... it can't be, this is very similar to that human's followers!'

Knowing that this is an important matter, Flunra quickly jumped straight at Haikal.

Not even restraining his attack, the ancient rune of power that he engraved on his hand glowed with a red hue before he punch Haikal straight at his shield arm that is dark black and unnatural.

Without having any chance to retaliate, Haikal tries to block the punch.


Although he was expecting to be sent crashing back to the ground by the force of the punch, he was surprised that the force was way stronger as Flunra's fist tore a hole in his shield arm and land a solid hit straight at his chest.

"Huaakh!!" Haikal's eyes widened, and the blood from his mouth created a curving arc in the air.

Following that, Flunra didn't show any mercy as he use the trees to propel himself and surrounded the ten individuals before taking them out one by one. His strength is unparalleled, and his speed is blitzing fast.

Looking at the ten individuals, Flunra's eyes glisten fiercely.

'I need to take them back to the castle, I need to take a closer look at them'

Meanwhile, on the other side of the battlefield, the Awakened and Black Hands that are at the very front where the battle is the most intense started to be burned to a crisp one by one.

Across the battlefield, numerous fiery hands appeared from the ground and held them.

It was Evelyn's new Pneuma Spell called Torment of the Devil, a spell that can actively scan fear inside her opponents' hard and spawn a couple of fiery hands from their shadows when they were feeling scared.

Perfect spell for this situation, the fear keeps on increasing as more of them fall.

Adhara on the other hand is also casting a new spell of hers, an innate spell that makes use of the violet serpent called Warping Fire Rush. The purple serpent increased in size, slithering through the battlefield as its long body turned into chains.

Everyone that it touches without sufficient power will be burned to a crisp.

Shrill painful screams resounded throughout the battlefield, acting like an acapella. Each shout was responded to by another, causing a chain echo throughout the battlefield. Sounds of pure terror.

Ones that can make the strongest heart melt.

"I feel bad for these people, but I can't lie that this is a good practice to accustom ourselves to the eighth-rank realm," Evelyn said from the side, she hacks a couple of charging Awakened and severed their entire bodies.

Upon hearing this, Adhara nodded her head, "Don't feel bad, they deserve this"

While they were slaughtering the army of humans that are charging at them, the two of them snapped their heads back when they sensed quite a powerful aura on their backs. Glancing over their shoulders, they saw a blast of green smoke appear behind them.

Looking at the green smoke, Adhara can instantly recognize this power.

"Green Messenger, I don't expect you to be here. Are you eager to die like them too?"

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