The Invincible Full-Moon System

Chapter 768 No Need To Play Nice

Chapter 768 No Need To Play Nice

Appearing from an outburst of green mist that splashes to the surrounding was a figure in all-black, his entire being seems to be mixing with the smokey green, almost as if he's one with it.

It has been some time since this figure appeared outside.

Evelyn doesn't recognize this figure contrary to Adhara that seems to know who the figure is, the zenith of this figure was at the rooftop of Ochyra University where her senses were telling her that this figure is way out of her league.

But now, none of that senses were the same, she feel confident instead.

Wearing the iconic crow mask of the messengers from the SCO, the figure is without a doubt the Green Messenger that has made an appearance amidst the chaos of the battlefield that is still continuing.

Glancing at the charging people, Adhara's eyes gist with a fierce glint.

Adhara grabbed the purple snake that is now in the form of purple fiery chains with both hands, she then leaped until her body was upside down in the air and waved the chain in a crescent arc straight at the incoming enemies.

Under the searing chains, fueled with powerful fire, anything it touches turned to ash.

Only the scream of agony from the dozens of people charging at her maniacally filled the place for a brief second before turning silent once again, their powers are not a match for an eighth-rank realm fire.

It was a delusional bravado, that is outright reckless for them to charge at her.

The pep talk that Haikal gave earlier riled up their battle intent to the point of clouding their judgment. If they had known that the one that gave them a pep talk earlier was trying to flee, they would probably not be this eager to meet with the lord of death.

"Do you know him, Adhara?" Evelyn asked from the side, eyeing the Green Messenger warily.

Shifting her eyes back at the Green Messenger, Adhara then nodded her head. Albeit never actually talking with the Green Messenger, she is one of the few ones that know Rex has been a member of the SCO before everything.

Moreover, she was also the only one out of them to meet with the Green Messenger.

Gathering the green smoke that burst from his body, the Green Messenger, colloquially Prof. K landed on the ground without a sound. With a slow movement, he raises his beak to face the two fire goddesses.

Upon fixating his eyes on Adhara, the mask tilted to the side a bit, "Adhara..."

"Are you going to try and save these people by coming here, Green Messenger? I'm sorry to tell you that you won't be able to. But now that you teleported here, you can't teleport out now. It's a mistake for you to come here" Adhara cracks a grin, her stance is ready for a battle.

It was one of the preparations done before confronting the army.

Knowing that they don't want anyone to flee from this place and potentially leak the rough estimate of their location, Flunra suggested that they need to also be wary of the unexpected such as teleportation items.

Evelyn and Adhara agreed, and thankfully, Flunra has a way to deal with that.

Out of every branch of power, Flunra has time and time again shown that he has the most versatile power. The power of the Ancient Runes can't be underestimated. But then again, if it's bad, the ancient Werewolves wouldn't make him one of the guards of a Prince.

Looking at Adhara with his green eyes, Prof. K shakes his head.

"Believe me, I know the risks. I would really like to keep to myself, in my peace... but there's simply no choice for me but to act" Prof. K said, a deep sigh escaping his muffled mouth containing a deep sign of depression.

Albeit subtle, his voice seems to indicate that talking alone is a pain for him.


With a sudden movement of her hand, Adhara controlled the purple chain to wrap around her arm all the way to the elbow. "I've heard of your new invention, you're rising your name up into the world. Are you sure coming here is the right choice?"

"I mean, your people did help us. But that doesn't mean we're friends" she added warningly.

Even though at the time they were driven out of the human territory, the SCO somewhat is the only one that helped them deal with the trap set by the Supernaturals, that doesn't mean the Silverstar Pack would be welcoming them with an open hand.

Such a benevolent act was surely not done with simple justice in mind.

For the King of the SCO to come himself to help against the Supernaturals that were intercepting them, he must have his own reasons and agenda, and that is definitely wanting something in return. It doesn't take a genius to figure that out, he didn't want Rex to spread hatred for all of humankind, after all.

Genuine help should've come before everything happened, not after everything happened.

But the fact that they had provided help at the last minute indicated that if it weren't for Rex's sheer power, they were not going to care about him. Adhara understand this, and if their roles were reversed, the Silverstar Pack would not be welcomed with open arms either by them

Now that they have the upper hand, there's no need to play nice.

It was always the rule of the world ever since the Supernatural Emergence that power triumph over all, Adhara learned that from Rex and understands clearly that it has been engraved deeply into the essence of the current era.

Pausing for a second, Prof. K looks at Adhara for a brief choking second.

Knowing that there's no need to react to her remarks in any unnecessary way, Prof. K raises two of his fingers and said, "I've come here to deliver two pieces of news that I want you to convey to Rex, not to fight with you"

"It's Lord Rex now, show some respect" Evelyn added from the side.

Upon hearing this, Prof. K corrected himself in an apologetic manner, "Lord Rex..." he corrected. "two pieces of news that Lord Rex needs to know. I believe this will be to your benefit as well, so you might want to hear me"

Adhara raises one of her eyebrows, "Oh... then tell me, what is the news?"josei

Managing to make the two listen to what he wanted to say, Prof. K nodded his beak before he takes out something from underneath his black robe. It's a small black metallic object that looks like a memory drive.

Showing this to the two, Prof. K then tossed it to Adhara.

"It's a report of the situation inside the human territory, those are also the reasons why I am here. No matter what happened between us, all of you are still humans by birth. I don't know what Lord Rex is planning for the future, but those are innocent people, not us anomalies that have blood in our hands"

Looking at the metallic object, Adhara finds that it's really a memory drive.

Disregarding the reason Prof. K gave this to them, she would not refuse this as this memory drive might be essential for them. Even though they still need to be wary of tweaked information, this will be a grounded base of the situation.

Raising her gaze once again, Adhara then continues, "And the other one?"

"Once again, this might sound weird, at least for Lord Rex. But I've kept my eyes open using the Intra technology and managed to find out that Giana is searching for all of you. I don't quite know what she's planning, but I do know that she would be trying to attract your attention in order to find you. Many things would go wrong if she do that, and you should find her instead" Prof. K replied, and he was saying it with a nonchalant tone.

Even though he was saying it almost in a commanding tone, Adhara was stunned.

If it had been any other news that Prof. K uses that kind of tone with her, then she would've made it a problem. But the second intel that he said catches her off guard, she was expecting something else.

Standing on the side, Evelyn also has the same reaction as her.

At the sound of Giana's name being brought up, the air suddenly got squeezed by an invisible force as Adhara and Evelyn's expressions darkens. Oozes of killing intent can be seen knicking the surface of their skin.

Pressure started rising, their mana is climbing higher and higher.

It was even to the point of suffocating the other Awakened and Black Hands and even the Dark Elves that are still batting fiercely, putting the fight to a halt. Due to their early breakthrough, their mana easily went rampant.

"Did you say, Giana...?" Adhara mutters with a bone-chilling tone.

Upon sensing the rise of the tension in the air, killing intent so thick that it was palpable to the eyes, Prof. K frown underneath his crow mask as he should've expected this kind of reaction from the two of them.

Knowing this kind of reaction, he should've eased into giving them the news.

But then again, he rarely speaks with anyone except for King John. Social ability is not one of his strengths, and that shows from how he delivers the news to two people that potentially blame everything on Giana.


Clausing the peaceful talk, Adhara and Evelyn made their moves.

In a swift dash, the two of them control their own fire with better control and maneuver over to Prof. K with strong intent. Both of their eyes are burning, similar to the killing intent that is burning inside of them.

Adhara and Evelyn closed the distance in the blink of an eye, one above and one below.

Exerting a force of their eighth-rank realm mana that was blazing with their own fires, the two launches a horizontal strike, intending to slash him into three pieces. But Prof. K turns into smoke, their attacks went through them.

Despite this being the case, Adhara, and Evelyn's reflexes were too terrifying.

Knowing that their attack would go through Prof. K which has already taken the form of green smoke, the two raise the heat of their fires when they were inside Prof. K's body, trying to scorch him with fire.

Prof. K can match them in terms of energy, but not two of them at once.

Under the intensity of the fire increasing rapidly, Prof. K blitzes away as a painful groan escapes his mouth. Turning into his physical form once again, Prof. K held his stomach in pain, "I am trying to help, I've given you two useful intel for your Alpha. Why are you attacking me?!"

"Don't be mistaken, we have never intended to let you leave from the start" Adhara replied.

The plan was not to let anyone escape the place since their location might be exposed, and that includes Prof. K even though he has come here with good intentions. In this dire time, they can't trust anybody.

On top of that, they also don't want to create more problems for Rex.

Knowing that he wouldn't be able to convince the two from a fight without a boost of power himself, Prof. K takes out a serum from his pocket and quickly stab himself in the leg before injecting the substance inside of it.

In a matter of seconds, the green smoke becomes even more vibrant than before.

Glancing at Evelyn standing on the side, Prof. K shoots a cloud of green smoke at her intending to desolate the fight to one on one. If he can suppress one and then the other, he could then make the two of them reason with him.

But as Evelyn was shrouded in green smoke, Prof. K saw something weird.

Even though he has clearly become stronger thanks to the serum, and even manages to take Evelyn out of the fight for a moment, he saw a smile blooming on Adhara's face which slapped a frown on his face.

Just then, he quickly glanced back and saw a ferocious beast is already above him.

"How dare you lay your hands on the Luna, I'll kill you!"

Upon seeing a fist coming straight at him from above, breaking the sound barrier from how fast it was descending onto him, Prof. K doesn't have the time to react as his face got the full-blown force of the punch.


It was so strong that he got slammed to the ground and bounced off of it like a rag doll.

Prof. K's body slides through the ground and crashes against many trees in the process. When he came to a stop, he struggled to stand up with the pain infiltrating his body before he slowly raises his gaze.

But as his eyes landed on Flunra and Adhara, a cracking sound can be heard.

While the two of them watch Prof. K struggling to stand up, their eyes glisten seeing a crack on Prof. K's crow mask before half of it shatters exposing his face that none has the luxury to ever see.

"Well, well... what do we have here?"

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