The King's Mandate: Anomalous System

Chapter 335

Chapter 335: Do It With Me Too

My body jerked itself as I came in her mouth.

Because of our position, the semen I shot in her mouth, came out as she coughed.

"Are you okay?"

She didn't reply and started licking my semen around my penis.

After drinking everything, she said, "I feel great. Your semen is really tasty. Can I get to drink it every day?"

"That depends on you"

"Maybe I will just store it in some jar and take a sip once in a while"

"I won't let you do that"

She grinned and said, "That was a joke"

"Your jokes are always humorless"

"Are you trying to say I am boring?"

"You are not boring. You are amazing"

She squinted her eyes and said, "You are praising me more than usual today"

"You got a problem with that?"

"I don't. But I feel like you are praising me because our relationship has advanced"

"That might be the reason. Or maybe I am just being more honest now?"

"Oh?" She frowned her eyebrows and said, "Then I would like you to be honest with me all the time"

"Are you sure? You might regret it"

"Why would I regret something like that?"

"Okay then, I will be honest with you"

She pondered and said, "Lil Das"


"You did those pledges with Lady Lier and Elena, right?"

"They are rituals"

"It should be called pledges"

My face twitched as I said, "You are the one you used to yell at me whenever I said, 'They should be called pledges', and now, you are saying it yourself"

"That was during your training. I was our master, and I had to do as I was told to''

"Now that I remember, you used to punish me even though I was logically right"

She averted her gaze and said, "That must be your imagination"

"I also remember the punishment"

Sweat poured down from her face as she said, "Is that so?"


She gulped down and said, "What was it?"

I don't know if she just gulped down because she wanted to, or she swallowed my remaining cum in her mouth. But she looks hot when she gulps down.

"Lil Das?"

"You used to make me sit on your lap"

Her eyes widened in surprise or shock, I don't know. But she is making a very happy face right now.

"That was just me trying to find excuses to cling you"

"Say Daisy, have you ever regret living your life in the palace?"

She smiled and said, "Ever since I was adopted, and given the name 'Edens' to me, I have never, ever, not even once regretted devoting my life to the King, Ange, and now you. And I will devote my remaining life to you"

"You are absolutely best"


I grabbed her hips and sat up, to which Daisy rolled to the other side.

"Were you trying to push me down?"

"I was trying to get a hold of you," I hugged her and said, "I am never letting you go away from me"

She got on my lap and hugged me back, saying "I am not going anywhere. I will always be here, in this palace"

"Say Daisy,"

She patted my back and said, "Hmm?"

"DO you love me?"

"What type of question is that?"

"DO you love me?"

She chuckled and said, "I have always loved you"

She was hugging me so tightly that our fronts were rubbing against each other. 

She caressed my hair as she slowly pulled my head back and stared at my face.

Our forehead bumped as we kissed each other.

Daisy let out a chuckle.

"What are you laughing about?"


I kissed her again as I said, "Tell me"

"I was just thinking"

"Thinking what?"

"I used to punish you and make you sit on my lap, and here I am, sitting on your lap and kissing you"

"Maybe I should give you punishment too"

"You will punish your lovely maid?"

"I will"

"What kind of punishments?"

"Will make you do embarrassing things"


Like, hmm," I pondered for a while, but nothing came to my mind.

"Maybe I will make you wear revealing clothes?" 

"I am sitting naked in your lap right now, why would wearing revealing clothes will make me embarrassed"

I kissed her and said, "I will make you regret saying that"

"You keep saying 'I will make you regret this and that', but you are not doing anything"

My face twitched as I said, "I will make you regret saying that"

She formed a wide grin as she laughed loudly.

I knew it. Her smiles are heavenly.

As long as I remember, I have never seen her smile. She rarely smiles.

But now, right now, she is smiling.

Was I able to make her happy? If yes, then I am happy.

She kept laughing as she stared into my eyes and hugged me.

"I am very happy right now. For the first time in my life, I am this happy. Thanks, Lil Das, I really love you"

Hearing that from her really calms my soul.

"Lil Das"


"Can you do it to me too?"

"Do what?"

"What you did with Lady Lier and Elena"

"We just did"

"Not that"

"Then what?"

"The ritual"


"Do it to me too"

"Okay. Which one do you want to do?"

"None of those"


"Let's make our original"

"Even if you say that, our original will be the same as the rest"

At least some elements.

She got up and kissed me, saying, "Let's go it"

She got off the bed and stood in front of me.

I got off the bed and stood in front of her.

"So?" I asked.

Suddenly, she sat on her knees.

"What are you doing?"

She grabbed my penis and said, "Our original ritual"

I couldn't help but chuckle.

She is being such a kid right now.

This might be the first time she has ever acted like that, at least in front of me.

Her childhood should be worse than mine.

According to Lirole, Elena's grandfather found her in his car and brought her here.

Grandpa asked him to take her to some orphanage, but grandma adopted her.

She might be happy after being adopted. But what before that?

What was she before Elena's grandfather found her?

What was her real name?

Who were her parents?

What kind of life she was living?

Daisy has never told this to anyone. According to Lirole, whenever this topic came up, Daisy started to feel uneasy.

She never talked about her past with anyone.

It's not like I want to know her past, but I want to know more about her.

The last time we met was about ten years ago. And we have spent about seven years together.

Out of those 7 years, consider the first 3 years as invalid since...since what?

I don't remember anything before that.

It's not unusual not to remember that, but...why do I remember I memorized the book when I was four but nothing else?

I gazed at Daisy, who was happily looking at me.

Stop thinking about that stuff right now, Das.

You are with Daisy right now, so focus on her.

"Shall we start?" She said as she opened her mouth.

Is she going to suck my penis again? How is that a pledge?

She kissed the tip of my penis and looked me in the eyes as she said, "Promise me that you will always love me"

"I promise I will love you till my last breath"

She kissed the tip again and said, "Promise me you will never blame yourself if something happens to me"

"I," I took a deep breath and said, "I can't promise that"

"You have to promise"

"Then since we are exchanging pledges, I want you to promise me too"

"First you promise, it's your turn"

"I already promised once"

"Do it a second time too"


I sighed and said, "I promise I will never blame myself if something happens to you"

She smiled and said, "Now it's your turn"

"Dasy, I want you to promise me you will never let yourself come in danger"

She squinted her eyes and said, "What type of promise is that?"

"My type of promise. Now promise it"

"I promise I will never let myself in danger"

"Good. Now promise me that--"

"Wait, wait, wait! Why is it your turn again?"

"I promised you two times, so you have to make two promises too"

She furrowed her eyebrows and said, "Fine, go ahead"

"Daisy, you will have to obey every word I say, no matter what I say, you need to obey it"

She glared at me and said, "Why are you trying to contradict what you promised me?"josei

"You wish for my well, and I wish for yours"


"We both love each other and want to protect each other"


"You know, I know, that it's impossible until one of us backs down"


"And I am not backing down"

"Neither am I"

We both smiled at each other as we said, "Let's see who will have to back up first", in unison.

She kissed my penis and started sucking it.

"You don't have to--"

"I am just cleaning it"

She was sucking every side of my penis.

She took out my penis and said, "I guess we both have grown", and started sucking the tip.

She was sucking the tip like she was sucking a nipple.

Her jaw was moving up and down.

I moved my hand and touched her lower jaw.

It was moving up and down as she sucked.

I rubbed it a little, and she looked at me as she gobbled my entire penis in her mouth.



The door wasn't closed?!

"Lily! I told you to lock the door and keep an eye on the hallways! What are you doing?!"

Aw shit! What should I do now?!

What if it's mother?

If she sees me and Daisy like this, our relationship might shatter beyond repair.

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