The King's Mandate: Anomalous System

Chapter 336

Chapter 336: Give Me All My Worries Back



The door wasn't closed?!

"Lily! I told you to lock the door and keep an eye on the hallways! What are you doing?!"

Aw, shit! What should I do now?!

What if it's mother?

If she sees me and Daisy like this, our relationship might shatter.

What the hell was Lily doing? I told her to keep an eye on the hallway.

My penis was still in Daisy's mouth, and we were standing right in front of the door.

Hiding won't work. I can't even hide Daisy.

The door half opened and someone walked in.

Lights were coming from the door so the person's face wasn't visible, but it was clearly visible to me.


She looked at my face, then her gaze fell to Daisy, who still had my penis in her mouth.

Her face showed no reaction. She was looking at me like Elena and Selena did.

What the hell with that look? What does it mean? And where the hell did you even learn it?

She stared at Daisy and closed her eyes as she took a deep breath.

She opened her eyes again and stared at Daisy.

This is bad. I am relieved that it wasn't mother, but it's no different with Lier.

Grandpa died and I am doing this with Daisy. She is sad and instead of confronting her, I was doing this with Daisy.

That's what she will think.

Do something Daisy. I am counting on you.

I gazed down at Daisy.

She still had a penis in my mouth and a blank look on her face.

She froze!

I have to do something.

"Lier, this is--"

"It's fine. I am not looking for an explanation"


"What's with that look? Did you want me to get angry or yell?

I shook my head.

"I went to the kitchen to eat, and one of the maids told me that you haven't eaten yet. So I was just here to invite you for dinner"


"Have you already had your dinner?"

"No. I am coming"

"Am I interrupting you two? You guys can continue, I can wait"

"No! We are done" I gazed at Daisy and said, "Right Daisy?"

She is still frozen!

"Daisy?" I called out to her.

"Daisy?" Lier questioned.

"Oh! Yeah, you don't know," I cleared my throat and said, "I named her Daisy"

"Oh?" She raised her eyebrows and said, "So you guys have advanced your relationship to the point where you use different names when on the bed"

"No! Why would you even think that"

"Am I wrong?"


She looked at Daisy and said, "I thought she must have asked you to call her that. She likes to get into roles"

"You are right, but… uh… you know, she is supposed to be Sherley, but she is Daulla, so I gave her a new name, a new identity"

"Hmm," She walked to me and said, "Daisy," She gazed a Daisy and said, "It suits her"

I gulped down and said, "Why are you so calm?"

"What do you mean?"

"I was expecting you would start yelling at her, but…"

"Ah! Yes, I want to yell and shout, but after looking at her reaction I held myself"

We both looked at the frozen Daisy who still had my penis in her mouth.

"Should I take a photo?" Lier asked.


I quietly sighed.

"What's with that sigh?"

"Let it slide"

"But I can use it against her and mess with her"

"Look into her eyes, she is about to cry"

She glanced at her and grinned.

I knew this would happen.

She took out her phone and started taking pictures from all angles.

Daisy's eyes filled with tears.

Stop it, Lier! Or she will cry.

"I got some nice shots. Now let's take a video"


She started recording and brightened her phone close to my penis, or rather her face.

"Smile please" Lier commented.

Daisy finally blinked and snatched Lier's phone from her hand.

"Hey! Give it back"

Lier tried to take her phone back. After a few attempts, she was successful in taking her phone back.

She checked her phone and glared at Daisy, who just smirked at her glare.

"Why did you delete it!" 

"Are you seriously asking that?"

"Don't worry Lier. Lily must have recorded this"

"What?!" Daisy exclaimed.

"Isn't' that true, Lily?"


"What were you doing?"


"I asked you to lock the door and keep an eye on the hallways"

[You just said 'Close the door and keep an eye on hallways', you never mentioned lock the door]

"Then you should have informed me Lier was coming. What were you doing?"

[I was… was… keeping an eye]

"Your voice says it all"

[What do you mean?] 

"You were masturbating, weren't you?"

[How do you--I mean, what are you talking about? I have no idea what you are talking about]

"I can't believe you were masturbating in my mind"

[I am masturbating in my room--ah!]

"Lily, I am really disappointed"


"I can't believe you were masturbating while watching me and Daisy"

[What's wrong with it? Lier always does it. I am sure she was masturbating in her room]

"She wasn't. She must be crying"

[Why don't you ask her then]


I turned to Lier and said, "Lier, can I ask what you have been doing in your room since morning?"

Her face flushed as she started fidgeting.


Give me all my worries back.

I gazed at Daisy, who was still smirking at Lier.

I removed the earbud from Daisy's ear and said, "Wear your clothes"

Lier gave me my clothes.

After wearing clothes, we are on our way to the kitchen.

Both Lier and Daisy kept glaring at each other while passing comments.

My body is still aching.

Using oyuoris was a bad idea.

I just used it on my hands, and my body is aching like hell.

But I had to see it, and I will use it again when I have to.

Using my system is stressing my brain.

I still can't think rationally for more than a few minutes.

I think Lily is getting a lot more stressed than me.


Why did it all have to happen?

Can't there be peace, so I can leave in peace?

So I can spend my remaining two years happily.

Today, that girl, she was a cyborg.

She was using Oyuoris too. 

I hate to admit it, but she was a lot more powerful than me.

If it wasn't for using too much Oyuoris, she wouldn't have melted by it.

If she hadn't melted, then she would have killed me. And after that Daisy would have come there, and that girl would have killed her too.


I couldn't defeat one enemy. If ten more came like her, I would never be able to fight back.

If the palace was attacked by them instead of those weak system users, I would have died yesterday.

They are strong. I don't know how many more types of enemies they have.

I am sure they must have some stronger enemy than that enemy too.

They are undoubtedly stronger than me.

I can't win against them. I need to get stronger.

Using oyuoris won't help much.

I need training. 

I need to find the other three relics that Augustus was talking about.

I don't know what they are, how they look, where do I find them. But I need them.

Lier nudged me and asked me what's wrong.

"It's nothing"

We reached the kitchen.

"Mother and Lirole aren't here?" I asked.

"They will be eating in their room", Lier replied.

"I see"

It would be a bad idea to talk about Daisy and me, to mother right now.

I will wait for her to get over grandpa's death.

The table was already set with three chairs.

Lier glanced at me, and then gazed at Daisy and ran to the table.

Daisy did the same.

"They are acting like a kid"

Lier sat in the right chair and Daisy sat on the left, leaving the middle one empty.

They both looked at me and grinned as they pointed their gaze in the middle chair.

This won't end well.

I want to go take a bath.

I tried to step back. They glared at me and that's all I needed to sit on the empty chair.

As soon as I sat there, they both closed their chairs with mine and squeezed me in between.

"Hey! Scoot over!" Lier shouted.

"You get out of here!" Daisy exclaimed.

They were yelling at each other but squeezing me in between.

I took a deep breath and they both stopped.

The maids came and severed the food.

I started eating while Lier and Daisy kept fighting with each other with their eyes.


They never get along.

They have always been like that.

Lier used to get ticked off on Daisy whenever Daisy tried to get touchy with me. While Daisy tries her best to provoke Lier.

I don't think much will change now. In fact- I glanced at them and thought- it will be getting worse.

As I was eating, Lier stuffed her spoon in my mouth, and as expected Daisy did the same.

It's dangerous for them to be together.

I somehow finished eating and said, "I will go take a bath"

"Okay," they both stood up and said, "Let's go"josei


"What?", they both asked as they were completely clueless.

"What do you mean why 'Let's go'? I am going alone"

Lier grabbed my hand and said, "Why would you go alone,"

Daisy grabbed my other hand and said, "When we are here"


Are you kidding me?

They are miraculously getting along now. 

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