The King's Mandate: Anomalous System

Chapter 343

Chapter 343: Coming To Catch You

[What type of fun?]

"Fun type of fun"

[Did you enjoy it?]

"I did"

[What else?]

"Then Lier saw us and teased Daulla"


"Then I ate dinner with them and took a bath]

[With them?]

"Yes. Lier cut my hair too"

[She is copying me]


[Did you have fun in the bathroom too?]

"Yeah, though they just kept messing with each other till the end"

[Is Lier there right now?]

"She should be here in a few minutes"

[Nevermind then]

"What did you want to talk about with her?"

[Nothing. Just some girls talk]

"Don't talk about me in your girls talk"

[You are the only topic we discuss]

"I hope you all are not making fun of me"

[We do. Lier talks about so much embarrassing stuff about you]

"Looks like I need to reveal her dark secrets too"

[Das, I just realized something]


[You are a king, and I am a queen, right?]


[Then our son will be the prince, and our daughter will be the princess]

"That's true"

[Isn't that amazing?]

"What is amazing?"

[You won't understand because you are already used to it]


[Like, you know~ If we tell them stories and fairy tales, in which there are kings and queens, they will feel special]

"Oh! Who knows? Maybe they will, maybe they will get used to it"

[We should start thinking about names for them]

"I will leave that to you"

[Yeah, I will think of some good names. I don't want you to name them]

"What did you say?"

[You will think of some lame names. And they will be teased about it, and eventually, start hating their own name]

"Like you are teasing me right now"

[I am telling the truth]

"Then I will also say that Selena's name is better than yours"

[Are you being serious?]

"You bet I am"

[Sely! Das just said he loves your name more than mine]

"Hey! I didn't say that"

[She is so happy that she started dancing. Do you want me to video call and show you?]

"No thanks"

[I will send you pictures]


[What will you do now?]


[Will you be staying at the palace?]

"Yeah, for a few days"

[I thought you would be living at the palace since you are a king]

"It doesn't matter"

[Say Das]


[We will have our exam results out next week]


[What do you think? Will I score over ninety-five?]

"You will"

[I am getting more and more nervous as the day of the results getting close]

"No point worrying about it now"

[I know, but still…]

"Elena, have confidence in yourself"

[I do. I am not worried if I will score ninety-five or not, what I am worried about is what after that?]

"You will be living together with me"

[Yeah, about that. Do you think he will let me live together with you?]

"Why not? He promised"

[He did, but it was before he was informed about your other lovers]


[What should I do?]

"Don't worry. If it comes to that, then I will have a talk with him"



[What's wrong, Sely?]



[Nothing. Sely was acting weird, and she just left the room]

"I bet she doesn't want us to live together"

[That's not it]


[You are so dense!]


[Anyway, what after that?]

"What do you mean?"

[If dad allows me to live with you, then where will we be living? At the palace or your house?]

"Where do you want to live?"

[Your house]

"Why not the palace?"

[Living in the palace sounds cool, but it is too big. I can't walk that much every day]

"I will carry you"

[Every time?]

"Every time"

[Hmm! Maybe I will think about it]

"Then what about--"


"Lil Das, we are here"

[Who is that?]

"It's Daulla and Lier"


"Do you want to talk with them?"

[No, later. I will go after Sely]

"Are you two home alone?"

[Yeah, mom and dad are staying outside today too]

"I see. Take care"

[You too~ Love you!]

"Hmm. Love you too"

[Have fun with them]

"It would be better if you were here too"

[Just miss me and suffer for now]

"So cruel"



She hung up the call.

"Who was it?", asked Lier.

"Your Queen"

"My queen? I am the Queen"

"It was Elena"

"Oh? What did she say?"

"Nothing. Her sister bought a car, and that she is going to her grandpa's place tomorrow"

"Aw," Daisy hugged me and said, "He is already missing her"

"It's more like he is missing her body," commented Lier.

"I am not a pervert like you"

"How rude," she kissed me and said, "I never miss your body"

"Your words and actions never match"

"I am very unique"

"Yeah, unique pervert"

I laid down and closed my eyes.

I could feel pressure on both the left and right sides of the bed.

"Are you two going to sleep here?"

"Why not?", asked Daisy.

"I'm just asking. Haven't told mother about you yet"

"I will wake up early"

I opened my eyes and said, "Whenever you have said that, you woke up late"

She laid down and said, "That's only when you are sleeping next to me"

"Hey," Lier placed her face on my chest and said, "Don't you dare you two sneak out at midnight when I am sleeping"

"Why would we sneak out now?"

"I don't know. Maybe Daisy will ask you to go to the tower and do stuff with her"

"I will never do anything on your back"

"You already did it many times"

"I was talking about doing...that"

"Do I need to remind you what you two were doing when I walked into your room?"

"That was," I averted my gaze and said, "Exceptional case"

She furrowed her eyebrows and hugged me saying, "I will just hold you tight, so you can't go anywhere"

"My my, Lady Lier, you are just disturbing him"

"You are doing the same thing!"

Daisy was also hugging my arm.

After a while, which was roughly twenty seconds, Daisy sat up and said, "Lil Das, was to do it one more time?"

Lier also sat up and stared at me.

"It's Lily's turn now, so no"

They both sighed and laid down.

I closed my eyes and said, "Lily, can you hear me?"



[W-What is it?]

"Start running, because I am coming to catch you".

I opened my eyes and found myself standing in the palace's hallways.

I am getting used to this now.

"Where is she?"

I glanced around, but I couldn't see her.

She said she was hiding; I thought I would easily find her like I did at that time.

I can't track her location.

"I need to try hard"

Found her!

She is in the second room of the twelfth hallway.


It wasn't that hard to find her after all.

I dashed my way to the twelfth hallway and opened the second room's door.

As soon as I opened the door, Lily's location changed to the first room of the tenth hallway.

"What's going on?"

Did I get the location wrong?

I rushed over to the tenth hallway.

I stood before the first room.

"She is in there"

I have confirmed this time. She is inside the room.

I opened the door with a 'Baam'.


Her Location changed to the third room of the third hallway.

"What's going on?"

I am pretty sure I got the room right this time, but…

I ran towards the balcony and jumped down.

"I will go from behind this time"

I rushed my way to the third room of the third hallway.

I glanced from the window, but it was too dark to see anything.

"Even though I should be able to see in the dark, I can't see anything"

The palace here is different, so there is no security system.

I can easily enter the room through the window.

I slowly walked to the window, making sure not to make any noise.josei

As soon as I opened the window, her location changed to my room.


I jumped inside the room and kicked the chair.

"She is playing with me"

She is teleporting from one place to another.

"I want to do it too"

I tried doing it when I was running around the palace, but I couldn't.

"Damn you, Lily"

So this is what she meant by hiding.

"Fine! Hide all you want! Play all you want! But remember one thing, you are just making your punishment worse"

I am sure she is watching me from the screen.

"I am giving you one last chance. Stay where you are, and I will come there. If you do as I say, then I won't punish you"

Just kidding. She is getting some spanks for sure.

"Okay? I am coming now"

I left the room and hurried over to my room.

I hope she stays there.

I can't win against her in tricks.

She is always ahead of me.

She is smarter than me.

If she gets serious, then I don't think I will be able to win against her.

I reached outside my room.

"Lily, I am coming in. Stay inside and I will forgive you"

After some spanking.

I slowly opened the door, hoping for her to stay inside, but she changed her location again.

Until now, she was changing her location from one place to another, but now, I can't track her location.

Her locations are moving all over the palace.

She is either moving so fast that I can't track her, or she has messed with something and is using it to hide her true location.

"I am angry now, Lily"

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