The King's Mandate: Anomalous System

Chapter 344

Chapter 344: Can You Catch Me, My King?

I dashed out of the room in anger but stopped outside the room.

Calm down, Das.

If you get angry here, she will just hide herself again, and I might not be able to find her for eternity.

It's Lily, if you piss her off, she will surely hold the grudge.

I need to think carefully.

What can I do?

Lily certainly won't come out on her own, no matter what I say, no matter what I do.

Damn her.

She was being so hard on Daisy, and she even masturbated watching Daisy and me. And now she is hiding.

She is really a devil, a cute devil.

I took a deep breath and sat down in the middle of the hallway.

Think Das, think.

What can I do so that Lily can come out on her own?

I certainly can't force her to come out.

Let's try talking with her and see if she replies or not.

"Lily, I know you can hear me"


Great, she is not even replying now.

"Can you at least tell me why are you hiding?"




"Could it be that you don't want to do it with me?"

[that's not it]

She replied!

"Then? Are you nervous? Or scared or something?"


"We can talk about this"

[I am not nervous]

"Then are you scared?"

[I am not scared either]

"Then could it be that you don't want to do it with me?"

[That's not you]

"Since you just masturbated, you are not in the mood or something?"


"Then what's the reason?"

[I just want to play a little]

Damn her!

So she was playing with me all along.

She was messing with me. And I was running all over the palace like a madman.

"Enough playing, Lily. Come out". 

[Find me]

"I can't find you since you are cheating"

[You can cheat you]

"I don't know how to teleport"

[Just think about it and it will happen]

"I already tried doing it hundreds of times"

[Then you suck]


This just reminded me of something.

I chuckled and said, "Lily, do you remember you made fun of me and insulted me when we first met? You kept calling me 'Idiot' and 'You suck', you even pulled my hair many times".

[Of course, I remember, and you haven't changed much]

"That's a lie"

[Well, maybe you have changed. But only a little] 

"You haven't changed either"

[In the end, I am only a program, and programs can't evolve]

"That's not true, if they have high intelligence then they can evolve. Adaptive programs and A.Is for example".

[They are programmed that way, while I am not. Don't forget that I was initially made to guide you, nothing more]

"But not anymore, right?"

[That's because your system altered my program]

"Why are we even talking about this?"

I hate this topic!

[I am just stating what I am]


I sighed and said, "Come out now"

[Find me]

"It will take hours"

[Wrong, it will take months]

She is dead set on messing with me.

I took a deep breath and said, ���Fine, I will just go back"


"I give up", I stood up and said, "I can't win against you, so I will just go back"


"What's wrong?"

[At least make some effort to find me]

"I have been doing it for…how much time has it been since I am here?"josei

[48 minutes]

"Forty-eight minutes?!"

[Try to find me for 12 more minutes]

"Why should I?"

[if you still can't find me in the next 12 more minutes, then I will come out]

Heh! Got her.

What do you think? Only you can mess with me?

Let's mess with her more.

"I don't want to"

[Are you angry?]

"Not really"

[Then why are going back?]

"I am just tired"

[Your tiredness doesn't come in this dimension since your physical body isn't here]

"Then I am just bored"

[You don't want to do it with me anymore?]

I can sense the worry in her voice.

Let's tease her more.

"That's right. I will go back and wake Lier or Daisy up, and do it with them".

[So you are angry after all!]

"Maybe I am"

[Please stay]

"I am not staying", I closed my eyes and said, "Goodbye"

I felt pressure on my back.

I chuckled as I turned back and grabbed Lily as I said, "Got you"

She hugged me and squeezed her body against mine and said, "Don't go!"

I hugged her back and said, "I am not going anywhere"


"Yeah, there is no way I come here and go back without seeing your face"

"Then… you said all that…"

"That was just me paying you back"

She puffed her cheeks and said, "I was so worried thinking what if you really were angry and stop talking with me"

I kissed her and said, "There is no way that would happen"

"I am sorry for messing with you"

"Come on," I kissed her again and said, "Don't apologize"

"Are you really not angry?"

"I am not. Even if you hadn't come out right now, I wouldn't have left." I sighed and said, "Though I would have made a fool out of myself if you hadn't come out".

"She kissed me and said, "Even if you had left, I would have called you again and again"

I patted her and said, "That's my Lily"

She gazed at me and said, "Das"


"Are we," Her face flushed as she said, "Are we really going to do it?"

"I will let you decide"

"That's not fair"

"You have to say it if you want to do it"

"I want to! I want to do it!"

"Wow. That was fast"

"I wanted to do this for so long"

"And you masturbated on all my moments with other girls"

"Don't bring that up. It's totally common for a girl to masturbate"

"Yeah, but…"

"Lier do it the most!"

"I know"

"Even Elena do it"

"I know"

"I only do it when I am in a mood"

"It's the same with everyone"

I don't think anyone would do it if they were not in the mood. If there is anyone who does it all the time, then they are surely a pervert… like Lier.

She grabbed my hand said, "When will we start?"

"Now you are horny"

I kissed her and moved my hand to her breasts.

She kissed back and said, "I always wanted to do this?"

"Do what?"

Her face flushed as she said, "You meanie"

"Come on, say it"



"To play with your banana"

I laughed as I said, "You are still calling it banana"

I grabbed her hand and said, "Let's go to my room"

She nodded and tightened her grip.

I was about to enter the room, "Das"

I looked back and said, "Yes?"

"Just to confirm,"


"You were just messing with me earlier, right?"


"And you weren't angry, right?"


"And you won't get angry?"

"I won't"

"You won't leave from here?"

"I won't"

She smirked and pulled back her hand.


She jumped back and said, "So that means I can mess around for some more time" 

"What the--! Come on! Lily! That was so lame"

"Maybe it is, but I am having fun"

"I will get angry"

"Go ahead," she said, sticking her tongue out.


Just when I thought I got her, she slipped again.

I shouldn't have let my guard down.

"Lily," I moved my hand towards her and said, "Come back"

"Catch me"

"That is so not fair, Lily"

"You also cheated saying you will leave and then said you were just messing with me. I was really scared and worried"

"But now, I will leave for real"

"You promised you won't leave"

"You know me, I break my promises all the time"

"I will hate you if you leave"

I dashed at her saying, "Damn you"

"Hihi", she giggled and said, "Come catch me"

We weren't running that fast. I could have caught her if I wanted, but I didn't. Something inside me wanted me to enjoy it a little more.

This is fun.

She was hiding behind the curtains and the decorations while laughing and giggling. Smiling at me and staring at me with her big green eyes.

Dammit! She is so cute!

I love her so much.

After a while, she slowed down her pace and I could easily catch her just by jumping one step.

Her giggles were getting more and more cute and sweet.

"What's wrong? You are having a wide grin on your face?" she asked, jumping back a step.

"I am just thinking of what I will do once I catch you"

"Is that so?" she said as she hid behind the curtain.

"Hihi", she giggled and said, "Catch me, King"

"I will catch--"


'Can you catch me, my king?'


My legs gave out, and I fell down on my knees.


What was that?

It wasn't just a voice, or a normal vision I have been having lately.

It was like… real.

All my visions felt real, but this one was like… I was there. As if… it was me, but it wasn't me at the same time.

There was someone hiding behind the curtain, and I heard a voice, saying, 'Can you catch me, my King?"

As she was hiding behind the curtain, I couldn't see her face.


Lily ran at me and hugged me.

"I am… okay"

"You disappeared for a moment"

So it happened again? 

"I am fine now," I glanced at her face to see tears falling down from it.

"Don't cry"

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