The King's Mandate: Anomalous System

Chapter 355

Chapter 355: The Haze

The armed men were holding strange types of guns; from which lasers were coming out.

As soon as the laser touched the guards, their bodies disintegrated into the ashes.

All the armed men wearing a helmet, on which some numbers were written on it.

Some men jumped from the choppers.

They were also wearing helmets, and sharp blades were coming out from their bodies.

[Alright. We got them. Let's end the Edens and remove them from history]

The voice echoed in the field.

Soon, all the men started killing the guards.

The guards were trying their best to fight back, but before they could even move, their bodies were disintegrating into ashes.

Some cars drove in the palace, crushing those armed men.

The car drove through all over the field, and crushed as many armed men as it could.

The men who had been crushed started standing up. Their bodies started regenerating as they stood up.

Ironically, they weren't bleeding or anything, as if they didn't have blood in their body.

The cars stopped, and two men came out of each of the cars.

They had heavy guns and a huge bag on their back.

Without wasting a second, they started firing guns at the armed men.

Needless to say, they were getting ripped into shreds, but soon regenerated.

They took out bombs from their bags and tossed them in the air.

As soon as the bombs were about to hit on the ground, they shot the bombs.

The bombs were damaging the enormous area, and forming a chain reaction to all the bombs.

As the bodies of the armed men were getting damaged, they couldn't move.

Noticing that they can't move when their body is being damaged, the men started firing at them.

Some threw more bombs, some fired guns, some approached them directly and chopped their head off.

After a while, some fighter jets as well as choppers arrived and started firing the other planes and choppers.

They launched missiles and fired shots at them, the enemies did the same.

Some were getting hit, some were getting missed.

Some attacks just collided, causing an explosion in between them.

The planes started leaving, but the other planes started chasing them.

They were evenly matched now.

The numbers kept decreasing on both sides.

Suddenly, the entire palace; including the jets and choppers, as well as the men, were covered in a shadow.

There was a huge round object flying in the sky.

It came out of nowhere. 

It made no noise, no signs, it just appeared.

Holes appeared in the flying object, and some small objects identical to the flying object came out of it.

Their size was around the size of a soccer ball.

They rolled down the parent object, hit the palace wall, and kept rolling until they found a horizon.

Some fell on the palace, some inside the palace, some on the field, some outside the palace.

It was as if it was raining balls.

The balls kept coming out of the flying object.josei

Once it was finished dropping the balls, the holes opened up more and long rods came out of it.

The width of the road kept decreasing as it moved down.

Sparks appeared on the end of the rods, and in an instant, it fired something.

What it fired couldn't be seen.

It was too fast to be seen with the naked eye.

The spot where it fired had an immense hole in the ground.


Another shot fired.

Zap! Zap~

Some more shots were fired.

Zap~ Zap! Zap Zap! Zap~!

It kept firing shots.

Needless to say, the entire field was clear now.

No one could be seen, except the balls, which were dropped by it.

Everyone disintegrated into nothing, not leaving single ash behind.

Not only the field, but all the planes and choppers that came in its way also vanished.

The balls which were dropped started rolling and climbing the palace's wall.

After climbing at some point, they stopped.

With a loud rumbling noise, cracks started appearing on the palace's wall.

The outer area of the palace has already started falling down.

The balls at the inner area of the palace also started rolling all over the place.

Cracks were appearing from wherever they passed.

If some maids came in between, it fired shots and shredded their bodies.

The flying object once again moved, and the doors opened from it. 

From the door came men; who were wearing a full bodysuit.

Their backs were connected to their helmets, forming a shape like the spinal cord.

They started jumping on the palace.

They were running on the walls, jumping all over the palace, and got inside the inner area of the palace.

They scattered all over the palace.

Their speed was so fast that the surrounding objects were falling down due to the impact.

Some men reached the hallway of Das, and others were.

Das was on his knees with Lier's head and body in his arms.

He was holding her head, trying to stop from severing it from her body.

The men fired at him, and lasers came out of their guns.

As the laser was about to hit Das, Sherley came in the way and the lasers hit her.

Das looked up to see Sherley looking back at Das and smiled widely, her body slowly disintegrated into ashes.

Das threw Lier's body on the ground and stood 

The men fired again at Das.

The lasers hit Das, but nothing happened.

The men looked at each other and fired again, but nothing happened this time either.

They pressed the switch on their guns and fired again. This time, the laser got deflected as soon as it hit him.

They glanced at each other and then gazed at Das.

They started trembling, and the guns fell down from their hands as they turned back and started running.

Das' eyes were bleeding. His eyeballs were shaking all over his eye sockets, as if they would pop out at any second, and they did.

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