The King's Mandate: Anomalous System

Chapter 356

Chapter 356: The End of The Nightmare

Das' eyes were bleeding. His eyeballs were shaking all over his eye sockets as if they would pop out at any second, and they did.

The ring; of Oyuoral he was wearing, changed its shape to a sharp needle and stabbed itself on Das' forehead.

Blood started coming out of his mouth, and some black-colored strange marks appeared on his body.

His body turned pale and started bleeding, but instead of blood, it was bleeding Oyuoris.

All the bleeding gathered on his chest and formed a round shape on it.

A sharp claw came out of Das' chest and pierced it on his face. After crushing his face, it launched something to those men trying to run away.

As soon as it touched those men, their bodies started melting and soon exploded.

Distant, heavy footsteps could be heard moving to the hallway where Das was standing.

It was Angela and Lirole, with a bunch of maids behind them. And behind the maids were those men; who were continuously firing lasers at the maids.

Angela and Lirole first saw the head of Lier rolling on the floor. Then their gaze automatically moved to her headless body.

With a loud screeching noise, Das' body rose in the air, and the Oyuoris on his chest changed its shape to a big-thin sword and chopped Das' body into small pieces. And all the pieces of his body exploded and melted before they could hit the ground.

Meanwhile, the men were done killing all the maids.

All the men fired together at Angela and Lirole, and their bodies turned into ash and slowly faded away in the thin air.


What's going on?

Where am I?

Why… can I see my body?

Why is it falling down? Or am I drowning?

What is this place?

Everything around me is so bright, the golden light, and the clouds are circling around, forming a whirlpool that is going to the horizon, and there is no end to it.

This is just like that day.

I can see and control my body from the outside.

But… what am I doing here?

How did I end up here?

The last thing I remember is… huh? What happened again?

Wait, what day is it?

Why don't I remember anything?

What's going on?josei

"You and I,"

Huh?! What is this voice?

"You and I,"

It was an ethereal voice, so calm and soothing to listen to.

It was so sweet that I felt like every cell in my body was jumping with joy.

I can't even figure out if it's a male voice or a female's. And why does this voice calms my heart?

"We both are the same. You are me, but I am not you."


"You can be me, but I can't be you."

I can't speak. My body is losing its strength.

"You can take my place, but I can't take your place."

I feel sleepy.

"I know you as much as you do, yet you don't know anything about me."

"When You were born, I wasn't there. But when I was born, you were there; with a bright smile on your face and said, 'You are my...;'

"When we were attacked, he ran off with you, leaving me and her alone. But I wasn't angry or sad that I was left behind. Because I saw your face, and it looked exactly like how she was making."

"Years later, we grew up. I recognized you at first glance, yet you never recognized me—but I can't blame you."

"All this time, I have thought about you—thought about meeting you."

"We met again. You promised you would protect your loved ones. You promised you would protect me. But in the end, the same thing happened, and you never returned."

"You didn't fulfill your promises. You left your loved ones alone, just like back then."

"This time, I was angry, scared, sad, worried, guilty, disgusted, and ashamed."

"That day, I promised myself I would protect yours and my loved ones. I promised I would follow your promise and try to fulfill it in your stead."

"In the end, time passed by. I protected your promise and mine, or did I?

"I slumbered in a deep sleep where you rested in the darkness."

"One day, I shall wake up, and you shall rise too."

"One day, you will try to destroy humanity, which you once tried to protect. That day, I would protect humanity as you once wanted to protect."

"You shall not waver, nor will I. Not over you, over me, over your loved ones, or over anyone, because that promise is no longer… valid."

"Once again, yet not much longer… no one knows for how long… but we shall do our fated work, we shall do what we were destined to do—to fulfill our destiny."

"No matter how many tries, and retirees, we shall clash again and again, till one of us wins. The rest will up to him"

"Let's see the end of the beginning we once saw together." 






When I woke up, my body was aching like hell.

"My head hurts like hell"

I tried moving my body to make sure I am not paralyzed, and I could move my body.

"At least I can move my body"

I sat up and said, "I feel like I had a very terrible dream"


Why did I just feel like déjà vu?

I glanced around to find myself alone in my room.

"What time is it?"

I grabbed my phone and checked the time.

"9: 23"

"It's not that late"

I get it that Daisy shouldn't be here, because if mother saw her it would be a problem. But what about Lier?

Why is she not here?

"Maybe Daisy dragged Lier with her, so she doesn't try to make a move on me"

I got out of bed and stretched my body.

"It's so stiff"

Besides all this aching, my body feels so stiff and heavy.

The side effects of using Oyuoris still haven't recovered.

"Lily, are you awake?"


"How do you feel?"

[I can't wait for you to come here again]

"Wait for the night then"


THE NAME OF THIS NOVEL WILL CHANGE WITHIN 10 DAYS to, "The King's Mandate: Anomalous System". 

Please don't forget it.

Thanks for reading~!

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