The King's Mandate: Anomalous System

Chapter 358

Chapter 358: Meeting

"Wait a minute! I grabbed her hand and said, "What was that?"

"What do you mean?"

"Why didn't you kiss me?"

"But I already kissed you many times"

"You can't do that! I was expecting a kiss!"

"Then wait for the meeting to end"

"I don't know for how long the meeting will go"

"Then wait till then"

"Come on!"

"Okay, how about we will kiss after Ange acknowledges us?"


"Yes, let's do that"

"Wait a damn minute! Why are you deciding everything on your own?"

"We have already done many things last night. I need a break before we do something again"

"But I am just asking for a kiss"

"We kissed many times just a while ago, right?"

"So let's kiss one more time"

"Not happening"

As we were talking, she was dressing me up. And before I realized, she had already finished dressing me from the top. Only my pants are left now.

She crouched down and said, "Raise your leg"

I raised my leg.

As I was wearing my pants, she grabbed my penis.

"What are you doing?", I asked.

She grinned and opened her mouth.


She started sucking my penis.

After sucking for roughly thirty seconds, she stopped and pulled up my pants.josei

"What the--!"

"Now you will have to urge to finish everything quickly"


She handed me the sword and said, "Go now. If you come back soon, we will go to Ange and talk with her. And after that," she licked her lips and said, "We will have some fun"

"You should really stop all your teasing," I opened the door and said, "You will kill me one day", and closed the door.

"Hey wait!"

I heard from behind the door.

I opened the door and said, "What is it?"

"Give me your phone"

"Huh? Why?"

"Phones or any devices are not allowed in the meetings"

I raised my eyebrows and said, "Even though I am a King?"

"Then how about you try taking it there and get yelled"

I took my phone out of my pocket and handed it to Daisy, saying, "I don't want to make mother angry today"


I turned around and said, "Bye"

Suddenly, she pulled me from behind and turned me around, kissed me on the lips, and said, "Bye"

I chuckled and said, "Be ready for me. I will be back soon"

I turned around and walked some steps, and heard, "That was a joke by the way"

"..." I turned back to see Daisy running out of my room at full speed.

"She gets more childish than Lier and Elena sometimes. But well, That's what I love about her"

[I am childish too!]

"Yeah, yeah. You are the most childish"

[Don't say it in that tone]

"Why are you so energized this early in the morning?"

[I don't know]

"Come on, say it"

[I am just excited]

"Excited, what for?"

[You will be coming here every night]


[You forget about it, didn't you??]

"I didn't. It's just, it's not something to be excited about"

[Maybe not for you. But for me, it is]

"We are always together anyway, aren't we?"

[We are, but it's different when you are in front of me, and I can touch you whenever I want]

"Wow. You are being too honest today, you know what? You usually act so uptight]

[Don't say it like I am like you]

"What?! When did I ever act dishonestly and so uptight?"

[You always do]


[You ever even dishonest with Elena until some weeks ago]

"That's not true. I was just saving her from the truth. But I guess I was worrying over nothing"

[I have already said to you, be more dependent on us]

"I am dependent. But I can't be equally dependent on everyone, and you know that"

[Maybe slowly you can?]


[We just want you to be happy]

"I know that"

It doesn't matter if I am dependent on them or not. I am not the same Das they fell in love with, and if they come to know it, I am afraid they might stop loving me.

I am a mess right now.

I don't even know what I am saying anymore.

I can't think straight.

My brain shuts down when I try to think too much. And if I force myself to think, it triggers heavy pain which keeps damaging my brain.

And somehow I can feel the Oyuoris flowing inside me. 

Earlier, it was like normal. I couldn't figure out where Oyuoris was. But now, I know exactly where it is flowing.

I gazed at my Oyuoris ring and thought, 'And this too'.

I feel like both Oyuoris and Oyuoras are attracting each other.

I thought Oyuoris was just a layer protecting the Oyuoris inside it; as Augustus said. But it looks like it wasn't the case.

There is something more sinister about Oyuoris.

And my eye is hurting too.

I used Oyuoris for two days straight. I wasn't healed enough from the first reaction to it, and I used it the second time.

"I should avoid using it again for the time period"

Does Lily know about yesterday's attack on me?

She was sleeping during the fight, and I am sure I haven't mentioned it to her yet.

Does she know it?

She can easily know it just by accessing my memories, but I am not sure if she knows it or not. Should I ask her?



"Do you…"


"Do you know about yesterday's attack on me?"

I can already imagine her reaction. She will yell at me and--

[I know]


[I said I know it]

"Wait, why didn't you say anything?"

[You didn't want me to know, right?]

I scratch my cheek and said, "That's not true"

[But you weren't telling me]

"I was about to tell you. I just asked you right now, right?"

[You did. But you were hiding it from me]

"I wasn't trying to hide it"

[I thought we promised to have no secrets between each other]

"I was going to tell you. I was just waiting for the right time"

[You know, I was waiting for you to bring it up. But you were in a good mood after your time with Lier and Daisy, so I didn't bring it up. After you came into my room, and I wanted to enjoy our time together, so I didn't bring that up at that time either]

"So you were being considerate of me, right?"


"It was the same with me"

[Guess we were both being considerate of each other]


[One of us needs to stop being considerate. Only then it will progress]


If both of us keep being considerate of each other, then we will go nowhere. Not just with Lily, but all the girls.

[Okay. So you should stop being considerate of me]

"Why did you decide that on your own?"

[My wish]

"You have to stop being considerate of me"

[I said it first]

"Yeah, yeah. But I am saying it now, so stop"

[You can just--]


Why is the meeting hall's door open when there is a meeting going on inside?"

I walked to the door and saw 5 men standing on the door, with guns in their hands.


So there is security.

I tried to enter the room, but they stopped me.

"Excuse me?", I said.

"You can't enter the room"


"There is a meeting going on"

"Don't you know me?"

"We know very well who you are, but we can't let you go inside"

I pushed them on the side saying, "Fuck off", and entered the room.

Mother, Lier, maids, and all the other security chiefs and the government officers were sitting on the chairs, just like any meeting should be.

"We should get deep into...this…", a man was speaking, but after noticing someone entered the room, his gaze fell on me as he said, "Look who do we have here, the King himself"

"Who is this?!"

"Stop it, Tingen", mother glanced at one of the maids and said, "Bring one chair for Das"

Tingen… If I remember correctly, Tingen was the name of one of mother's chief bodyguards.

He looks… so young.

Maybe around 20?

How come he is mother's bodyguard for eight years?

I sighed and sat on the chair beside mother.

"Why are you late?", mother asked.

"I just woke up"

"What were you doing last night?"

'Having fun with Lier and Daisy', as if I can say that!

Lier glanced from behind mother and smirked.

"What are you smirking for?", I asked.

"Nothing. I was just remembering what happened in the bathroom last night"

What the---!

She clearly knows she shouldn't mention this in front of mother, and she just said it in front of her!

"What happened in the bathroom last night?", mother asked.

"Ahem!" Tingen tapped the table and said, "My queen. You can have your family conversation after this. Shall we continue our meeting?"

"Right", she glanced at me and Lier and said, "Let's continue our meeting"

As they were discussing some stuff about the attack on the palace, Lier placed her hands on the table and rested her face on them.

I shot a glare at her, and she just smirked in response.

If she wanted to mess, then why did she even come here?

As I was looking at Lier, she moved her lips and said something.

I furrowed my eyebrows.

She moved her lips again.

What is she saying? I can't figure it out.


THE NAME OF THIS NOVEL WILL CHANGE WITHIN 10 DAYS to, "The King's Mandate: Anomalous System". 

Please don't forget it.

Thanks for reading~!

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