The King's Mandate: Anomalous System

Chapter 359

Chapter 359: Meeting (ii)

As I was looking at Lier, she moved her lips and said something.

I furrowed my eyebrows.

She moved her lips again.

What is she saying? I can't figure it out.

She rolled her eyes and moved her lips again.





What is she angry about? Instead, I should be angry here.

She raised her eyebrows and moved her lips.




She is hungry?! 

Well, I am hungry too since I haven't had breakfast yet.

[She is saying something else]


Even Lily can understand what Lier meant. Only I suck.


Lier moved her lips again.





'Hor… ny?'

She means horny, right?

Somehow, I am sure she is saying horny.

I took a deep sigh.

Mother shot a glare at me and said, "Is this boring for you?"

"No. It was Lier--", when I gazed at the table, Lier was acting as if she was deeply focused on the meeting.

Damn you!

She has been getting on my nerves.

Just you wait, pervert. I won't touch you or let you masturbate for one week. And then you will realize you don't mess with Das.

Lier gazed at me from the corners of her eye and took her tongue out.

Stop it! Or I will drag you out of the room and lock you in it.

"Mister King, please pay attention. And if you don't want to do that, then please leave the room"

He is getting on my nerves too.

"I am the King. This is my palace, I can do whatever I want"

"It might be, but we are having an important meeting right now. And I have been watching you ever since you entered the room"

"That's creepy"

His face twitched as he said, "Please keep your remark in your mouth"

"Tingen. That's no way to talk to the King. Where are your respects"

"My Queen, I have been trying to be as respectful as I can. But he is just goofing around"

"He has always been like that. So don't mind him"

My mother is rude too.

"Listen, Mister King, You might think I am being rude to you. Or I am not being respectful to you. And there is a reason for it"


"I don't think of you as a King. You are just a kid whose age is to be playing around with girls"

"Aren't you a kid too?"

He slammed his hands on the table as she stood up and said, "Don't call me shortie!"

"I didn't even say anything about you being short--wait a minute! Could it be that you have a height complex?"

"My Queen! Tell your son not to make fun of my height!"


I stood up and walked to him.

Everyone's eyes were on me as I walked to him and stood beside him.

He was coming till my shoulders.

"Will you still call me a kid?" I bent down and looked at his face, saying, "Mister Tingen?"

"Pfft", everyone present there started laughing. Some of them laughed without any fear, some were hiding their mouth, and some were trying to hold back their laugh.

"You are just too long!", he glanced at mother and said, "My Queen, what is this?! Why is your son making fun of my height in the middle of an important meeting?"

"Das? What are you doing?"

I tilted my head and looked at Tingen, saying, "You don't speak against Das", and sat on the chair beside mother.

He sat down on his chair as she said, "At least respect your elders"

"Elder? Aren't you only two years older than me?"

He stood up again, slamming his hands on the table, flipping his chair on the back, saying, "My Queen!"

"Sit down Tingen. And Das,", mother looked at me and said, "Give some respect to him. He is twenty-five years old, and he is a very important person to me"


"Thank you, my Queen"

"Stop calling her 'My' Queen, dammit!"

"Why not? She is like a mother to me"

"She is my mother!"

"But she said it herself that I am like her son"

I glanced at mother, and she averted her gaze, saying, "Let's start the meeting"



"Heh!", Tingen smirked.

Does he want to die?!

I promised myself that I would try to remain calm as much as I can, but I think I will need to break the promise"

"Ahem", he cleared his throat and said, "So as I was saying, the footage before and after the attacks are all empty"

"Did someone destroy them after attacking?", one of the men present there, said.

"That might have been the possibility, but that makes little sense. How can the footage before the attack be destroyed when no one entered the palace?"

"Maybe someone jammed everything? Or hacked them? Using those types of gadgets is very easy", one of the women said.

"I have already predicted all these possibilities"josei

"Then what conclusion did you come up with?", asked another man.

"I haven't come up with any"

"Then what are you doing? It's your job", said the different man.

"I am trying. But none of them makes sense"


A man was sitting in the middle. His blonde hair was covered by the gray cap, and he was wearing a light-blue colored uniform, unlike the other ones, who were wearing dark blue.

He had a glass ball in his hand, and extra security behind him.

He rolled the ball on the table and said, "Tingen, my friend"

"Yes! Sir"

He covered his ear with one hand and said, "Don't yell. I am sitting right next to you, aren't I?"

"My apologies, sir"

"How many years have you been Miss Angela's bodyguard again?"

"About eight years"

"About?", he raised his right eyebrow and said, "You don't even know the exact time?"

"Eight years, 3 months, 12 days, 6 hours, and 36 minutes"

"Good,", He stopped the rolling ball with his hand and said, "And how many times have you come to this palace?"

"Once a month"

"And that is?"

"It's 100 times, but including today, and my trainee days, it would be 121"

"And out of that 100 times, have you ever bothered about checking the palace's defense systems?"

"That's not in my field, sir"

"It is not?"

"The palace defense system was managed by your junior, Rissel"

"Oh! Where is he-- he died two nights ago"

"Yes, sir"

"If I am not wrong, he once said to me that he wasn't allowed to enter the security room. Do you know why?"

"The ex-bodyguard of my Queen was managing it internally"

"The maid that died in the attack?"


"Hmm," He looked at me and then moved his gaze at mother, saying, "Apologies Miss Angela, but can I ask how much did you trust that maid?"

"More than myself"

He furrowed his eyebrows and said, "That much of trust. If I remember correctly, that maid was an illegitimate child of the King, am I wrong?"

"You are wrong"

"But I have heard rumors"

"They were just rumors"

"Rumors are often just a glance of truth"

"Father cared about her as much he cared about me and Lirole, and that's the reason there were rumors like that"

"Oh! No wonder"

"Can I ask you why did you ask me about my trust for Daulla?", questioned mother.

"Of course you can ask, you are the ex-queen"

He looked at me and said, "I was just wondering what if that maid was a traitor"

Calm down, Das.

This is a trap. This is a trap.

He just wants to see my reaction.

"That can't be true", said mother.

"I don't know anything about that maid"

"What are you trying to say?"

"I have only seen her a few times, and her face looked horrible that night that I felt like vomiting. And her face was beyond recognizable"

"I asked what are you trying to say"

"Maybe that maid wasn't your Daulla? Maybe she was the traitor?"

"On what basis are you claiming that?"

"She was the one who had access to the security and the defense system"


"She was close with the King"


"So What I am trying to say is, she killed the king, destroyed all the proof, and had her men attack the palace to make it look like an actual attack"

"G'San, I know you can do better. So stop your nonsense assumptions and continue meeting"

"I told you not to call me that!"

"That's your name, right G'San?"

My mother is so savage!

"Call me Mister G"

"I thought we are not supposed to use our alias on meetings"

He gritted his teeth and stood up.

"I am going back!"

"Where are you going, sir?", Tingen turned back and said, "The meeting is still--"

"My mood is ruined. And I have many important things to do"

"But we have to discuss the attack--"

"We are just making assumptions. Call me when you find any legit clues"

He left the room, and at the same time, someone else entered the room.

What's his name again? Ulker? Yeah, it's Ulker.

"What's wrong with him?", asked Ulker.

"He got pissed because my Queen called him by his real name, Sir"


Ulker is Tingen's senior?!

My bodyguard is mother bodyguard's senior?!

"I don't understand why he hates his name so much", Ulker questioned.

"There is a long story about it", mother said and signaled one of the maids.

The maid came close to mother, and brought her ear close to her.

"Bring some drinks"

The maid bowed down and left the room.

Ulker sat on the chair, G'San was sitting, and said, "How is the meeting going?"

A man yawned and said, "It's going nowhere".

He looked on the right side, where a woman was sitting; looking down, and said, "See Miss Chloe has already planned a date for tonight!"

The woman jolted and said, "Mind your own business, fatty!"

"Business? I run no business. I am a security agent"

This… meeting is not going to end anytime soon.


THE NAME OF THIS NOVEL WILL CHANGE WITHIN 10 DAYS to, "The King's Mandate: Anomalous System". 

Please don't forget it.

Thanks for reading~!

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