The King's Mandate: Anomalous System

Chapter 360

Chapter 360: Meeting (iii)

Everyone was busy using their phones.

Suddenly, a maid entered the room with a large plate in her hands. That maid was no other than Daisy.

The other maids were accompanying her with the small plates and kettles, as well as drinks and snacks on their hands.

Daisy put the plate on the table and took a kettle from the maid behind her.

She first served Lier, then mother, and then came to me.

After she was done filling the cup, I grabbed her hand and pulled her close. She tried to break free, but I didn't let go.

I glanced at the other maids. They nodded and took the kettle from Daisy's hand.

I told her that she is not the maid anymore, so why is she doing chores?

As the other maids were serving, G'San dashed in the room.

"Are you here for the drinks?", commented Ulker.

"I am not." He moved his hand and said, "I am here for my glass ball. Give it to me"

Ulker grabbed the ball from the table and tossed it at G'San.


As he was leaving, his gaze fell on me, and then at Daisy.

All the colors drained from his face as he took out his gun.

Everyone present there stood up in surprise.

I was already covering Daisy with my body, shielding her from the front.

G'San hands were trembling, and he was sweating crazily.

"Calm down, G'San!", shouted mother.

"Ulker grabbed the glass full of cold watermelon juice and spilled it on G'San.

"Calm down"

"S-She--- G-G-G-Gh-Ghost!"

Tinged grabbed G'San's hand and said, "It's not the maid that died. It's her sister! Calm down, sir"


"It's not her!"

He took some heavy breaths and put his gun back in his pocket.

His heavy breathing could be heard throughout the room.

He took out his handkerchief from his pocket and started wiping his sweat.

Half of his shirt was wet from his sweat.

What the hell is wrong with this dude?

He looks so pale and scared.

After calming himself down, he walked to one of the maids holding plates, and took a glass of Sapodilla's juice, and gulped it down in two sips. Then he grabbed the glass filled with the Orange's juice and gulped it down in three sips. And then he grabbed the glass filled with the mango's juice and gulped it down in two sips.

"Calm down. You don't drink all types of juice in one go", remarked Ulker.

He stared at Daisy and gulped down.

"I am leaving now, "

He turned around and started walking towards the door.


Ring! Ring~ Ring~ Ring!

All the government agents' phones rang.

They stared at each other and opened the message.

There was silence for about thirty seconds before G'San put his phone back in his pocket and said, "The boss isn't coming. The meeting is dismissed"

"What?!", mother rushed at G'San and grabbed his collars saying, "We have been waiting here for him, and now you are saying he isn't coming?"

"He said he can't come, so he can't come. If you have any complaints, then say it to him directly. Don't grab my collar just because I lost my cool just a while ago"

Mother let go of his collar and said, "Then why did he even arrange the meeting in the first place if he wasn't sure about coming here?"

He took out his phone and showed it to mother.

[Apologies. Looks like there is something more sinister going on in this city… no, in this country. And the attack on the palace might be one of them. We are preparing sixteen special ops teams, and sending them on an undercover mission. Till then, no meeting shall be organized]

"Are you kidding me! My father died, and you are saying...argh! Fine. Tell him to fuck off!"

"I am afraid I can't do that. I don't want to lose this job"

He glanced around and clapped, saying, "The meeting is dismissed. Everyone to the headquarters. Right now!"

"Lily, can you hack into one of their phones to look into details and access their database?", I whispered.

[Their phones are encrypted with the special program. I will need time to decrypt them. And I don't think we have much time]

She already tried doing it before I asked her to?!

"What are you fools still doing in this room?! I said the meeting is dismissed! Out! Everyone!", shouted G'San"

Everyone left the room except Ulker, G'San, and Tingen.

Tingen glanced at Ulker and said, "What? Do I have to give you a written notice to leave?"

"I am assigned as the King's bodyguard. I can stay here if I want, "

"I think the King already has enough security. And," He tilted his head and gazed at me saying, "It doesn't look like the King needs any security, right king?"


Does he… know?

"I will stay here", said Tingen.

G'San walked to the door saying, "Do what you want. You guys are free, we higher-ups aren't"

"My King," Ulker walked to me and said, "If you ever leave the palace, make sure to inform me. I will right there to accompany you"

I raised my hand and told him to go.

He left the room.

"My Queen," Tingen bowed down and said, "Please forgive us if we were disrespectful to you. The thing is, they are all overworked. They haven't gone home or slept since the attack night. I hope you understand and forgive them"

Mother sighed and said, "It's fine. I didn't honestly expect something to happen in the meeting anyway since we don't have any clues"

Mother sat on the chair and said, "Let's drink"

"If you say so," He sat down and said, "King, let's talk about your future policies as a King"

"I am already aware of it", I sat on the chair beside mother and said, "I know very well what power does a King hold"

"Looks like the King… the Late-King has informed you well"

"Yeah, he did"

I signed the maid to serve the drinks.

Four maids served different drinks in front of me, mother and Lier. While Tingen kept staring at us.

"Give him one too", I said.

"No, it's fine"

"Don't worry, there is no poison inside", I commented.

"I don't care about the poison. I can't drink because I promised my wife I would only drink or eat her handmade food"

"How is your wife doing, Tingen?" asked mother.

"She is as energetic as always. Even though she is on her last month, she doesn't rest"

"She once said I would like to make my kids serve Edens, "

"Yeah. She even wants you to name our child"

"Aw, I am bad with names. I don't think I should--"

"We don't mind. If your child is blessed by you, then we won't have to worry about anything else"

Mother seems to know him and his wife for a long time.

I will ask mother about it later.

Daisy placed her hands on my shoulder.

I looked up to see her smiling at me.


She grinned and patted my head.

Tingen noticed Daisy patting my head and said, "You have grown into a great boy"

I looked behind to see who he was talking to--wait! I am the only boy present in his room.

I slowly opened my mouth and said, "You mean me?"

"Who else? Do you see any other boy in this room?"

"What do you mean by you have grown? Have we met somewhere before?"

"You might not remember, but we have met many times"

"You are kidding, right?"

"I am not. You can ask the princess"


"It's me", Lier stood up.

Right. Lier is a princess. I only think of her as a pervert now, so I forgot.

"You know him too?!" 

She nodded and said, "You have fought with him many times"

I furrowed my eyebrows and said, "Fought as in the fight?"


I glanced at Tingen and said, "I won, right?"

"Not a single time"


"The King always said, 'I will make him into a great King'. I hope you can live up to his expectations"

"You don't have to tell me that"

What's up with him? Acting all friendly with everyone.

So what if I know him? It's not like I remember him.


Here is this feeling again.

The same feeling I felt when I was fighting with that Cyborg.

What is this feeling?

I can't describe it.

It's like a mixture of frustration, rage, and sadness.

His eyes were red as blood, and his face was pale as a ghost.

"Are you okay, Tingen? You don't look so well", asked mother.josei

"Yeah, I am alright. As I said, we haven't gone home or slept since the attack night"

Wait a minute!

He just said he hasn't gone home in two days. He also said that he doesn't eat or drink anything that hasn't been made by his wife, then that means he hasn't eaten anything since the attack night?!

I wonder if mother has realized it yet.

"Maid, give him the glass of water", I said.

"No, it's alright"

"Water is not made by anyone. You can drink it, right?"

She stared at me and sighed, saying, "I will have a glass of water please"

He drank the water and said, "Thank you, My King"

"No need for thanks. Take it as gratitude. Now we are even"

He smiled and said, "I will be looking forward to working with you"


"Tingen, you should go home," suggested mother.

"I want to, but there is something I want to discuss with you and the King"


"It's about the new policies implemented on the Royals by the government"


THE NAME OF THIS NOVEL WILL CHANGE WITHIN 10 DAYS to, "The King's Mandate: Anomalous System". 

Please don't forget it.

Thanks for reading~!

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