The Kiss that Sparked it All

Chapter 1634

Chapter 1634

Chapter 1634

Chapter 1634

The waiter escorted Lea back to her family’s table.

“Hello there; your little lady seemed to have lost you and wandered upstairs. Thankfully, she didn’t venture out of the restaurant. With all the traffic outside, it could have been dangerous.”

Bertha, upon seeing her daughter being brought back by the waiter, was surprised, then a bit helpless. She gave the waiter an apologetic smile. “Thank you. Sorry for the trouble.”

The waiter bowed politely. “No problem. It’s our duty to look after our patrons.”

After saying that, he left so as not to disturb their meal any longer.

Once the waiter left, Bertha pulled her daughter closer to give her a talking-to. “Lea, what’s up with you? You should be eating, not wandering off upstairs by yourself.”

Lea pouted. “I was… I was curious. I wanted to see what was upstairs.”

Adrian, sitting next to Marcus, glanced at Lea, fearing she would spill that he was involved.

Bertha was somewhat exasperated. “Why are you so curious about everything? You can’t run off on your own without telling your father or me. What if you ran into a bad person?”

Lea pouted again. “Mom! I’m a big girl now. I can tell good people from bad people. And it’s not like bad people are everywhere.”

Bertha frowned. “You’re becoming more and more disobedient.”

Thaddeus put down his fork and joined his wife in lecturing their daughter. “Lea, your mother is right. Do bad people have signs on their faces? Do you realize that bad people often target girls your age

because you’re innocent and easily fooled?”

Lea rolled her eyes at her father. “I’m not a fool. I won’t be easily deceived. Anyway, I didn’t meet any bad people today; I met a really nice person.”

A really nice person?

This “nice person” mentioned by their daughter aroused Thaddeus and Bertha’s alarm.

Usually, ill-intentioned people would play the good guy in front of children to lower their guard, so maybe Lea did encounter a bad person.

The couple asked in unison, “Who is this nice person?”

Sophia, who usually couldn’t care less about Lea’s affairs, seized the opportunity to mock her. “Lea, did you get fooled by someone? You were only upstairs for few minutes, and you’re calling them a nice person? Did they give you candy to make you feel at ease?”


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