The Kiss that Sparked it All

Chapter 2229

Chapter 2229

Chapter 2229

Chapter 2229

Colton nodded, “That’s right, not everyone here is necessarily a suspect, but after the incident earlier, we have to look into it. Everyone present could be under suspicion, so I need your cooperation!”

“Why should we?” one of the crew members spoke up, frustration lining his voice. “It’s not fair! Ivy doesn’t know how to swim, and she refused to use a stunt double. Isn’t that just asking for trouble? Why should we all be suspected because of the choices she made?”

His words struck a nerve. The mood had been sour all day, with hard work interrupted by the mishap. Now, to add insult to injury, they were being treated like suspects by the director. How could the big shots possibly understand their frustration?

It was then that Diana stepped forward, “Everyone, please just hold on a minute. If you don’t mind, I’d like to share my thoughts.”

Though she stood a statuesque five-foot-six, her delicate features and deliberately gentle demeanor made her seem far more approachable than any of the men.

Diana had calmed everyone down earlier with just a few words, so they were inclined to hear her out.

“Diana, you were on our side before,” someone cautioned her. “You can’t switch sides now that the director is back!”

Diana didn’t get angry at the warning; she just smiled.

“Relax, everyone. You all saw how I clashed with the director before, so I as you, my thoughts won’t favor anyone.”

That resonated with the crew, as they knew that fairness between the direct staff was a rare occurrence.

Even though Diana was part of the industry elite, her previous fallout with every it doubtful that she would side with the director now.

“Diana, go ahead, we’re all ears.”

“Well, then, I’ll just speak my mind,” she said, with a gracious air.

The producer snorted at her demeanor.

“I wasn’t convinced this was an accident at first, but now, I’m starting to believe it might have been.”

Colton glanced at her before focusing back on Diana.

“After Ivy was rushed to the hospital, we were all in panic mode. No matter what issues anyone had with Ivy, nobody wants a colleague ending up in the ER, right?” Diana raised her hand high. “I’ve had my differences with her, sure, but I don’t want to be suspected of harm. We’re innocent, and no one here should be wrongly accused!”

She wheeled around, “Director, we all know you’ve had a tough time lately, constantly hitting the bad luck streak. Have you considered maybe it’s time to switch up the movie’s script from the original adaptation?”

Colton remained silent, and the screenwriter even lowered his head.

What did this have to do with changing the script? With the crew already stressed, was she suggesting they add to their workload?

Some of the staff were skeptical of Diana’s intentions, “What does this have to do with our current concerns? Or are you just trying to snag Ivy’s part while she’s in the hospital?”

Of course, Diana shook her head. “How could be that kind of person? Besides, after what’s already happened, my part is bigger than Ivy’s. There’s no need for me to scheme for more screen time!”

Diana seemed so nonchalant that it was almost believable.

But then Colton remembered Diana’s previous arrogance and grew impatient.

“Diana, if you don’t have anything pertinent to say about the recent incident, then let’s not waste time.”

They needed to address their trending issues, not listen to her ramble.

“Alright, director, no need to rush. I’ll get to the point….”


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