The Last Rock Emperor

Chapter 660

Chapter 660: Holy War Begins

Seeing everyone shouting and attacking Gavin, Hong Ji spat out a mouthful of blood that had just stabilized his body, and immediately shouted out in an extremely hurry.


"Thunder God's protection …!"

In a hurry, Great Archbishop Hong Ji not only shouted loudly, but also waved his hands. Five bolts of lightning instantly gathered beside the frightened Gavin, apparently wanting to protect him.



Just as the five bolts of lightning gathered beside Gavin, a loud rumble echoed as various colored crystalline energies raged.

For a moment, dust flew about, stone fragments flew everywhere, and the entire conference hall exploded with a loud explosion...



Amidst Great Archbishop's gloomy roar, a good conference room was reduced to ruins by the bombardment of the upper echelons of the Eastern True Sect.

It wasn't even just this conference room. The entire castle was shaken. Several adjacent rooms near the conference room collapsed amidst the dust.

Dozens of Tier 6 Evolution Cultivators attacked furiously in rage. This was no joke. Even the entire Ulan Ud Cathedral was clearly shaken.

Several rooms adjacent to the conference room were filled with smoke and dust, as if they had just been destroyed by artillery fire.

In fact, such a violent collision of crystal power was much more terrifying than most of the artillery fire before the end of the world.

As for Bishop Gavin, who was at the center of the energy, he was instantly blasted into rubbish by the collision of countless different crystals. Even if Great Archbishop tried his best to help him, he could not save him.


"Ta … Ta … Ta … Ta … Ta …!"

Such a big commotion naturally attracted the attention of all the followers in the cathedral. The entire cathedral instantly boiled, and messy footsteps sounded. Countless Dongzhen believers and the surrounding guards quickly rushed over.

"Chi …!"

The wind whistled, and a hurricane suddenly blew through the ruins of the original conference room, sweeping away the dust in the ruins.

As soon as the dust-filled ruins were cleared, dozens of tall and upright figures surrounded by various colors of crystal light stood in the ruins spotlessly.

At the very center of the ruins, Great Archbishop gripped an exquisite silver cross pendant in his hand and spoke with an extremely gloomy tone.

"Who told you to attack …!" josei


The Dark Vulture's low voice was incomparably violent against the rumbling thunder on its body.

Right now, Great Archbishop Hong Ji had long since lost his previous warmth. Instead, his body was filled with hostility. His eyes looked around as if he was choosing a person to devour a ferocious beast.

This caused the upper echelons of the Eastern True Sect to be silent like cicadas...

Obviously, Great Archbishop had already activated his True Fire, and this fire was on the verge of exploding...

This situation, coupled with the shouts that everyone had heard after they attacked, and Great Archbishop's current reaction, the higher-ups naturally knew that it was bad.

Apparently, Bishop Gavin didn't harm Great Archbishop, but everyone accidentally killed him...

Hearing Great Archbishop's question, under his gaze, no one who had just attacked would be so stupid as to stand out in Great Archbishop's anger...

This question caused the entire scene to fall silent once again.

"Ta-ta-ta-ta-ta …!"

At this moment, the sound of intense footsteps had already come from far to near, and several groups of True Knights had already rushed over.

"Lord Great Archbishop, Lord Great Archbishop, are you alright...?"

At the front of the group, a True Sect Knight Commander quickly rushed into the ruins...

However, right after he turned to the ruins, he was stunned to see all the higher-ups standing in the ruins.

The old Patriarch, who was about to devour him, waved his hand impatiently and said, "Eden, there's nothing for you to do here for the time being. Take the Knights down. After that, there will be an order..."

"Yes …!"

Eden Queller, who was the Commander of the East True Knights and had a close personal relationship with Hong Ji, naturally knew Great Archbishop's temperament.

Seeing that the old man was really angry and didn't see any other hostile forces, he naturally wouldn't bother himself anymore.

The knights that had rushed over immediately retreated at a faster speed than they had when they arrived, and they also began to convey the situation in the ruins to the other defense departments, so that Hong Ji's side would temporarily be free from the harassment of the various defense departments.

After Eden's commotion, Hong Ji's rage had eased a lot.

In fact, the main culprit of the tragedy just now was not the others present, but himself...

It was his own carelessness. Without knowing anything about the enemy, he recklessly touched the terrifying dark red blood chain. Afterwards, he was crushed out of Gavin's spiritual world by the mysterious youth who had been transformed into a chain due to his weak strength. He was even injured as a result.

What was even more fatal was that when he did these things, he did not greet the higher-ups around him at all...

In that case, it was no wonder that the other upper echelons of the Church would think that Bishop Gavin had betrayed him and wanted to harm him.

That's why there was a tragedy just now...

What made it even harder for him to accept was that he still didn't know anything about the enemy, not even his name and identity.

He also couldn't see the whole process of the other party's negotiation with Gavin and Lauren, because he couldn't read Gavin's memories at all just now.

Forget it if he didn't read it, he even suffered an extremely exaggerated Spirit impact, causing minor injuries to the Inner Palace...

In fact, he was even warned of his opponent's killing intent...

As Great Archbishop of the Eastern True Sect, he was crushed to the ground by an unidentified ordinary youth from Hua Xia who shouted and knelt on one knee, unable to stand up, and even directly crushed.

Such an embarrassing matter, from now on, was his personal secret, so naturally, it was impossible for him to reveal it.

In this way, Bishop Gavin's death would naturally be blamed on the other party.

However, the opponent's strength was simply too strong, and the way he used his divine power was also extremely profound.

At present, what Gavin had said before was correct. If it was forced, the Church had no chance of winning. It could only use disguise and infiltration to obtain information about the other party first. In the picture, he thought about it.

Thinking of this, Hong Ji Great Archbishop's expression softened a lot and he pulled down again...

"Everyone, Bishop Gavin is dead, wronged to death..." he said coldly as he looked at the silent upper echelons of the Church.

"Died under the joint efforts of everyone, died in the trap that the other party set for us …!"

"I am responsible for his death, and so are all of you!"

"Of course, his death was also a battle letter written by the other party against us …!"

"To tell you the truth, I had a brief confrontation with the other party just now. As for the battle situation, you should have seen it just now. In the battle of divine power, the other party even surpassed me by half a notch!"

"This time, the enemy is unprecedentedly strong. At the same time, they will definitely be the biggest obstacle to our southern expedition."

"Both sides belong to different factions. They are potential enemies. Including Gavin's blood feud, no matter how strong the other party is, our sect will definitely deal with him to the end."

"I, Hong Ji, hereby swear that I will never be able to live together in that northern city of Hua Xia …!"

Incomparably cold words echoed throughout the ruins, and it also resonated with many higher-ups. The higher-ups were stunned for a moment before they quickly shouted out in unison.

"Sworn …!"

"Sworn …!"

Dozens of higher-ups of the Eastern True Sect shouted in unison, and their cold words added a chill to the snowy night.

Seeing this, Hong Ji's tightly furrowed brows finally relaxed. Then, he pressed down with one hand, causing all the upper echelons to immediately shut up. Then, he spoke again with a cold voice.

"Very good, I am very gratified to hear your determination …!"

"However, everyone should also know that war!! Never shouting slogans …!"

"It's a bloody war of life and death, a holy war of victory and defeat!"

"Today, in this chaotic ruins, under the witness of Gavin Adra's heroic soul that hasn't dissipated yet..."

"I, the head of the ninety-third generation, the Patriarch of St. Petersburg-Hong Ji Obadiah, declare war on Black Tortoise City in northern Hua Xia on behalf of the entire True Church of North Russia."


Under this solemn oath of war, Hong Ji Great Archbishop's entire body was dazzling with lightning. In an instant, it was like a god of thunder descending into the world, releasing an unparalleled majesty...

Seeing this, all the Dongzhen followers present knelt down on one knee and spoke piously.

"We, priests and devout disciples, are willing to follow …!"

Under such a solemn and solemn scene, Archbishop Hong Ji raised his hand and said, "Get up …!"

"The war is imminent. We should be frugal for the time being. We should discuss the strategy to deal with the enemy."

"Everyone should have heard of Hua Xia's famous saying, 'Know yourself and know your enemies, invincible in a hundred battles', which means that no matter what kind of war it is, intelligence should be placed first …!"

"What I'm talking about should be the current predicament of my teaching …!"

"The other party has read Gavin's memories and found out most of our information. So far, I have taught him nothing about them."

"In this situation, we are already in an absolutely passive state …!"

"Therefore, at present, our sect urgently needs to know about the other party. At the very least, we should know which faction in Hua Xia the other party belongs to …!"

"Officials? Religions? Or non-governmental forces? If we don't even know this basic information, then our sect has already lost half of this battle."

"That's why I need someone to disguise themselves and infiltrate the other party's body. Help me figure out these problems and provide sufficient intelligence support for my sect."

"Once we have information, as an external invading force, with the help of a certain number of survivors, our sect will definitely be able to find a suitable place among the various forces in Hua Xia to deal with the barbarians!"

"Let the Hua Xia clan, which is already adept at internal strife, continue to fight amidst the internal strife and burn everything for the growth of our teaching …!"

"When that time comes, Hua Xia's Northern City will naturally be fine."

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