The Last Rock Emperor

Chapter 661

Chapter 661: Camouflage Infiltration

Upon hearing this, the Patriarchs and the bishops all had calm expressions on their faces as they pondered something.

Only Stuart Benson, the bishop who had looked down on Hua Xia, stood up excitedly and said,

"Great Archbishop, Ustuart is willing to be the vanguard and lead the group to sneak into Hua Xia to extract information for our sect."

Seeing someone stand out, Old Master Hong Ji gave him an anonymous glance, but did not give any instructions.

Apparently, he wasn't optimistic that this person would perform an infiltration mission...

In fact, Old Master Hong Ji wasn't stupid, he was even quite smart...

Stuart's strength wasn't bad, so he couldn't be underestimated. He was only a notch weaker than him.

If he didn't step forward in a frontal battle, Old Master Hong Ji would probably pull him out as well...

However, since he planned to follow a curved path and not fight head-on with the opponent, his strength was not the first criterion, then this fellow was not suitable anymore.

This mission is to infiltrate in disguise, scout for intel...

Its true first priority was not strength, but the ability to adapt to changes, that is, the ability to adapt to changing circumstances...

After all, when they arrived in Hua Xia, it was someone else's territory. It could be said that they were behind the enemy lines...

Although Stuart's strength was not bad, his personality was arrogant. He had always been overjoyed and looked down on Hua Xia...

If he was really sent, this mission would be considered a failure in advance...

Seeing that Old Master hadn't spoken, Stuart's expression immediately turned ugly. At this moment, a blonde female bishop stepped forward.

"Lord Great Archbishop, let's leave this task to Great Tasha."

The only female Patriarch among the four Patriarchs, Tasha Wesley, spoke up.

Old Master Hong Ji's eyes lit up. He immediately nodded and said, "Since Tasha has spoken, I'll leave it to you."

Then, Old Master Hong Ji said to Stuart, "Stu, you are good at fighting head-on, not good at capturing people..."

"This disguise infiltration mission is indeed not suitable for you, and I also have other missions for you...!

"Amongst all the followers in the country, you have the greatest appeal except me. I'll leave the task of gathering the resources for the expedition to prepare for the holy war to you …!"

Since Old Master had come to a conclusion, whether it was the satisfied Tasha or the unwilling Stuart, they immediately responded in unison.

"Yes …!"

As the chorus echoed, Old Master immediately said solemnly, "Alright, the conference hall has been destroyed. This will be the end of the day. The rest of the arrangements will be discussed after Lauren comes back and reads his memories. Let's disperse..."

"Yes …!"

As Old Master spoke, dozens of higher-ups of the Eastern True Sect immediately responded in unison, and then they quickly disappeared from the ruins.

The twists and turns of the True Church Council had finally come to an end.

In the end, the East True Sect decided to invade Hua Xia, and even took Hua Xia Black Tortoise City as their imaginary enemy.

If Yifan knew now, he probably wouldn't know whether to laugh or cry...

He had already tried his best to restrain himself from dealing with this matter, but it was still time for him to do so...

Eastern True Church, Ulan Ud Cathedral, West Side Patriarchate...

Tasha Wesley, who had just taken over the mission, and his three bishops sat in a small conference room...

Tasha Weasley, formerly the bishop of Mosko Diocese before the catastrophe, became the only female Patriarch after the catastrophe after a series of battles.

He was around thirty years old, with blonde hair and blue eyes. His figure was fiery, and his beauty was excellent. His pair of blue eyes flickered with brilliant light, but they did not lose their seductive charm.

At this time, she gathered her subordinates to discuss the matter of disguise infiltration.

Looking at the three Archbishops sitting down, Tasha said, "You should have heard the mission Great Archbishop gave you just now."

Hearing Tasha's words, the three bishops of the West Side nodded their heads, expressing their understanding.

"Very well, then I won't repeat it. Everyone, tell us what plans you have to sneak into Hua Xia and spy on the information we want!" josei

Towards her subordinates, Tasha naturally didn't have the slightest inkstains and directly threw out a question. Obviously, she wanted to check the thinking abilities of the three subordinates.

The three bishops of the West Side, Fern Emily, Anna Palmer, and Philomina Hansa, were impolite when they heard this.

First, Fern Emily, the only male bishop of the three Archbishops of the West Side, was the first to speak...

"Patriarch, Fern thinks that if we want to sneak into Hua Xia, we have to solve two fundamental problems first!"

"First, the human race problem …!"

"Second, language …!"

"Let's talk about race first. Our country is white, and Hua Xia is yellow. If you sneak in with your original appearance, or in disguise, then it's not called sneaking in. It's called trespassing!"

'"Then there's the question of language. After all, what we need is information. We need to communicate. If we can't even communicate in depth, how can we obtain good information?"

As soon as Fern finished speaking, a female bishop beside him, Anna Palmer, immediately said, "That's right, Fern is right..."

"These two questions are indeed the two basic questions that we must consider when we sneak in this time …!"

"However, this world is no longer what it used to be …!"

'"Change your body, conceal your body, and be proficient in the other party's language. Even if you spent a lot of time and energy in the past, you might not be able to accomplish it. Now, you can easily accomplish it with your ability."

"However, those who possess these rare abilities are definitely a minority, so there will probably be a shortage of personnel …!"

As soon as he finished speaking, Philo Mina Hansa, who was the last to speak, smiled indifferently and said, "Indeed. However, I feel that this kind of mission should have taken the path of elite soldiers. It would be bad if there were too many people."

"Not to mention that the target has become bigger, the chances of being exposed will also be greatly increased. In my opinion, it is best that there are no more than five people carrying out this mission …!"

"However, these five people have to be carefully chosen. First of all, they have to possess the talent for magic, and they also have to be True Sect mages who awaken their divine power …!"

"Lastly, the most important thing is that one must be smart …!"

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