The law of Fiction: Harem in the fiction world

Chapter 74 Ch 72

Chapter 74 Ch 72: The Hunter Becomes The Hunted [Pt1]

“What is wrong? Did I scare you? Come on, play with me some more.”

Yohan shifted on his feet as he blocked the huge sword that the thin girl was swinging around. Her moments were a blur currently but Yohan was easily able to keep up with her.

He was surprised and impressed to see such a skilled human hunter this deep in the demonic territory. From what Yohan had heard, such hunters were rarely let go off in such a manner. Now she only had herself and the hunting association to blame for being killed.

“What is wrong? Are you scared shitless because of my awesome powers? Do you feel like you are being crushed by my powers?”

The thin girl asked as she backed off a little. She had used all her strength to suppress Yohan so she expected to see him shaking due to the agony his arms must be in.

But contrary to her expectations, nothing of that sort happened. Instead of looking tired and in pain, the half-human in front of her looked fresh. He did not have a single scratch on his body.

“Nice try kid but a greenhorn like you would not be able to touch, much less kill me. All you know is how to swing your sword around.”

Yohan taunted the thin girl, waiting to see if she would take the bait. And the girl did take the bait, her eyes blazing in fury.

She used her leg’s strength to propel herself high in the air and move her claymore in an arch. Her body might be thin but the momentum of her sword and its weight was enough to make even a basic attack hurt.

But Yohan easily side-stepped it. The arch would miss him by quite a margin.

“Wow, you are skilled in a fight, friend of the boss. You must be…lookout.”

It seemed as if Yohan had managed to dodge the attack completely but his opponent decided to change the direction of her attack mid-air.

Changing the direction of that heavy sword required an adequate amount of skill and raw power. It was a testament to how strong Yohan’s opponent was when it came to raw power. No wonder these vampires had not stood a chance against him.

The vampire who had followed after Yohan closed his eyes to not see Yohan’s end. He did not know how he would be able to tell his boss the news of this death. He was so convinced that Yohan must be dead that he even ignored the sound of the metal-on-metal collision.

“See, all strength and no technique. I thought you might be able to provide me with some entertainment but now I see that you are not that great.”

Yohan pushed the girl away from himself. He punched the thin girl in the stomach rather lightly but the shock of that action made her let go of her claymore.

The vampire (who had finally opened his eyes), could only watch in morbid fascination as his boss’s friend took care of the hunter. He was seeing things but he could not believe his eyes.

“H-How did you manage to”

The hunter yelled, her eyes wide in disbelief. Yohan could not help but think that it was a nice expression on that hunter’s face. He wanted to see more of such an expression on her face.

Yohan let a little of his aura escape and watched as the hunter choked on the strength he was letting out. Even the vampire from before was struggling a little bit to contain himself against this new and massive outbreak of power.

He could have lowered the intensity of his aura and it would have made breathing easier for the other two in front of him. But Yohan wanted to send a message here.

“Y-You! What kind of creature are you?”

The hunter questioned as fear finally flashed across her eyes. She had never come across such a dangerous creature before.

To her, this man felt like a half-human and half-demon. But his demon half was far more sinister and dangerous than she had ever imagined it to be. The mere presence of his was enough to choke the hunter.

“You, hunter. What is your name?”

Blue eyes looked up from pink lashes with determination. She was not going to back down and let this demon win.

“My name is Anya. Why don’t you let me go and allow me to k-kill you?”

The hunter, now named Anya, tried to yell but her voice cracked before it was high enough to matter. Fear was evident in her voice but Yohan could hear a hint of interest as well.

‘I don't need a hunter on my side but having one would not hurt me either. Should I just seduce this hunter to my side?’

Yohan could feel the hunter’s interest in him rising. While she gave off a heavy of fear but there was also adrenalin and arousal mixed in with her aura. It was interesting to Yohan and he also decided to give this hunter a chance at redemption.

“Ayna, you are weak but you have a lot of potential hidden in your body. Why don’t you join me and allow me to drag out your powers? You want to suppress your human limits, right?”

Anya’s eyes flashed with contempt as she watched Yohan like a hawk. She looked ready to tear Yohan apart if he gave her a chance to attack.

Frankly, this was what attracted Yohan toward Anya. She was strong and also looked ready to take the risk. But whether she would be able to suppress her human limits, was all up to herself.

“You are a bastard. J-Just because you sold your soul to a d-demon does not mean I should as well.”

Anya spat in front of Yohan, but her eyes were looking more and more interested in him by the moment. Anya’s mouth said one thing while her aura said nothing else.

But Yohan was not here to get confused. Even if he could understand what Anya meant by her aura, Yohan needed more patience to chase her.

“Fine, if that is your decision then you can die right now and save me the headache of dealing with you.”

Yohan raised his sword, ready to pierce the hunter in front of him. She had potential but it seemed like she had chosen her side already.

Anya looked ready to accept her fate as well when the sound of whistling was heard coming from behind Yohan. He quickly looked toward Anya who had a smirk on her face.

“You might have defeated me but the end victory is still mine it seems.”

Smoke filled the area and Yohan felt something searing hot being pressed against his side. It was burning his skin and Yohan had to retreat if he wanted to not risk losing his arm.

“Boss’s friend, are you alright? I cannot see anything and the boss would kill me if you died now.”

The vampire Yohan had even forgotten about, yelled out. His voice was loud and annoying but also filled with relief. The poor guy looked terrified of facing Zane's anger.

But Yohan was more concerned about the hunter who had dared to challenge him. It was a move he had not expected but it indeed had gotten his attention.josei

"Hey leech, go and give Zane my message. I will be chasing after the hunter who escaped so he should not bother looking for me."

Zane would be pissed for sure. Yohan was also sure that Zane would flip once he got to know what Yohan was planning. But Yohan was not someone who bowed down to Zane’s words.

He was going to go after his prey and capture her at any cost.

“W-Wait a minute? What do you mean by c-chase? Do you want to get me killed by the boss? Hey- wait a minute!”

The vampire yelled from his position behind Yohan. He watched as the vampire tried to stop him from leaving and following after the hunter. Despite Yohan being able to hold his ground, it does not seem like the vampire believed that he would live.

Yohan easily managed to side-step the vampire’s hand and twisted his body to throw the vampire over his shoulder.

Wide red eyes watched as Yohan broke off into a sprint, leaving him behind.

“N-No, wait a minute. Y-You don’t know how dangerous a hunter with a familiar is-”

But Yohan was long gone before the vampire could utter the final words. And the vampire picked up his body with a tired sigh. He needed to go back and report this to the boss as soon as possible.

Now, the vampire did not need to worry about the half-human. But it had been the boss who had brought the half-human along. The boss also seemed to respect the half-human and it was a good opportunity to get into the boss’s good side.

‘I can use this opportunity well and highlight my importance in front of the boss as well. If I am careful then-’

“Hey, what is going on here? I felt Yohan’s presence here but I cannot see him anywhere. Do you know where he went?”

All thoughts of taking advantage flew out of the vampire’s mind as he felt Boss Zane’s presence behind him. He was so screwed.

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