The law of Fiction: Harem in the fiction world

Chapter 75 Ch 73

Chapter 75 Ch 73: The Hunter Becomes The Hunted [Pt2]

“Fuck it. I had such rotten luck today. I managed to run into a non-leech who was much stronger than me. I cannot let the other hunters find out this or they would never let me live this humiliation down.”

Anya hissed as she pressed her hand against her aching shoulder. She was sure that she had dislocated it on her last impact. Her sword, held in her other hand, got dragged along on the ground behind her as she fled.

Beside her, the sturdy presence of her griffin gave her the willpower to continue moving.

Her familiar, the griffin, was someone she had raised from an egg. They had an unbreakable bond and Anya knew she would be saved in the end.

The griffin nudged her shoulder, asking Anya if she was alright and Anya quickly pushed her hand against the griffin’s break to reassure it. She patted that solid break a few times before pushing the feathery face away from her one.

“I am alright, just a little out of breath right now. But man, my opponent was really strong. I wonder how I can get that strong as well. I cannot believe my current strength failed me…”

Anya knew that the only thing she had going for her was raw strength. Every member of his clan was known to be exceptionally strong physically. And Anya had been no different in that regard.

But she soon come to realize that strength did not matter in the real world. People who had praised her for her strength before suddenly distanced themselves from her when they realized the power difference.

It had left Anya alone and feeling lonely.

Even the instructors had not wanted to deal with her, saying how she was a ‘handful’ and ‘too wild’ for them to handle.

She could still remember her instructor’s words ringing inside her mind. They had called her a ‘demon’ and a ‘freak’ for her unparalleled physical strength.

But despite all this strength, Anya had still lost to a half-human who had not even been trying. Not only had he managed to avoid all of Anya’s attacks, but he had also managed to strike back.

“And then he dared to ask me to join him. But I wonder, will I improve faster if I join him? He was half-human so it will be alright…no, don’t be foolish.”

Anya quickly talked herself out of the immoral thoughts she was having. No matter how powerful (and dare she say it - attractive) that man had looked, he was still a half-demon.

Even if her thighs felt a little wet and uncomfortable, she should still not encourage the arousal she felt at that display of power. She had been about to be killed back then.

“Let’s hurry up and report this incident to the home base. I hope they send a rescue team for me.”

The thing was, Anya had taken this mission alone and off-grid. She had noticed the demonic moment a while ago and reported it to the hunting base.

She had thought that they would take swift action against this, but they had not. Instead of eliminating the demons, the hunting association sent the letter to the upper guilds for discussion.

Anya could not understand why they were delaying this attack so she had taken things into her own hands.

And now she was being hunted by a demon who was much stronger than she was. Her griffin gave a scared growl as he faced the direction Anya had come from. He seemed to be able to smell something Anya was not able to.

“Calm down, Ana. Everything will be alright and we will get back home safely. Don’t make any noise and this danger would pass soon.”

Anya was sure that the person Griffin was sensing was that half-demon who had defeated her. She had no idea how he had been able to sense where she had gone with all that smoke, but Anya was not having it.

She had no reason to sit back and let the half-demon kill her. She had too many dreams and hopes to look forward to.

‘I need to live to see tomorrow and grow stronger. I cannot be caught here.’

Anya could smell a sweet smell headed her way. And it made her head hazy as she smelled it. Her lower lips also twitched as she felt her pussy leak in arousal but she controlled herself.

She was sure that it was the adrenaline that was making her wet and aroused and not her feelings. She needed to focus on escaping for now.

“Ana, don’t smell it or your body will get weird. Stay behind me and I will protect you.”

Anya took a few steps away from the sweet smell when she noticed a sharp object headed her way. It was a small sword that the half-demon had used before on her.

She managed to reach for her great sword and stop the small sword from piercing her familiar. But the force knocked her back a lot and her injured shoulder hit the ground again.

“I think I have given you enough time to think my offer over. Now, would you like to join me and become stronger, or would you die here and end your story?”

The madman was back and Anya stooped her ground. A cocky grin emerged on her face even when she did not want it to. It was all a defense mechanism for her at this point.

Her sharp words and her provoking ways were all there to make sure she always had the upper hand in a verbal confrontation. As for the physical one? Anya had never needed to gain the upper hand before today.

“I have no reason to bow down before you. If you want me to submit then you will have to make me by force. If you beat me, then I will become yours, body and soul. So how about it pretty boy? Are you willing to take that bet?”

Anya was not in a fit condition to fight but she had to protect her familiar in some way. She was tired and hurt, but her spirit was not broken.

As long as she was able to hold on for some time, help would arrive on time and she would be able to live on in peace.josei

“I see. So you have decided to fight. Then, come on and show me what you have got.”

Anya attacked with all her might but the half-human in front of her managed to dodge every single strike. It did not even seem like he was making an effort yet.

“By the way, did I tell you my name? It is Yohan Strout. Remember it because this will be the name that would rule everything in the future.”

This madman, Yohan was mocking Anya right now. He was not taking her seriously, nor was he paying attention to her attack patterns.

It was as if Anya was a bug he could crush at any second and he was just humoring her for now. That pissed off Anya even more and she decided to change her approach.

She might not have the technique on her side, but Anya did have the element of surprise which she could utilize to her advantage.

Yohan looked surprised when Anya suddenly picked up her pace. It almost seemed like she would make contact with him finally. But that did not happen and the look of surprise faded away from Yohan’s face in under a minute.

He managed to dodge her attack and strike back lightly but Anya could hear footsteps and familiar auras headed her way. Finally, the other hunters were here to assist her.


Anya yelled, believing that she would be finally saved by the team. She was about to gloat about it to Yohan when she noticed something wrong.

The people who had come to help her out were not heading toward her. Instead, they were aiming at her familiar and ready to kill Ana off.

“Hey wait. Doesn’t this familiar belong to that freak Anya? What if she gets mad?”

“Who cares. We can always blame the demons for killing this stupid familiar and then Anya would have a real reason to hate the demons. God knows that freak needs a dose of reality in her life.”

Anya watched with wide eyes as the people she trusted to protect her and Ana aimed for her familiar.

She was busy with Yohan so she could not go and help Ana in any way. If she turned her back to Yohan now, then she would die for certain.

“Don’t you want to go and help your familiar? I can let you go if you promise to be on my side. Besides, the humans no longer seem to want you anyway.”

Anya felt rage boil inside her. She was angry because of the half-demon words but also because of the humans who were threatening her familiar. Anya had never done anything wrong to be treated this way.

And now she was left to choose between a rock and a hard place.

“Fuck you. I will come back to deal with you later.”

Red eyes widened as Anya forced her body to move faster than it should be able to. She was sure that she would pay the price for this later, but for now she did not care. She had some humans to kill.

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