The law of Fiction: Harem in the fiction world

Chapter 94 Ch 92

Chapter 94 Ch 92: Are You Worth It? [Pt2]

‘Intruder, you fought well. Unfortunately, this is the end of our journey with each other.’

Yohan could feel how much danger he was in currently. Not only was he low on magic but his opponent was getting ready to fry his brain out.

But this situation did not even come close to all the hardships Yohan had faced before. Even the fear he should be feeling at the thought of his death was not present inside Yohan’s mind.

All he currently felt was a burning desire to win and conquer this strong opponent. His hands were itching to feel the submission of such a strong creature and to add it to his collection.

But to do that, Yohan would first have to find a way to win. And that would mean somehow getting over his inability to use magic. He needed a way to unbind whatever was stopping him from using magic.

“Intruder! Just where are you looking at currently? Your opponent is right in front of you.”

Yohan shielded his face with his arms as magic rained all over him in an instant. The plant creature had not waited around to play with him.

Its shots were aimed at killing Yohan and only his intense training allowed him to shield his fragile organs. Even demons as high-ranked as him could be killed if they were not able to defend themselves.

Thankfully, Yohan had one last trump card under his belt. The one which had saved him again and again.

“Oi! Are you not done yet? I will die at this rate?”



The situation analysis cleared. The system will begin debugging the user’s body and drive out the external influence.

ETA for cleansing finish: 5 minutes


Yohan grinned as soon as the message arrived. He knew he could count on his system to take care of this situation.

Even after spending more than 10 years with his system, Yohan had no idea what it was and how it operated. He just knew that his system was capable of breaching some tough magics.

When he had asked once, the system had bullshitted his explanation by saying that it was an existence that could bend the ‘laws’ of this universe. But only if certain conditions were to be met.

That made the system an existence that was as big as ‘God’ but Yohan was still not convinced that it was all the system could do.

“What are you planning? Even you should realize that there is no way for you to win this battle. This realm you are in is the one I control. There is nowhere for you to run and still escape my law.”

The plant creature sounded curious when he asked Yohan that question and it finally gave Yohan a clue about its real identity.

To him, it did not seem as if the plant creature was bluffing. And if he was not bluffing, then there was only one existence it could be.

“You are the realm key. Have you gained consciousness? Or do all of the realm keys have consciousness of their own?”

Having realized who his opponent was, Yohan’s desire to get his hands on such a rare treasure increased all of a sudden. To control a realm key was to take control of that realm’s logic.

Yohan would essentially conquer this realm if the key accepted him as its master. And suddenly, winning this battle was even more important than before for him.

“Half-ling, you have guessed currently. I am the creator of this realm. Now, show me what you can do so that I can judge your worth.”

Yohan’s five minutes were not over but he had to do his best to last until his system finished. He could hear the timer ticking down in his mind and his body dodged the attack that would otherwise have been fatal for him.

He expected the combat level to be the same as he had faced before but the realm key suddenly seemed to have picked up speed and momentum. It seemed as if it was done messing around and Yohan blocked the blow to his abdomen by mere seconds.

His hand was broken as a result but Yohan could finally start to move his magic outwardly.

So when the realm key came to attack Yohan next time, he finally managed to block the attack. His fist was engulfed in fire and he quickly used it to gain an advantage over the realm key.

The smell of burning wood reached Yohan’s nose but the tree-like entity did not even flinch as its branches were burning. With a smack of his hand, the flames were exhausted and left no traces behind.

“So you won’t even be burned if I tried my hardest? How tough is your body?”

Yohan asked as he prepared another spell. His magic had not opened up fully but he was able to make a significant contribution to casting spells.

However, try as he might, he was no match for the divine key even now. It was a given that all his attacks would be futile where he was not the one in control.



Debugging finished.

The system suggests the user find a way to break free of this pseudo space or he will never be able to win this fight.


“Stop giving me useless advice. Don’t you think I know that I need to escape this space as well? I am trying my best out here to do exactly that.”

Yohan yelled those words out as he tried his best not to get hurt.

He might have his magic back but that did not mean that Yohan could heal himself. Healing magic was most holy and no one around Yohan could teach him.

And now it put him at a major disadvantage.

“Intruder, just fall and become my next host. Your body will serve as a good host to contain my powers.”

The divine key’s words were not a suggestion but his advice. Yohan’s magic was ineffective against the divine keys in this space so Yohan needed to find a break in the barrier.

‘Where is Zane? I know I asked him to not bother me but he could check up on me now that I am done. I would appreciate his help.’

It was then that Yohan remembered that he had a human device called a cell phone. This might be pseudo space but it was still connected with the real world. As long as the divine key had not blocked the signal, Yohan could still make a call.

Luckily, Zane picked up on the first ring.

“Zane, pseudo space. Hurry up and find me…hello?”

The phone’s signal got cut-off halfway before Yohan was finished speaking but he was sure that his message had managed to get across to Zane.

“You do not play fair, little human. You will not be winning my favor by playing tricks like these. If you want control over me then you will have to earn it fair and square.”

The divine key did not sound angry but Yohan was sure he could hear a hint of displeasure in its voice.

Its expectations for Yohan to play fair were laughable as well and Yohan was sure he would laugh at it later with Zane.

“Huh! You expect a demon like me to play fair? Open your eyes and look past your delusion because there is nothing like ‘fair’ in this world. Don’t say that your loss was ‘unfair’ once your power becomes mine.”

Yohan declared his intention to take the divine key’s powers and the spike of displeasure that was aimed toward him increased in intensity.

Yohan could feel that he had a good enough hold on the divine key’s powers due to the stunt he had pulled earlier before entering this pseudo-space. But the current limitations placed on him by the space were making it impossible for him to make use of it.

“You have no idea what kind of power you are dealing with, kid. And now you should die for your arrogance toward me.”


The divine key attacked Yohan and his feet felt frozen in place. He felt the branch pierce his abdomen but that was also the second the pseudo space around him collapsed and the magic he had forced inside the divine key came rushing back into his body.

“Y-You! What have you done?”

The divine key seemed to have realized that something was wrong as well but it was too late for it to react. Yohan had managed to corrupt it to its roots and the connection to this world was shifting slowly but surely toward Yohan.

The tree-like creature tried to reach toward Yohan but his body disintegrated into ashes before it could harm Yohan.

And in Yohan’s hands was left a feather-like object which radiated power. It sank into his hand and a crest appeared on Yohan’s hand.

He concentrated on it and he could see various strings all around him.



Congratulations to the user for attaining the ‘1st divine key’ status. As a reward, you can now take control of any destiny in this realm.

Limitations: the power of the divine key cannot be directly expressed in the world by the entity holding the key status. The user is asked to appoint a knight to use as a medium.


Yohan frowned as soon as he saw that message. This was a powerful but useless tool for him.


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