The law of Fiction: Harem in the fiction world

Chapter 95 Ch 93

Chapter 95 Ch 93: Are You Worth It? [Pt3]

Zane was halfway done with his clean-up work when he felt the magic spike inside the mansion. It was so overwhelming and overbearing that Zane was sure that it could only be one thing.

‘The divine key. It seems like our king found the key.’

Zane was glad that he had decided to follow Yohan as a king. No other demon king had managed to find and challenge a divine key this fast. The fastest record was held by the 1st demon king at the prime age of 100 years old.

And Yohan was only thirteen right now. This went beyond hard work at this point. It was a miracle to feel.

Zane was about to get busy with some other work when he felt his phone ring. And on a usual day, he would have waited around to pick it but not today.

He was not sure why but Zane managed to pick up his phone as soon as it rang once. Much to his surprise, the voice on the other end was one he could not have expected to hear this soon.

“Zane, pseudo space. Hurry up and find me…hello?”

Yohan’s words were clear and Yohan understood what his king wanted before the phone disconnected. Now, Zane needed to find Yohan but he could not feel his king’s presence.

Not that it mattered much when he could just track the last location Yohan had operated his phone from. It was an illegal program Zane’s company had been developing to gain more profit in the market.

Who knew that it would come in handy now?

Anyway, Zane hurried toward the secret room Yohan had been led toward and he regretted opening the room as soon as he did.

The whole room was full of fucked-out women who were lying on the floor unconscious. Zane did not even need to guess who the culprit was since he could see familiar womb tattoos on three of the females.

He had asked Yohan to be careful in letting his desires out but it seemed like his master had other ideas.

“Fuck it. Why do I even bother to be concerned about Master Yohan? I doubt he will get his heart broken by a woman anytime soon. I should help him out first before cursing him.”

Zane concentrated on his magic as he felt around for the pseudo-space. It had a strong barrier surrounding it but Zane had brought external magical devices to break through such force.

And the barrier finally gave way under the effect of a potion his aunt had made for him. He would have to report back to her later and tell her that her potion was a success this time.

When the pseudo space broke, he watched as Yohan’s stomach was pierced by a plant-like creature. Zane was about to head out to help Yohan when he felt his king’s magic sore up and the creature vanished in ashes.

Instead, his king had a seal on his hand which attracted Zane’s eyes. It held so much magic and charm in it.

He only looked up when Yohan snapped his fingers in front of his face and then blinked to get his head back into the game.

“So, how did it go? Did you manage to get your hands on the divine key? Can we finally leave this place?”

Zane wanted to return home since he had a lot of work to do. He also knew that he would cry once he had to look at all the clean-up he would have to do.

But Yohan continued to look at his hand, not replying to Zane and that worried him a little. He was about to call Yohan out again when Yohan finally turned toward Zane with twinkling eyes.

“Hey Zane, do you want to use the powers of the divine key I just got? You are the only one I know who is loyal to me without condition so I want to make you my first knight.”

Zane’s heart skipped a beat as soon as he heard those words.

Of course, he knew what being a knight for the divine key meant. No person with the authority of the divine key could use its powers without channeling them through another person.

But the person who was going to use these powers, the knight, would then get bound to the holder of the divine key. It was a complicated relationship that not many were willing to commit to.

Especially for the divine key holder, it was a difficult situation if he got betrayed. So Zane felt honored that he was chosen by Yohan.

He quickly kneaded in front of Yohan and bowed his head to show that he was grateful to Yohan for this offer.

“It would be my pleasure to be your knight, my king. But can I ask you why you chose me and not one of your other soldiers? I am sure that Mimi would have been a great choice for such power since her original essence is from a tree.”

Zane was not declining this offer and he made sure that his face and body language showed his confusion rather than his reluctance.

“Indeed, you are not the best match for this power but you are the one I trust the most. Mimi is a good subordinate but all my knights will not harbor any lustful feelings for me. I do not want to cause a conflict between feelings and duty.”

Yohan had become cautious after his death. And he was thinking of this situation with his mind rather than his heart.josei

Lust could make the best of his soldier's fall and Yohan had no intention of allowing things to come to that. His knights were to be his closest aids so Yohan needed to make sure they would think with their head and not their bodies.

He was sure that there would be people out there who will be able to fulfill his criterion of becoming his knights.

“I see. If that’s the case then I shall gladly accept this power from you and become your knight. I promise to never betray the trust you have placed on my shoulders.”

Zane’s voice rang out clearly in that chamber and Yohan smiled a genuine smile. It felt good to have someone as responsible as Zane take this voe.

Yohan felt the divine keys’ magic connect him and Zane before Zane gained the divine seal as well. He could finally feel the magic of the 1st key providing him with strength.

“I am happy to have you as a knight as well. But we should begin with the clean-up now. We only have a few hours before we need to start heading back. Then we can start looking at the next realm I need to target.”

Zane’s happy expression melted into annoyance as he looked around the room. People were finally waking up but he could tell that they were not moving under their powers.

Yohan led the bodies where they needed to go and Zane followed them from a distance to make sure nothing bad happened while they were being transported.

The people who were not involved with this case were told that everyone had an allergic reaction to the sudden polled infestation that had taken place but they would be alright in the end.

Yohan was sure that Karen would be able to take care of things once she woke up since she was a good leader. She had also signed the agreement under Yohna’s influence already so they had an excuse to show to the outside world for now.

The member who came out to see them out hesitated to speak anything. She was nervous to face such big-shots all alone and she had no idea where everyone else was.

She had heard that they had all fallen sick all of a sudden and she felt like crying as a result.

“H-Have a nice day. I h-hope we can work together again.”

The shy girl bowed down toward Zane and Yohan. She looked up toward Yohan and blushed when he smiled at her.

Her reactions were fresh adn genuine, a result of her pure and innocent nature. Yohan could not feel even a hint of lust in her aura and he took a step toward the girl…

…only to be pulled back by Zane.

“It was our pleasure to be here today. We will contact your side with the list of things you need to prepare for our collaboration.”

Zane all but dragged Yohan outside, not looking back even a single second.

Yohan fake-pouted as he was being dragged away but he was not angry at Zane for what he was doing. He knew that Zane was only behaving like this because he cared about him.

While coming back from the Saint’s office, Yohan felt his eyes close and his head dropped. He had not been this tried before but now he could not keep his eyes open.

One second, he was in the car and headed toward his home, the next he opened his eyes in front of a huge garden-like space. Everywhere he looked, the landscape was dominated by different flowers and their sweet scent filled the air.

“Just where the heck am I and how did I end up here?”

Yohan asked the question out loud before backing a few steps. And his back collided with someone which made him tense up.

He was not alone in this space.

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