The law of Fiction: Harem in the fiction world

Chapter 96 Ch 94

Chapter 96 Ch 94: A Sudden Surprise [Pt1]


Yohan had just been in the car a few seconds before his eyes had closed shut. But his current surroundings were a dense forest that had no end in sight.

The canopy above his head was so thick that light hardly even fell on the forest bed. It was only because of Yohan’s demonic vision that he was even able to see anything in such darkness.

“But how did I end up here? Am I dreaming? Oi, system. Are you there?”

There was no response to Yohan’s question. His system did not even blink at his call which made him more and more certain that he was in a dream realm.

This was the only option that remotely made sense in Yohan’s mind. Mostly because his system had always been an ever-present annoyance for him. The only time it had gone quiet was when Yohan did not have any of his memories before the age of five.

But even then, the system had been like an ever-present entity ruling over his mind.

“Anyway, I am sure Zane will wake me up once we reach back home. I can enjoy this nature for the time being.”

All the greenery around Yohan calmed him down. It helped his kind reach a state of tranquility he was not even aware he was capable of reaching.

He sat down near a large boulder and leaned against it. It was then that he noticed the blue of the water from the corner of his eyes. There was a lake hidden behind the boulder he had been leaning against.

Yohan was sure that the lake had not been there seconds ago when he had first leaned against the boulder. It was a recent change in the landscape that scared him.

‘Is this something the owner of this dream did? Are they conscious of my presence in here?’

The more Yohan thought about his circumstances, the more curious he got curious about what kind of person was capable of creating a dream this elaborate. Yohan wanted to meet the creator and lure them to his side.

He observed his reflection in the water, looking around for any flaws in the creation. A fluid was often the most difficult thing to get right in a dream since it was a part people often did not pay attention to consciously.

But even the water was clear and reflected Yohan’s beautiful face right back at him. He could not see any flaw in the space that had been created around him.

“Such a marvelous creation. I wonder who managed to master such a difficult art as dream manipulation?”

Yohan wondered out loud, finally deciding to stop looking in the water and lie down on the rock.

Since he was not paying attention to the water anymore, he missed the pair of amber eyes looking at him from beneath the water’s surface.

He finally closed his eyes and the sweet smell in the air caused Yohan’s senses to start falling asleep. Unknowingly, Yohan was becoming more and more tired as he remained in this dream later.

His ears picked up the sound of water splashing but when he opened his eyes to see, there was no one in the water. It must have been Yohan’s hallucination that made him feel like someone had been watching him.

When Yohan opened his eyes the next time, he was wide awake and in his car. It had stopped moving quite a while ago as well.

“Are you finally awake? You slept through the whole ride back. You won’t even wake up when I yelled at you. Are you sure you are alright?”

Zane’s worried expression looked at Yohan and he felt his senses come back to him slowly. His hands and feet were numb and his eyes were heavy with sleep as well.

Despite having slept for so long, Yohan did not feel well-rested. Instead, he felt rather sleepy and lacking energy. His hands were even shaking as a result of his waking up.

“Are you saying that I slept for a whole five hours of our ride back? It’s weird to think about since I don’t feel well-rested.”

Yohan admitted as he tried to stand up. Both of Yohan’s numb legs refused to take his weight and he found himself stumbling.

He was rather lucky that Yohan managed to catch him in time and call for a doctor at the same time to keep up appearances of Yohan being human.

But Yohan was not able to convey his appreciation before he lost consciousness. His brain was tired and his eyes were closing. He saw Zane’s worried expression before he lost consciousness.


“-are up? Don’t get up for now. Your body is filled with numbing agents and your human part got affected. I got away scot-free because of my demonic nature.”

Zane quickly explained to Yohan as he rubbed his eyes. The more he pushed himself, the more awake he felt. The feeling of being tired was still present in his body but it was no longer an overwhelming one for him.

“So my condition was because of being poisoned in the Saint’s headquarters? Let’s keep this news to ourselves for now.”

Yohan made the final decision, knowing that he could not put their recent ally in danger like this. Saints were strong financial partners for their side and now they were under Yohan’s control.

It was a given that he did not care much for what they did before they had fallen under his control. What mattered was that they were allies now.

Zane’s expression was a little troubled when Yohan observed him. He was avoiding Yohan’s gaze and looking at the side. He looked almost guilty as he looked around.

Yohan expanded his senses around as well but he felt that no one was around. They were alone and finally, Zane looked comfortable enough to speak to Yohan frankly.

“If you ask me, I don’t think it was the poison that caused you to lose your strength but a weird magic spell. I tried to trace it back but I was unable to trace it back. I will accept any punishment you give me.”

Zane looked sorry for not being able to solve Yohna’s problem but Yohan was not worried about it that much.

If someone had decided to target him, then it was likely that they would be back to finish their work. It would also be the time Yohan would catch them and get their intentions out of their mouth.

Until then, he needed to get even stronger and adapt to using his new powers in the right way.

“I understand what happened now so you do not need to look that guilty Zane. I swear that I don’t hold you accountable for anything that happened so drop your puppy-eyes look. How long was I unconscious for this time?”

Yohan asked, wanting to forget his bad experience and get along with what he was doing before.

“You were unconscious for a little over an hour so things are manageable still. I also looked into how to get to our next destination. Here, this is a map that can show us the way but I don’t know where to look first.”

Yohan looked over the map Zane handed to him. It looked just like an ordinary map at first but as soon as Zane introduced his magic to the map, it glowed up and marked some places.

There were a little over four spots that were visible on the map and looked suspicious to him. And his senses were telling him to check these places out.

“Zane, send someone to check out all the places I am about to mark. I want a fully detailed report of what is going on here as soon as possible.”

Yohan marked the glowing spots on the map but Zane just looked confused as Yohan marked these places.

“Is there something special about the places you are marking? The map looks no different to me.”

Zane’s words caused Yohan to pause in between his marking. He quickly looked up at Zane’s face to guess if he was lying or not. But that did not seem to be the case for Zane this time.

There was no reflection of those lights in Zane’s eyes which meant that he was not registering these weird energy spikes.

Then, was it only Yohan who knew about these places? If that was the case then it was big news. But he also had to wonder why he was the only one who could see these energy spots in the first place.

What was it that made him special and separate from everyone else?

Meanwhile, some other forces had already decided to check these energy spikes out. Now that the 1st realm key had been conquered, it was free game to go in and out of this realm.

And it also made it possible for those who had been trapped in this realm to escape. And that was why Vivian had decided to check the crack of energy out.

“Man, I cannot believe that Beelzebub is making me check out these weird places of all things. Does she think I have this much free time on my hand? I have other work to do.”

Her thin lion tail swung behind her back with agitation and her eyes turned into slits as soon as she smelled blood in the air.

Somewhere nearby, a battle was taking place and her hands itched to join it.

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