The Legend of Min Hong

Chapter 126

Chapter 126: Challenging An Outer Court Disciple

Qing Tan suddenly shoved a core into Min Qing's hands and with her face looking at her feet and an extremely shy demeanour, she added;

"This is the core of a 3 Star Nascent Soul stage, Blood-Eyed Octopus. It will surely help you break through into the First Plane ~ Intent Level ~ Water Dao."

She shyly shoved the core into Min Qing's hand.

Her gesture not only moved Min Hong and Long Sha but also the Wind Intent twins who were feeling a little awkward because unlike her, they didn't bring any friend gesture gift.

Min Qing was stunned speechless, but later on she tried to return the core as she spoke;

"Wh… wha… what are you doing? This is way too valuable. I can't accept this. You shouldn't just gift people things on a whim." Min Qing stuttered.

Qing Tan saw that Min Qing was trying to shove the beast core back into her hand, so she refused to open her hands as she shook her head and spoke;

"This is going to be the initiation gift of our sisterhood, if you don't take it, that means you are not sincere about us taking care of each other."

She shook her head as her pigtail hair shook along with it.

Seeing that Qing Tan had already made up her mind, Min Qing collected the beast core from her with her best smile.

Then Qing Tan hummed in joy after seeing that their sisterhood relationship has been officially sealed. Then Min Hong replied to the Mu twins;

"I am Fei Hong and this is my brother Fei Long. It is a pleasure to meet you."

Seeing that Min Hong had dispersed the awkwardness that came from their lack of friendly gift gesture, Mu Bai took the initiative to seal everything up once and for all;

"We are also alone in here without any backer whatsoever.

So, if you don't mind, we would like to join your group."

Min Hong was slightly taken aback. Though they were planning on recruiting people into their group, he had never expected that it would come so soon.josei

In fact, he didn't know if he was just paranoid or his instincts are right about the situation not being an ordinary coincidence.

But he still agreed to it, after all, even a mosquito is still meat.

Kun Lin also wanted to relate with Min Qing, but for some reasons she seemed to be hesitating until Min Hong's new group left.

Min Hong and Long Sha registered and received their storage pouch.

When they looked into it, they found an outer court disciple cloak, ten Mid-grade spirit stones, five cultivation pills and a map of the entire Desert Sun Sect and its environment.

Then lastly, they found a small, white, wooden tag that had the badge of the Sect on the front and the character 21 at the back.

Then after they were done registering, Min Hong's new group of six consisting of; Min Hong, Long Sha, Min Qing, Qing Tan and the Mu twins; Bai and Li, all went to the District 22 together to register Min Qing.

Then when they were done, they all returned to District 21 and as they were about to enter, they met an outer court disciple at the gate who requested for their tags.

Then when he saw that Min Qing had the character 22 at the back of her tag, he frowned slightly;

"What business do you have here?" He bluntly spoke to Min Qing as he blocked the entrance with one of his arms.

His question was within their expectations, so Min Qing sweetly replied;

"I am here to issue a challenge to one of the disciples of this district." The outer court disciple was a little surprised.

Though newbies usually challenge existing outer court disciples after settling down within the sect, but this was the first time he would be seeing a newbie challenge an existing outer court disciple fresh out of the selection examination.

Furthermore, what stifled him the most was that, she still had her storage pouch with her signifying that she had not even checked out her room yet.

But who was he to question her actions, so he removed his hands and instructed;

"You have only three days within the district. Within these three days, you must identify your target, your target must accept your challenge, then you both must receive the challenge authorization from the Enforcement Hall and finally complete the challenge by the end of the third day."

After that, he turned to look at Min Hong and asked;

"Who amongst you all would be standing in for her?"

"That would be me." Min Hong responded. "Hand over you apartment tag."

The outer court disciple bluntly demanded. Min Hong handed over his apartment tag as they all went in.

The rest of the Min Hong's group later got to know what Min Qing was planning to do.

The moment Mu Li heard that, he immediately gave Min Hong all the information he knew about the female block of District 21.

The information was so detailed that it even included their hobbies and favourite colour making him look like a stalker to the rest of the group.

In fact, someone who was did not attend the selection examination today would have thought he had been in the outer court for over five years.

But asides of Qing Tan who began to blush as if, Mu Li could had already discovered all of her secrets, Min Hong and Long Sha praised him for his information gathering skills.

In less than thirty minutes, the four boys have already narrowed down the top five most suitable candidates that Min Qing could challenge taking her entire battle power into consideration.

Min Qing and Qing Tan sat on a bench under a tree within the district as they swung their foot awaiting the analysis of the four boys.

Five minutes later, they final called Min Qing to come have a look, then she saw the candidates list and their details which read;

1. Tao Mei – 9 Star Dan Formation stage & 2 Plane Water and Whip Intent.

2. Xiao Su – 9 Star Dan Formation stage & 2 Plane Flame and Sword Intent.

3. Tang Lin – 8 Star Dan Formation stage & 2 Plane Wind and Dagger Intent.

4. Qi Yue – 8 Star Dan Formation stage & 2 Plane Earth and 1 Plane Wind Intent.

5. Yuan Chun – 8 Star Dan Formation stage & 1 Plane Water and Wind Intent.

"I would challenge Yuan Chun." Min Qing replied after brooding on the options for about thirty solid minutes.

After getting several affirmations of her choice, Min Hong's group then gathered themselves and proceeded to the Desert Sun Sect Enforcement Hall.

After about another thirty minutes of walking, they finally found themselves standing in front of a massive building which seemed to be separated into three floors.

Furthermore, this structure was built in such a way that, the main building in front was attached to two other halls which had their backyards facing each other.

This gave the entire Enforcement Hall a U-shape with the base facing Min Hong's group. Whilst the space in the middle of the U being where they imprison the offenders of the Desert Sun Sect.

The first block facing Min Hong's group was the administrative officed where the Elders discharge their duties.

But as for the other two blocks which had their backyards facing each other, this was where the Elders and other officials of the Enforcement Hall reside.

Seeing that they have arrived at their destinations.

They all stepped in, as they registered their challenge to the inner court Enforcement Disciple who entered into a room around the corner and recorded the details of their challenge and the challenger before returning with a letter with the challenge summary documented on it.

Min Qing received the challenge issuing letter which had on one side of its base, a space where she was to stamp her thumb with her blood as a form of seal.

Then on the other side of the base, was the space where the challenged disciple was supposed to stamp with her thumb.

After Receiving the letter, Min Qing and Min Hong's group returned to District 21, before approaching the female block alone with Qing Tan who was skipping happily beside her.

To Qing Tan, she never expected that their first action since becoming sisters would be to challenge an outer court disciple for her residence.

Thus, she was very stoked and filled with so much anticipation that she had already played the duel between the two over and over again within her head.

Min Qing got to the girl's residence but she was not in, so she slid the challenge letter underneath the girl's door as she returned to Min Hong's group.

After hearing the result of Min Qing's attempt, Min Hong refused to leave and decided to wait until she returned.

After about an hour which Min Hong's group spent solely on chatting and increasing the familiarity between everyone within the group, the girl arrived.

Shockingly, the girl Min Qing chose to challenge was one of Yue Yao's followers who entered the sect before her, but who had a potential so poor that after three years, she had yet to enter the inner court.

Moreover, her cultivation which was previously higher than Yue Yao's was now beneath it.

Furthermore, she was just returning from a meeting with Yue Yao who had told all her goons to making Min Qing's life a living hell within the outer court.

Thus, when she saw the name on the challenge issuance letter and the fact that it had been signed, Yuan Chun was very elated.

The major reason why she was elated was because, in the meeting she just had with Yue Yao, she had told them that Min Qing's cultivation was in the 7 Star Dan Formation stage and that she had also comprehended a sort of demonic Dao that she wasn't sure of its particular nature and level but she knew it would be nothing lower than a Peak Concept Level Dao.

Thus, with her new found information and after a deep study before returning to her apartment, she felt this would be an easy duel.

After all, she was stronger than Min Qing when it comes to cultivation base power, Dao comprehension and age (Lol… As if that means anything ;).

Moreover, she was thinking that, if she defeated Min Qing, she could request for her outer court disciple starter pack, which was the bag Min Qing was given after registering in District 21 and use that as a leverage to spare her life.

Thus, she happily and quickly bit her thumb before staining the signature part with her bloodied finger print before leaving the letter by her doorstep.

After another thirty minutes, Yuan Chun brought the letter to Min Qing and the rest who were stunned speechless by the outcome.

But to Min Hong, it was only normal, because he knew that Yuan Chun would have already known everything about Min Qing, otherwise it would have been seriously stupid of her to accept the challenge of a disciple she doesn't know anything about.

Therefore, he knew that Yuan Chun had already found out that Min Qing was from District 22, otherwise there would be no point in the challenge.

Furthermore, he also knew she would have found out about Min Qing's battle power.

Though, he never knew that Yuan Chun was one of Yue Yao's minions and that she already knew about Min Qing's Daos, he still trusted Min Qing's decisions 100 percent without any inkling of doubt.

If she said she was going to challenge Yuan Chun, he believed she must be confident of her chances of winning. 

Thus, with all these possibilities in place, it wasn't a surprise that it would take Yuan Chun so little amount of time to accept the challenge.

But he also knew that Yuan Chun had fallen into Min Qing's trap because, when she was still in the 3 Star Dan Formation stage, she could rival him when he was fighting at full throttle minus the 'Eye of Infinite Dao'.

So, now that he had enough power to defeat Yuan Chun himself, he believed Min Qing would win the duel, though she might have some difficulties with her opponent.

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