The Legend of Min Hong

Chapter 127

Chapter 127: Buddhist Chant of the Cherubs

The next morning Min Hong who had shared Long Sha's apartment last nigh, stepped out of the apartment, only to find the Mu twins and Long Sha already waiting for him outside.

He had overslept a bit today. Even though cultivators don't really need to sleep since they can stay awake for weeks and even months without breaking a sweat, it is still the most effective way of either recovering from injuries or expelling fatigue.

Thus, for Min Hong who had barely slept or rest for three hours in the last one month, he really hit the bed like a log of wood last night, and his energy-pulsating muscles and bones, including his rapid and clear, thinking speed was a testament to just how long he had slept.

He looked over to the Mu twins and greeted them with a nod whilst Long Sha spoke;

"I decided not to wake you because I felt you really needed it."

Long Sha had been with Min Hong's group for about a week now, and had witnessed Min Hong's love for cultivation.

That and the amount of thinking he was doing for everyone around him was something so tasking that he didn't think he would be able to do that without messing things up even once.

People who do such high intensity variety thinking usually get their energy drained faster than others.

Furthermore, he had never seen Min Hong sleep before, so this morning when he noticed that Min Hong was actually sleeping, he was initially shocked but decided against waking him despite the fact that today was the day Min Qing was going to challenge Yuan Chun.

They had returned to the Enforcement Hall immediately after Yuan Chun had returned the challenge issuance letter and have been given the clearance to go ahead with it.

"I never planned on doing that, but I guess I was just so tired and subconsciously fell asleep whilst in the middle of cultivation."

Last night, Min Hong had been reciting and chanting the two Mental and Soul cultivation technique; [Chant of the Cherubs] and [Scripts of Buddha] simultaneously when he abruptly slipped into a trance.

Within this trance, he saw many white slabs which numbered more than a thousand.

They were all arranged like steps that went upwards, ascending into the clouds. Furthermore, for every hundreds of these white slabs, there was a stage which seemed to be a resting place.

Then being wo he was, he decided to ascend the steps.

When his feet landed on the first slab, he felt the weight of a hundred freight trains weigh down on his mind causing his soul to flicker wildly like a little candle within a cyclone.

Then he remembered one verse of the [Scripts of Buddha] first chapter which said;

"Telling the truth to yourself is Integrity; Telling the truth to others is Honesty; Telling the truth with no fear is Valiance and being free from falsehood is Purity… Only the heart which cultures these four qualities, shall ascend the steps to Sainthood."

Then he had to spend about thirty years within that trance before he was eventually enlightened on this verse and even the entire technique itself.

So basically, the more truthful and plain one becomes, the stronger their mental cultivation would rise.

The mind and heart are the core of all cultivators; if the heart and mind are not in perfect and pure state, a cultivator's meditation and cultivation process would not yield a perfect result.

There are even some occasions whereby the cultivator might experience a decline in cultivation and comprehension of the Dao.

Thus, since the heart and soul are the pivot on which cultivation revolves, only those with the purest and holiest heart and soul would experience the greatest cultivation and comprehension speed.

But the other enlightenment he got was the word 'Sainthood'.

He was greatly shocked when he saw that word as he thought to himself;

"Does this mean that, I would actually reach the Saint stage if I can complete the first chapter of this script?"

"If that was true, then won't this technique be at least a Silver Tier cultivation technique?"

"Moreover, this is just the first chapter. What Tier would it rise to if the rest of its chapters were added to it?"

"Now I am seriously looking forward to the next levels of the Pagoda of Ascension. I wonder what level the second chapter would be?"

Min Hong had different questions running through his mind as a newfound sense of anticipation gripped him from deep within his soul.

But whilst he was cultivating the [Chant of the Cherubs], he felt like his soul had been plunged into a sea of boiling oil with temperatures that exceeded 500 0C.

Furthermore, he also noticed that, the longer he spent chanting the chorus the higher the temperature was becoming.

It was like as if the sun was slowly approaching him, the longer he spent singing the chorus within his mind.

But what truly happened to him last night was that, he was completely knocked unconscious for carelessly doing something very very stupid.

He felt that since he could survive the pressure of the Pagoda of Ascension, then he would be able to survive cultivating the technique.

So, he actually merged both the [Chant of the Cherubs] and the [Scripts of Buddha] together, in a bid to create a technique that simultaneously cultivates his mind and soul.

So, with the help of the Primus Dao tree, the two techniques transformed into two motes of light and stuck to the Primus Dao Tree which merged both of them together into one as a green leaf sprouted from its golden trunk.

Then when Min Hong renamed it, the Primus energy surged into the new leaf and branded the title; [Buddhist Chant of the Cherubs].

In the joyful spirit of creating a brand-new technique, Min Hong decided to test it out. Then he slipped into that trance once again.

But this time, everything had changed a little. Now there were only fifty steps and four stages with a closed door standing at the top of the fiftieth white slab.

Seeing the drastic changes within this dimension, Min Hong cautiously raised his right foot and slowly placed his leg on it.

Before his leg could touch the step, his foot was already feeling an immense heat, double the one his soul experience earlier, radiating from it.

His foot finally touched the slab and then; Boom! Min Hong shook as he felt his soul being smashed by something as heavy as a dozen Mauna Kea stacked on top of each other.

Furthermore, the slab he was currently stepping on felt like hot molten steel making him scream in agony as the effects of both techniques groped every inch of his soul body like bath water around the body.

In less than three minutes, Min Hong was knocked unconscious from the sheer agony.

So, he wasn't sleeping but rather he got knocked out during cultivation.

It wasn't until the Primus energy seeped into his soul and mended the damage that he finally woke up.

Also, he noticed that the few minutes of endurance he suffered had improved his soul and mental cultivation which had now surged into the Peak grade Bronze Rank level.

It was because of this reason that he was feeling very refreshed and deeply invigorated from the depth of his spirit through his soul and into his physical body.

In fact, Min Hong was currently feeling like he could smash Zi Kun and Chi Zheng into a paste with a single fist strike.

"Now that my heart and soul has seen a sharp rise in power level, I should really use this window of opportunity to cultivate as soon as possible." Min Hong thought to himself.

Then after sorting his thoughts and straightening his outfit, they finally set out as they headed for Qing Tan's apartment where Min Qing had to pass the night.

When they got to the female block of District 21, they found out that the Min Qing duo were already waiting for them.

"Hello angels, hope you all had a blissful night, because I did, dreaming about you both…"

Mu Li flattered when he saw the Min Qing duo who had already stepped up their sisterhood a notch.

"Mu Li, what do you mean by you were dreaming about them, do you care to explain?"

Mu Bai smiled mischievously as he plunged his twin brother into a deeply awkward situation.

"Yeah Mu Li, what roles were we playing within this blissful dream of yours?"

Min Qing followed up on the trend with a fake frown, whilst Min Hong and the rest stood aside and gazed at Mu Li who looked around and noticed he was under an awkward spotlight with nothing to hide behind other than his skin.

Seeing that they had all pulled a fast one on him, Mu Li glared daggers at his twin before giving a stiff and awkward chuckle as he tried to pull himself out of the pit of awkwardness his friends had just plunged him into;

"Hehe. I was only dreaming that I was in a battle in hell beside a sea of blood from which several sea demons and monsters popped out of and swarmed over me."

"After several hours of bitter and valiant display, I could no longer hold on as millions upon millions of these demons and monsters swarmed over me."

"I had thought I was going to perish and was ready to take my own life."

"But as I looked up into the sky, behold, the cloud parted and a golden ray of light spilled into my endless nightmares."

"Then you two goddesses descended, instantly slaying a thousand demons and monsters with just a single gaze."

"Then you both grabbed each of my arms and saved me from the bloody, gruesome and endless nightmare."

"There and then, I felt my knees turn to pasta and instantly went to my knees and worshipped and before I could raise my head, you were both mysteriously gone, just like you arrived."

"Thus, to see my two angelic saviours once again in my single life, is more than enough fulfilment. So, I can die now with no regrets."

Mu Li described his so-called dream with so much gestures and matching tone volume that, Min Hong and the rest were so absorbed in the story, they had forgotten what even led to this point.

It wasn't until Mu Li fell to one knee at the end and took Qing Tan's palm in a bid to kiss the back of her hand that they all finally recovered from their tranced state.

Instantly, Min Qing abruptly took the hand of Qing Tan who had blushed so bad, her entire face was blood red.

Min Qing who also had a negligible reddish hue in her face then planted a kick on the lips Mu Li was about to kiss Qing Tan's hand as she snorted in fury;

"Hmph! Such shamelessness. You deserve to die by a thousand cuts."

Though she appeared angry, her fluttering tone and increasingly hueing cheeks said otherwise.

"Aioo! I was only trying to show my little angel a sincere appreciation for shining light into my dark dreams. Why do you have to be so angry about it?" Mu Li rubbed his hot red swollen lips as he responded.

Whilst everyone was reacting uniquely to the ongoing situation, Min Hong was only sighing in wonder at Mu Li's ability to extricate himself from a sticky situation.

Long Sha was instead being captivated by the sheer beauty he was currently being graced with.

Min Qing and Qing Tan were both wearing a sky-blue sexy cheongsam lingerie which had an oval shaped opening on the chest, revealing a third of their perky twin mountains.

It also had a split that went up to their middle thigh section, revealing their smooth, pale and tender sexy thighs.

It also had another oval shaped opening that revealed their entire backs down to their waists.

They also wore phoenix-shaped hairpins, bracelets, earrings and necklace with amulets as pendants.

All of which were matching in pattern, shapes, crafts and finally in their jade-green colour.

They both treated themselves like royal twins but behaved like big and little sisters.

Their matching attitude, temperament and aura mixed with their innocent demeanours, sexy shapes and their decent but lithe total body structure made them a neck turning and mouth-watering beacons of love.

It was not until Mu Li rose to his feet and rearranged his clothes that everyone finally noticed the unresponsive Long Sha.

Then when they traced his gaze and saw what he was seeing, then, they truly began to appreciate the sheer beauty of the Min Qing duo.

Everything they were currently wearing were so luxurious that Min Hong knew that if they sold his entire Min Family including all their possessions, they would still be unable to afford the jewelleries on the duo's body alone, not to talk of the entire outfit.

Min Hong's group knew this and were wondering how these girls came to possess such amount of wealth.

But when the Min Qing duo noticed the four boys looking at them like they were some Peak grade treasure seen within the most ancient inheritance grounds, they both blushed.

Whilst Qing Tan was blushing seriously at everything, Min Qing sneaked a peek towards Min Hong in a bid to see his reaction to her appearance.

Seeing that even the most composed figure she had ever met was also lost in thought, she blushed slightly as she revealed a slight smile.

Min Hong who was truly smitten by her beauty was not lost in thought due to the two beauties but rather he was thinking about something else entirely;

"I had better study and relate with these guys including Min Qing and Qing Tan, if I can get a very detailed report of their strength, weaknesses and area of expertise, I would be able to link their strengths very perfectly, should the need for a group battle arise."

"Then I would also be able to find a way to get rid of their weaknesses, and if I can't, I would just have to cover up each of their weaknesses in the strengths of the others."

"Lastly, for there area of expertise, it would help the group rely on the others and shed a bit of their worries and workload to the rest of the group."

"This would enable them focus more on better and more important tasks."

Min Hong thought to himself as he placed his chin on the ravine between his thumb and index finger in thought;

"I guess it would be better if I gave this task of gathering information to Mu Li who seem to find such tasks extremely easy."

"Furthermore, his ability to extricate himself from trouble would also greatly help him, should he find himself in a quagmire whilst gathering this information."

After thinking a bit about it, he walked ahead as the rest tagged along since they all obviously knew where he was heading to; it is time for Min Qing to duel with Yuan Chun.

Min Qing and Qing Tan walked on the left- and right-hand side of Min Hong respectively, though they were also a step behind.

After them came Long Sha who was standing directly behind Min Hong two steps away of course.

To Long Sha, he took it as his duty to have and protect Min Hong's back and act as his support should he ever fall.

But, no matter how much he tried to persuade Min Hong otherwise, Min Hong still treated him as no only an equal but his blood brother.

But who was Long Sha? He was a youth with a stubborn and bipolar nature who is always down to earth about achieving his aims.

Thus, even if Min Hong didn't accept it, he would still do it either ways.

He had somehow realised that this Min Hong was far more intellectual and wiser than his age.

He also had the feeling that he would gain more from Min Hong if he followed him than act as an equal or as his superior, thus he maintained his stance.

Min Hong noticed this also but he could only sigh and not dwell on the matter.

After all, he had promised everyone within their group to not restrict them in any manner, as long as it doesn't jeopardize the wellbeing of the group.

Then after Long Sha came the Mu twins. So, at this point, if one was to look at their group from a bird's eye view;

One would notice that they were all moving in a star-shaped pattern, with Min Hong being the tip of the star, Min Qing and Qing Tan being the upper left and right arm and the Mu twins being the lower left and right whilst Long Sha was right in the centre of them all.josei

As they moved through the streets, they all looked like a convoy or group of mafias with Min Hong obviously being their ring leader.

This brought a lot of shock to some people who were wondering why the weakest person amongst their group would be their leader.

Though, it was true that Min Hong's talent and potential was unparalleled in the entire outer court districts, they believed that, should a battle erupt, he will only become a burden to the rest of the group.

But they would never know the full story, at least not until a lot of them had suffered from such ignorance.

There were also those amongst the crowd who were just curious about their group and apparently not many of them knew that within Min Hong's group; five of them were within the top ten of the final rankings of this year's entry selection exams.

After all, not all of them were chanced or free enough for them to go watch the selection exams.

Thus, there were still a bunch of people who didn't know the full details of the examination outcome.

Then lastly were those who knew about Min Hong's group and not only that, they were also people who greatly try antagonize and intimidate newbies to sometimes even collect tributes from them.

They also knew about Min Qing's duel and were sneering at their group as they thought Min Qing was just overestimating herself and her abilities by challenging an existing outer court disciple, the moment they entered the outer court.

Min Hong also heard different chatters and whispers, as well as some occasional chuckles and even unrestrained laughter and jeers.

But he didn't bother with them, he knew within himself that, within a short three months, their group would have surely dominated and risen to the top of the food chain in the entire outer court disciple.

Then, these people would not be able to even breathe unless their told to do so.

Qing Tan was greatly bothered by these people's attitudes and was about to respond when Min Qing suddenly grabbed her hand and shook her head, indicating her to do no such thing.

Min Qing then pulled the little Qing Tan over to her side as they both held hands and followed Min Hong whilst Qing Tan finally calmed down after Min Qing held her hands.

It wasn't like Min Qing herself didn't detest this people's actions, and its not like she didn't have the ability to cause a lot of chaos and send many people to outer court healers if she went on berserk mode, but there was something preventing her from doing so.

She looked up and saw the only person in this life who could throw her entire emotions into shambles and disarray with just a smile and a look.

To her, if Min Hong didn't mind these clowns and didn't think of responding or causing chaos, then who was she to do so.

Thus, like her usual and normal self, she would only wait for Min Hong to respond before acting.

As for the rest of the group, Long Sha was just as unbothered as Min Hong, but the Mu twins though were silent, they were already swollen with pent up and stiffly bottled-up fury and rage.

But just like the others, they would do as much as spare these clowns a glance until Min Hong gives them the go-ahead. Thus, they calmed themselves and ignored all of them.

They were only about a five-minute walk away from the duelling platform, so they decided to bear with it for now.

After five minutes, they arrived at the front door of the missions hall, Min Hong then smiled as he looked back and spoke; "Let's go make our first statement…"

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