The Legend of Min Hong

Chapter 128

Chapter 128: Making a Statement; Demonic

When the rest of the group heard Min Hong made that statement, a sense of revenge surged within their hearts as their battle intent and morale shot through the roof. Long Sha saw this and smiled.

Just the ability of Min Hong to spur and influence the emotions of those around him alone was one of the attributes of a leader that was very scarce to find, difficult to imbibe and the most valuable of all attributes.

Min Hong led his emotionally stoked group into the Mission Hall which had the exact structure like that of the Enforcement Hall.

The only major details being that, instead of using the space between the U-shaped space to punish and imprison the offenders of the Desert Sun Sect like the Enforcement Hall, the Mission Hall used theirs as a duelling platform and their Death Cage, which is where the Life and Death battles of the Sect is fought.

When they arrived at the stage, they found out that a lot of people had already gathered to come witness and watch the duel.

Though, some of the people here just wanted to watch two beauties battle.

After all, Yuan Chun was not too bad herself and though she was less pretty compared to Yue Yao, her sexiness and sexual appeal would dominate that of Yue Yao two times over.

There were also those who came to watch a very daring newbie challenge an established outer court disciple for her apartment.

There were also those who were followers of Yue Yao or those who were looking to court her, likewise was the case of Yuan Chun also.

There were also those who came to support the newbies, after all, it is a common occurrence within the sect for existing disciples to pick on the newbies.

Thus, the newbies had long formed a newbie association which would be there to act as a shelter for new entry disciples, but the association consisted of newbies as the majority.

There also those who belonged to the gossip network who will go and exaggerate the extent of this duel to their friends when they return and finally, were those who came to actually learn and improve on their abilities and battle prowess.

Min Qing then stepped onto the stage that was as large as the Camp Nou [All rights to their Barcelona] whilst the person presiding over the duel was within a small room that was built just like a commentator's section within a soccer stadium.

But the materials this section was made out of made sure that no one could see, sense or hear anything from the outside.

The voice of an Elderly man who seemed to be in his early thirties rang across the stage;

"This is not a Death Battle; thus, weapons are not allowed."

"In addition, killing your opponent either intentionally or unintentionally is punishable by death and if by any means leniency is required, your cultivation would be crippled and you would be dishonourably discharged from the sect."

"Lastly, external source of help is not allowed either by the interference of your partner, pills and other artifacts and talismans."

The Elder gave the rules before finally adding; "You may begin!" The moment he said that, the entire crowd burst into various cheers and jeers.

Yuan Chun gazed at Min Qing in ridicule as she sneered;

"I will stand in for the rest of the established outer court disciples and teach you newbies about respecting your seniors."

As her statement landed, she erupted with her 8 Star Dan Formation cultivation base.

Instantly, the sound of rushing water could be heard by all the spectators within the arena, followed by the descent of an invisible wind, signifying that Yuan Chun had activated her First Plane Water and Wind Intent separately.

Then with a whooshing sound, Yuan Chun danced like the wind as she bolted towards Min Qing; "Storm Chaser Dash!"

When she reached about ten feet from Min Qing, Yuan Chun separated her hands into palms as she sent a palm attack flurries of palm strikes towards Min Qing who still stood there like a statue.

When some of the outer court disciples saw the technique Yuan Chun just used, they all erupted into series of cheers as one of them bellowed in shock;

"Isn't that the 'Overlapping Waves', the Top-grade Black Tier martial art? I heard the technique had a 1000 merit points price tag."

"To think that Senior Sister Yuan Chun could actually buy one of the top ten strongest martial arts in the outer court."

"Senior Sister Yuan Chun must be stinkingly rich to be able to afford it. Furthermore, she seemed to have comprehended the art to the intermediate level. This newbie is truly done for."

"Hmph!" The moment Yuan Chun's palm made contact, Min Qing's snort floated into everyone's ears before she was blasted about two metres away before finally screeching to a stop.

Then Yuan Chun arrived one again to land another palm strike causing Min Qing to fly another two metres backwards.

The concept of the 'Overlapping Waves' palm technique was to increase the momentum and damage of one's palm strikes with each palm strike one lands until the opponent can no longer endure and gets drowned in the flurry of attacks.

"What is wrong with that newbie, she seemed stunned or something like that…" One outer court disciple said.

"She is not even defending, that is not normal. After all, even if someone was initially stunned, they would have been jolted awake by the first attack…" Another disciple spoke from the side.


Within the Elder's room where the Elder presiding over the challenge was…

There were currently five Elders within this room, and if Min Hong was here, he would be able to recognise two of them.

They were Elder Jiang and Elder Xing who were currently respectfully discussing with the Elder who was presiding over the challenge and one other man and woman who were also Elders. But they were instead from the inner court..

"Elder Peng and Shi, why have you graced this slum of an outer court with your venerable presence?" Elder Jiang respectfully spoke with a slightly bowed head…

"Hu Jiang, are you trying to question our reasons for coming here or are you trying to insinuate that we are not welcome here?" Elder Peng replied with a slightly angry tone and an overbearing expression.

"Ah Ah… I dare not. I was just curious as there are rarely any inner court Elder who would want to visit the outer court."

"After all, everyone within District 20 and above all think it is beneath them to visit the outer court. Especially high ranked inner court Elders like yourselves…"

Elder Jiang didn't take any offence to Elder Peng's attitude, no, it is more like he dare not. These two Elders are not just any ordinary Elder within the Sect's inner court.

"It is good that you still know your place… whatever our business is here is none of your concern, you just go to wherever we point and do whatever we say…"

It was Elder Shi who replied this time, and though her tone was flat, her attitude was even worse than that of Elder Peng's.

Elder Jiang could only bow slightly as he acknowledged; "What is your wish?"

"We are here to pick just one disciple each and because we were not inside the sect when the entry selection exam was made, you and Elder Gong would have to get the list of the top 8 of the final participants."

"You will sort them to duel against each other whilst Elder Gong would preside over the duel. then we will pick the duo who enters the final."

Elder Shi spoke once again making the foreheads of both Elder Jiang and Elder Gong crease into a frown.

"Inner court Elders, we are greatly sorry, but we would not be able to do as you have asked."

"The student selection examination for the inner court is in six months and it is against the rule to poach a student before the exam begins."

"Furthermore, anyone who disobeys would be punished by the Enforcement Hall." Elder Gong replied.

"Don't worry about the Enforcement Hall, you will receive no punishments or troubles from them, just do as you have been told." Elder Peng sneered as he waved his sleeves in a nonchalant manner.

"We are truly sorry inner court Elders, but your word alone would not suffice, after all we are about to break the rules here…" this time it was Elder Jiang who responded.

"Hmph! You low lives, do you think you are qualified to question my decisions and orders?!" Elder Shi burst into a boiling rage.

Who was she? A princess from the strongest Kingdom under the Dogon Empire.

She had always gotten everything she wanted since she was born until she was sent to the sect by her father.

Now she could not even use a single shred of her princess-grade influence here, as they were all rendered invalid by the sect leaders.

Thus, she had always been frustrated by this outcome, but now even an ordinary outer court Elder who was not her equal in every ramification possible is now even questioning her actions, has she really fallen so low?

"We are truly sorry Elder Shi and Peng; it is just the way the rules are set." Elder Gong tried to calm the tensed atmosphere.

"Hmph! Gui Peng, let's leave this god forsaken slum!"

Elder Shi angrily stomped her foot in anger as she prepared to storm out before her eyes unknowingly drifted to the ongoing duel and she froze in her steps.

This caused Elder Peng who was still staring daggers at Elder Jiang and Elder Gong to bump into her from behind.

When Elder Peng looked up and saw that Elder Shi did not seem to mind his clumsy but inappropriate behaviour, he then traced her gaze and saw the ongoing battle and was also shocked.

"What technique is that?" Elder Peng unknowingly threw a question into the air, seemingly engrossed in the ongoing duel and somewhat absentminded of the question he just asked.

"It seems to be some sort of body enhancement technique or martial art. It seems to enable her take a lot of beating without feeling any pain…" Elder Xing who had been silent since the beginning finally spoke.

Then, Elder Shi who was seemingly just as engrossed and absentminded as Elder Peng also replied without knowing it;

"Un… moreover, I don't think this kind of technique is from anywhere around, otherwise our sect leaders would have purchased it."

Then after seeing Min Qing being smashed by a fifth palm strike whilst being sent tumbling over about ten metres.

But back on the stands, the Mu twins were currently cringing in the sight of Min Qing being tossed all over the stage whilst Qing Tan's eyes were already so red and swollen with tears that if even a light breeze blew past her face, she would most likely burst out in tears.

Long Sha was also initially stunned by the outcome, but when he saw Min Hong's shocked expression turn into that of a knowing smile, he also relaxed and watched on in anticipation.

Seeing how one-sided the duelling was, the entire crowd broke out into cheers for Yuan Chun and began to sneer at Min Hong's group.

Just about ten seats away from Min Hong were the Kun siblings who also came to watch the ongoing battle;

"Is that Yuan Chun using some sort of illusion art on a newbie?"

"Look at her going all out on a newbie that is much weaker and younger than her. Truly despicable and shameless!"

Kun Lin spat on the floor as she spoke with a disgusted expression.

"I have always warned you to never jump into conclusions, that would only lead to your unfortunate demise."

"Firstly, why are you so interested in the girl?"

"Secondly, though she is weaker than Yuan Chun, she is not in any form of disadvantage. Then lastly, she had not even moved from the same spot since the beginning."

Kun Chao clarified to his little sister before adding; "Do you understand now?"josei

The moment she heard her Elder brother explain the situation, she made some hand seals before stabbing two of the acupoints on her head.

Then she threw up a mouthful of blood before looking straight at Min Qing in awe and trepidation; "Yes, I understand brother…"

Kun Chao nodded his head and consoled her a bit; "You don't need to be scared of such abilities; you can develop it also but you are just still not on her level yet."

"The most important thing is that you have learnt a little from it. But as for their group, you can go join them if you wish."

"Who knows, you might just learn faster from her. But do not belittle yourself like the rest of them and serve that little kid." Kun Chao warned.

"Alright, thank you. But what about you, don't tell me you are planning to play a lone wolf in the outer court?" Kun Lin asked in concern.

"I am only here for one person only. The rest of the clowns around do not faze me."

"It was a good thing that the amulet uncle gave us was able to mask our strengths very well, otherwise our plan might have just been foiled before we even began."

"Remember, we only have two years to complete our mission, and we cannot afford to fail." Kun Chao warned once more before he stood up to leave.

Min Hong who seemed to be watching the duel captured the entire conversation the Kun siblings just had and his smile widened considerably as he continued to focus on the Min Qing who was still getting tossed about like a rag doll.

Then he mumbled to himself; "Min Qing should be ending the battle now…"

Just as he made that statement, the Min Qing who was being flung around finally burst like a balloon of water jolting everyone from their various emotional states.

Then, the true situation was revealed for everyone to see. Min Qing was leisurely standing there on the same spot she was before the duel even began.

Then she spoke softly; "You lost."

Yuan Chun on the other hand was on one knee panting like she just ran up and down the mountain Everest in ten minutes.

She was utterly drained of energy and was dripping wet with the water from the Min Qing clone which had burst earlier making her clothes stick so tight to her skin.

Her originally sexually appealing body went up another level as the sticky clothes revealed almost everything underneath except her bare skin as her entire figure was out for everyone to see.

Two pointy dots were also poking through the bountiful chest area of her clothes, making the eyes of almost all the boys around to turn red in heat. Some were even close to bleating smoke from their nostrils as they plunged their gazes onto every part of her sexy body.

Yuan Chun on the other hand did not even pay the slightest attention to all these as her chest kept rising and falling as she panted nearly making most of the boys go berserk in heat.

Then she looked up at Min Qing and shook her head in refusal;

"No no no… That's not possible, I was winning. I was dominating you just now, you could not even raise your hands at me. It is not possible you are this relaxed and not even injured."

Yuan Chun had a lot of confusing questions in her mind as several alternating expressions appeared and flashed across her face.

"You are but a frog in a well!" Min Qing spoke flatly as she turned around to leave the stage.

Seeing that Min Qing had turned her back on her, Yuan Chun bolted towards her and thrusted her palm which was gloved with water and a sharply spinning wind acting as very long and sharp claws looking to stab Min Qing in the back.

But when she got about five feet from Min Qing, Min Qing looked back and saw Yuan Chun, then the rage she had been bottling up since earlier in the day erupted as the sky momentarily went dark.

Then came the descent of an ominous and completely evil aura.

Min Qing's eyes turned completely black as a potent and tyrannic aura burst forth from her body causing her hair to float in the absence of any wind.

Then she turned around and gazed at the incoming Yuan Chun.

Then a purple flame surged out of her body and floated over her head, depicting the image of the scariest demon Min Hong had every seen in his life as time suddenly slowed to a crawl.

It was the image of a demoness who had long black flowing hair that was twice her height.

The demoness herself possessed a body structure of a twelve-year-old, with purple flames as oversized robes.

A beating and bleeding heart adorned the necklace she had on and her two earrings. Two closed cat-inclined eyes and one vertical eye cutely stood on her face depicting that she was still asleep.

Every other part of her body was covered by the oversized purple-flamed robes she was wearing.

Then lastly, was a red crown placed which had a deep purple gem embedded on it.

All in all, it made the demoness exude an imperial, cute and innocent aura, but everyone could clearly sense that beneath all that was something that was from the deepest depths of hell with a very high authority down there.


The moment Min Qing gazed at Yuan Chun, the little demoness also raised her head with her eyes still closed, then Min Qing coldly harrumphed, but instead from the sound coming from Min Qing herself, it came straight from the little demoness.

Then Min Qing leisurely rose her finger and pointed at the arm Yuan Chun was currently thrusting towards her and then;


Yuan Chun's entire arm was first crumpled like a paper which was about to be trashed before it was then blasted into tiny bits that splattered all over the stage.

But shockingly all the blood that came from it entered floated over to Min Qing who opened her mouth and sucked it all in before licking her lips and muttering;

"Hmmm, virgin blood always tastes delicious. Though not as delicious as that of an unborn child, but I can still make do with this."

The voice that came out of Min Qing's mouth sounded like a mixture of Min Qing's voice and another enchanting, soul wrenching and illusion casting little girl's voice.

Everyone within the arena and even the five Elders were all watching the situation unfolding in front of their faces in utter trepidation.

Though, the time was slowed to a crawl where one second was basically equal to one hour, their mind still recorded everything they saw and heard. Then, the possessed Min Qing continued;

"Little girl for giving me the opportunity to taste a virgin's blood once again, tell me whatever you want me to do for you and it shall be done…" This part of her statement only sounded within Min Qing's mind…

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