The Legend of Min Hong

Chapter 129

Chapter 129: The Demon Within; Lang Su

After a few moments of silence which seemed to be as a result of an internal conversation between the little demon princess and Min Qing, the princess voice then rang out once again;

"Oh ho ho. That is a given. After all, there is no way I am going to allow my future vessel be a weak person or someone who gets picked on. So, you don't need to be worried about that."

The moment the little demoness made that statement, a seal began to spread all over Min Qing's body. 

This seal was pitch black in colour and started from Min Qing's forehead before running down the sides of her face and down her body, extending to both her arms and legs.

Then a sky-blue water surged out of Min Qing's body before it began to transform into a yellow colour and by the time it was complete, Min Qing's Water Dao had surged up to the Fifth Plane Intent Level.

After that came her Yin Qi which abruptly became more potent and sinister and then surging upwards to the Fifth Plane Intent Level.

Then lastly, an eerie purple flame surged out of Min Qing's body before entering back through her pores.

The process repeated itself and the more it did so the purer the flame became and within the next three minutes, Min Qing already had a Flame Dao in the Fifth Plane Intent Level.

All these took too long to explain but happened in the space of five minutes which in turn means that, from the moment the little demon princess appeared to this moment, only a twelfth of a second had passed outside the arena…

By the time Min Qing was done being upgraded, her cultivation now firmly stood within the 8 Star Dan Formation stage, followed by the Flame, Water and Yin Law which were all in the Fifth Plane Intent Level.

"Sorry kiddo, this is the strongest your mind and soul can withstand. If I should increase it any further, it would put a strain on your body and soul."

"So, you would have to make do with this and improve on it till I awaken." The little demon princess told Min Qing.

"But before I go, what do you want to do about this little kid?"

She asked Min Qing clearly referring to the Yuan Chun who still had both of her foot in the air and a normal expression.

Apparently, she had yet to process and feel the destruction of her entire arm.


Whilst all this was going on, Min Hong's bloodline, mind and soul was fighting back the effect of the little demon princess's presence.

The Dawn Sovereign bloodline aggressively rebelled against the presence of the little demon princess as it began to purify itself within Min Hong's body.

It was the exact moment that the little demon princess asked Min Qing about Yuan Chun that his bloodline got purified to the 20 percent level.josei

Within Min Hong's body, his red blood cells began to take a golden tinge and his golden bones which was the effect of cultivating the [Jade Primal Dragon Body] deepened. 

Next were his tissues and muscles which began to turn golden also.

Everything within Min Hong's body began to change their colour to exhibit a golden one. The dragon tattoos also received such effects.

Then mysteriously, his mental and soul bodies responded to the new effect as his previously white soul body began to see several golden primordial and mythical characters appear on it.

His Mind Palace also began to have a primordial and mythical feel to it, like it was a castle that was sent here from a timeline before the universe was created.

After all was said and done, the Primus Dao Tree then began its own process as it greedily absorbed this primordial aura.

Gradually it began to sway as all the leaves on itself and the three other Dao Branches began to rustle.

Then several primordial veins also began to appear on the surface of the tree as the Dao Branches began to grow longer simultaneously as their girth also thickened significantly.

Then in less than two minutes, the Primus Dao Tree finally ceased absorbing the aura.

At this time, the Dao branches stood firmly at 50 feet each whilst the Primus Dao Tree itself had reached a height of 500 feet.

The moment the bloodline aura seeped into every fibre of Min Hong's being, the golden energy surged within Min Hong's body and began to battle with another greyish energy within Min Hong's body.

Apparently, this was the Dawn Sovereign bloodline energy battling that of the little demon princess.

After about three minutes of an intense fight, the golden energy finally tamed and assimilated the grey energy, then a slight shockwave exploded within Min Hong jolting him out of his bewitched state.

The moment this shockwave seeped out of Min Hong's body through his pores, an overbearing, imperial, sovereign, tyrannic and brutal aura suddenly weighed down on the area.

It was a stifling, awe and fear-inducing aura and the moment it came in contact with the demonic aura around Min Hong, a sizzling sound rang across the entire arena.

The aura wrapped around Min Hong's body as the timeline around Min Hong lost its effect on him, then with a slight lean forward, Min Hong appeared on the arena within the blink of an eye.

The moment Min Hong left his seat, the little demon princess turned her head and sent a palm strike towards the incoming Min Hong.

Though Min Hong had nullified her effects on him, when it came to sheer and raw power and bloodline purity, Min Hong was still sorely lacking.

So, by the time Min Hong reacted to the incoming attack, it was already in front of his face.

So, he shut his eye and stiffened his body to receive the palm strike, but the blow he was expecting never came.

By the time he opened his eyes, he only saw a bone-white little palm in front of his face that had grey lines on it barely sticking out of a sleeve made of purple flames.

"Ooh, you actually took control of my own arm. It is a good thing that you learned quick enough to understand that once I am in control of your body, my soul would also be vulnerable to you."

"That is the disappointing effects of that technique. if i had enough time, then i would have used a better one. but those wretched old hags didn't even give me enough time to form any seals."

"But if you are using all your mental and soul strength to partially control one of my arms, what would you do about the second?"

The little demon princess sent another palm strike hurtling towards Min Hong but before it could reach him, Min Hong had already executed his Dao realm 'Chaotic Shadow Steps' and fled the area.

He reappeared on the other side of the stage as he activated his bloodline aura, recited the [Buddhist Chant of the Cherubs] within his mind and then bellowed;

"Min Qing, snap out of it!"

The moment his voice floated into Min Qing's ears; the little demon princess trembled slightly as she felt a light tug on her soul;

"Hmph! Silly girl, don't think because you are a vessel with an extremely high potential that I cannot take your life." She snorted. 

"But for now, be a good girl and rest a bit…"

The moment she said this, the little demon princess spirit began to descend into Min Qing's body as her hair began to grow.

Seeing that this slumbering demoness was still powerful enough to possess Min Qing, Min Hong slightly grew flustered but regained his composure almost instantaneously as his logical nature spurred into action.

Instantly, using the same effect, he spoke to Min Qing; "Min Qing, use those two techniques."

He spoke softly as he contacted Little Wu through their soul link;

"Hmph! Do you think any meagre technique is strong enough to pre-" The little demon princess snorted in disdain at Min Hong's statement.

To her, which man-made technique or art from this world could possibly stop her from possessing Min Qing. 

But before she could finish her statement, she felt a sizzling pain like that of a boiling oil begin to erupt from Min Qing's body, followed by the weight of six Mauna Kea descend on her.

Then she noticed that the more she proceeded with the possession process the higher the intensity of these feelings got.

So, she began to retreat gradually and felt these effects reduce in power. 

"Are you sure it would work that way? You know I am gambling with my life here…" Min Hong muttered whilst the demon princess was in the process of returning into her seal.

Then after receiving some sort of confirmation, Min Hong suddenly joined his index and middle finger together and then brought it up to his face as his aura abruptly changed.

Then he opened his eyes as the three of them snapped open. 

This time, his left and right eye were completely golden in colour whilst the 'Eye of Infinite Dao' went completely holy-white.

Then a primordial and mythical QI surged out of his body and transformed into an imperial robe followed by the appearance of a crown.

Min Hong then slammed his palms together in a praying manner and by the time he separated them, an imperial seal had already formed on his left palm. 

As all these changes happened, the little demon princess was obviously aware of everything as a sense of danger washed over her.

Seeing that she was still occupied with escaping the current unfavourable environment, Min Hong executed his 'Dao Realm' 'Chaotic Shadow Steps' once again as he approached the demon princess at a break-neck speed.

The demon princess was occupied with surviving her current predicament, so she simply used her hair.

Her hair thrusted towards Min Hong looking to stab and restrain him, as he began to dodge using the chaotic steps whilst cutting down the rest of the hair he could not completely evade.

In less than ten seconds, Min Hong was already a few feet away from her.

He then sent a palm strike towards her with the palm which had the imperial seal.

As the imperial seal approached her, the little demon princess felt a deep and grave sense of danger from it.

So, she ignored her current pain and focused on restraining Min Hong and soon enough, some of her hair latched onto one of his legs.

Then as his speed reduced, another bunch of it latched onto his second leg and before long both his arms were also restrained as she held him up in the air and approached Min Hong.

When she was about a foot away from him, she spoke; "There are two types of people I deeply detest and cannot stand." She held up two fingers…

"First: People that get in my way." Then she began to scowl.

"And second: People who repeatedly get in my way." Then she pointed towards Min Hong. "You, little kid, are both of these people."

Then she stopped when Min Hong was only a foot away from her. "The curiosity within your eyes is very obvious."

The little demon princess's eyes turned black as she gazed at Min Hong who felt as if she had just peered into the deepest parts of his soul.

"Oh ho. I can see we have two little shy lovebirds here." she smiled amusingly before adding;

"Alright. Out of my respect for your darling little lover right here, I will give you one minute to ask three questions which I will answer." She said as her eyes stopped its peering.

Min Hong who didn't even bother to struggle since he had been caught gazed flatly into her eyes and asked bluntly;

"Firstly, who are you?"

The little demon princess didn't care one bit about Min Hong's manner as she replied him; "I am Lang Su, the seventh princess of the seventh hell."

Still with her eyes shut in deep slumber, she gave Min Hong her identity.

Min Hong continues to look straight into her eyes as if trying to find something within as he asked his second question.

But this time, there was a hint of aggression and overbearingness within his tone;

"What do you want with my Qing'er?"

"Hehe he. Is it not obvious? She is going to be my vessel. She has a lot of potential and talent which will naturally be upgraded when I take control."

"But most of all, she is still innocent and pure." When she got to the last part of her statement, Min Hong could almost sense that she was currently so elated and smug.

That type of elation someone gets when they have found something precious and are about to go and brag to everyone, they know about it.

But he didn't care, because all Min Hong was doing was just to stall for time.

Little Wu had already told him a little bit about her nature already.

Though, they were not personal information but those outsiders would gleam from peering into the happenings of the seven hells.

"My last question would come in two forms, the first being the question and the other being a suggestion. Do you mind?"

Min Hong was abnormally calm which made Lang Su frown a bit and begin to scan her surroundings and even Min Hong himself.

But after a deep scan, she couldn't find anything as Min Hong eased her worries;

"Don't worry, there is no one around. Moreover, do you really think there will be someone who is strong enough to resist you here?" he asked. 

"Hmph! I have scanned the entire empire, the moment you all stepped into it, and the strongest expert I could find was only a Peak Saint stage expert, who isn't my match even in my current state of slumber."

Lang Su then felt she might have overthought and was just being paranoid, so she returned to her previous vibe with an amusing smile on her face, as she gazed at Min Hong and asked;

"Are you scared?"

"Initially I was. But now, not anymore. People who fear death would come to terms with it once they find out that their deaths were inevitable. At that time, fear would vanish and the curiosity of the anticipation of death would be the only thing left."

Min Hong responded and for some strange reasons he was truly unafraid of Lang Su.

"Hehe. I am starting to like you, so I will indulge you this once." Lang Su jiggled.

"Ask your last question?" she added. Min Hong frowned slightly in a thoughtful manner before he asked; "Do you know Sun Wukong?" Min Hong smiled mischievously as he asked.

Instantly, a foreboding feeling washed over Lang SU as she tried to kill Min Hong on the spot as she grabbed straight at his chest looking to rip his heart out of his chest.

But before her hand could make contact, a bright light erupted from Min Hong's body as four figures bolted out of him.

Two staffs, one male monkey spirit and a female human spirit. Little Lin rotated sharply as she severed all the hairs binding Min Hong.

The moment he was freed, Lang Su tried to attack him once again but the monkey spirit abruptly appeared in front of her as he spoke in a playful and amusing voice;

"Where are you going to? Your opponent would be me." Sun Wukong spoke.

"Hmph! Ant!" Lang Su boiled with rage as she slashed her claws at Little Wu who dodged it very easily as he taunted;

"If only you are awake, then I might not be your match. But in your current state of slumber, I can still delay you and buy time for the little kid. Haha ha…"

Little Wu laughed loudly as he hinted at something.

Instantly, Lang Su looked for Min Hong and saw that he was already a foot away from Min Qing's body with a palm strike that had some sort of mysterious seal on it.

Though, she didn't know what it was, she didn't wish to find out the hard way.

So, she sent her floor length hair hurtling after Min Hong trying to stab him or restrain him or turn him into a sponge, anything possible as long as he doesn't touch Min Qing.

But then Little Lin in her staff form appeared and blocked the advancement of her hairs.

Seeing that it might be too late, Lang Su erupted with a cultivation base of the Peak Nirvana stage as she pushed Little Wu backwards, then dashed towards Min Hong.

She made a clawing gesture with her palm as it lit up in purple flames before lashing it against Little Lin who was blasted away like a rag doll before making a grasping motion at Min Hong's chest once again.

She could send any attack at Min Hong because he was standing directly in front of Min Qing and should he dodge the attack, she would be destroying her potential vessel.

She reached Min Hong almost instantaneously and as her claws touched Min Hong's energy made imperial robes, a golden staff aggressively smashed her hand and it was at that same moment that Min Hong's palm reached Min Qing's chest.

Lang Su latched at him with her other hand, but just as she was about to pierce her sharp talon-like claws through his skull, she abruptly froze on the spot.

At that point Min Hong had already placed the 'Imperial Edict' seal on Min Qing, instantaneously subjugating Min Qing as a 'minion mark' appeared within her body and deep within her soul.

The effect of the 'minion mark' kicked in and Min Qing's soul forcefully took control of her other arm.

"Now Min Hong!" Little Wu bellowed at Min Hong who instantly made a similar hand seal like the one he did earlier.

Then he slapped both palms together as Lang Su's face darkened intensely at the fact that she didn't know what their plan was.

But she was not ready to find out as an intense, soul searing, purple flame engulfed her entire body.

Min Hong opened his palm to reveal not one, but two 'Imperial Edict' seals as he slammed his palms into Lang Su's chest.



The moment Min Hong's palms came in contact with the purple flames, a sizzling sound rang out as his hands were roasted aggressively, but he gritted his teeth until his palms touched her and planted the 'Imperial Edict' seal on her.

Instantly, Lang Su froze in shock before she was swarmed with flurries of different staff attacks and techniques.

She instantly manoeuvred her hair to surround her covering every inch of her body like a cocoon as she held the two plumps on her chest in her hands before an angry expression contorted her face, followed by a disgusted expression;

"Is it time already? I guess being forced to use my cultivation power sped up my time limit. I guess I can only do this next time she loses control of her emotions again…"

Lang Su had an awful and helpless expression on her face, apparently, her time in the outside world was already coming to an end.

She had only sent a glimmer of her God-sense which morphed into her image and latched onto Min Qing's emotion and used her emotional state as a medium to manifest in the outside world.

But now that Min Qing could no longer handle the strain her presence brought…

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