The Legendary F Rank

Chapter 127

Chapter 127: Meow.

"I didn't say anything about dancing! What are you talking about?" Zen said with his face a light shade of pink. He turned around to see Haru smiling with his head slightly tilted with confusion. 

"Oh, sure you did sweety. You told me you couldn't dance so I offered you some classes. But you told me you were too busy looking after your nephew to do that. I'm guessing that is him?" She asked and looked at Haru with a smile. 

"Yeah, that is him. He just woke up from a coma, I'm sure he will need my help with things…" Zen said once again his face was turning even pinker than it was before. He then looked back at Haru for help. 

"I am okay. I have Suyin to look after me while you do things. You really don't have to worry about me so much." Haru smiled. Zen usually had an air of confidence when talking to women, He was a handsome man after all but the change in Zen's behaviour was noticeable for Haru. 

'I see, He likes her and it makes him uncomfortable since she is the one taking the intuitive.' Haru thought as he knowingly gave his uncle no escape from the dance class.

"See, He is fine. I am sure Suyin is enough to look after him. So what do you say?" She asked once more. This time she seemed sincere and less like she was just playing with him. 

"Well, I also have some work to do back at the office. I really don't think I will have the time to do it. Sorry…" Zen said with a bit of a frown.

The woman stood there with a look of sadness on her face. She looked like she was looking forward to teaching him how to dance.

"It's fine. You were going to take the day off to look after me right? I will let everyone back at the office know that you are taking the day off…" Haru smiled. 

"You have such a good nephew, He is willing to do that for you even after coming out of the hospital. Come on you have no excuse not to dance with me now do you?" She asked again. She looked so hopeful and her eyes were sparkling so much that even Zen could see how much she wanted to teach him to dance.

"Fine. I guess I can spare a few hours. It won't take too long will it?" Zen asked. Finally accepting her offer like he didn't want to. But the look on his face made him look like he was happy to accept. 

"We will be going home then. I'm taking your driver." Haru turned and began to walk while holding Suyin's hand. 

"Haru!" Zen shouted.

"Yeah. What is it?" He turned to see Zen holding a finger to his own neck and then running it across like he was cutting it with a blade. 

"Now that's not nice. The first rule of dancing is being in a good mood so your body can move freely. Come on now listen to this and shake your hips like me." The woman grabbed Zen by the arm and made him start right away after catching him threatening Haru.

Haru and Suyin both giggled before making there way out into the reception area and then back down the elevator into the main lobby before both finally getting into the car that was waiting for them outside.

"Is Mr Hao still inside?" The driver turned and asked as both Haru and Suyin made themselves comfortable in the back seats.

"Yeah, He will be a while. He will probably call you when he wants to be picked up but can you take us back home for now?" Haru asked before putting on his seat belt. 

The car began to pull forward out of the parking spot and then drive down the main road. Before Suyin turned to look at him again. 

"So can you tell me why you look like this now?" She asked and then stared at him for a few seconds before he came up blank with a good explanation so he decided to tell her the same thing that he had told Zen.

"Well, My body went through a transformation to allow me to use more power…" He began to explain it to her and without realising it fifteen minutes went by in a flash. They had already arrived back at Zen's house. They both got out of the car before heading inside. 

As Haru closed the door behind him he felt a soft fluffy hug come his way as Xue jumped up at him and began to lick him. 

"I missed you too." He then knelt down and began to pet her. She rolled onto her back exposing her belly to him. Haru petted her for a few minutes. 

"Wow. Even I didn't get a reaction like that when I told you that I missed you." Suyin jokingly complained.

"You want me to pet you too?" Haru asked before immediately placing his hand on her head and gently brushing her hair.

"That's not what I meant…" She said before closing her eyes and accepting it. She then put her arms around him and let him continue. 

"Aww, If I knew you would act like this I would have given you some head pats a long time ago. You're just like a cat." Haru smiled.


A sound escaped Suyin's lips before she brought her head close to him and licked his cheek.

Haru went silent and pulled his head away from her.

Suyin looked back in embarrassment before they both started laughing. 

"Okay, I am never doing that again." She exclaimed through laughter.

Once they both settled down they decided to head into the living room and catch up on all the time they had missed. Suyin explained that she had started her training and was currently recording an album. 

They had liked her vocals so much that they had decided to invest as much money as possible into her. It was predicted that the album would do pretty well so they had decided to start recording music videos to go with each song. Hence the dance lessons. 

Suyin had taken dance lessons as a child but it was nothing compared to what they had her doing now. She was dancing around the studio for usually around six hours a day. She felt exhausted but it was what she always dreamed of since she was young. 

"Wow, It sounds like you had it rough. Not to mention I had you worried the whole time. I'm sorry." He apologised and then hugged her as they sat on the couch while the TV played out in the background.

"So what are you going to do? Weren't you supposed to head to university on Monday? I'm sure Zen called to let them know you were in hospital but what are you going to do about it?" Suyin asked.

"Wait… Monday? I thought I had until the twenty-third?" Haru asked confused. 

"Yes, and it is the twenty-sixth now…" Suyin stated.

"Twenty-sixth? Like October twenty-sixth? Where did the time go? Last time I checked it was still August." Haru seemed rather confused. 

"Well, you did spend like two weeks cultivating in the basement remember? And then you went and put yourself in a coma… Where do you think all the time went?" Suyin laughed.

Haru stopped for a minute and thought about it. 

"I guess I had better go sometime soon then. I still need to book train tickets to Shanghai first. It will take around nine hours to get there though." Haru complained. 

"Wait a minute, Let me make a phone call," Suyin said suspiciously and then pulled out her phone and dialled a number before placing it to her ear.

"Hey, Haru needs to get a train ticket to shanghai. I was wondering how soon you could get him one." She said as soon as the call connected. 

The was a muffled voice that came through on the other side. 

"Well, You told me that you will help with anything that I need," Suyin complained back to whoever was on the other side of the phone. 

"You shouldn't make promises you can't keep then… Wait you can get one for Saturday night? Yes, that works. Thank you!" She shouted before hanging up. 

"Good news. I got you a train ticket for Saturday night." Suyin seemed overjoyed as she hugged him.

"Wait Saturday? Don't you think that is a bit too soon? I only have two days to get everything that I will need." Haru protested. He was planning to spend another week in Shenzhen at the least. He wanted to make sure that he left no unfinished business.

"Then we can go shopping tomorrow! Let me treat you. I got my first paycheck on Friday so I have a lot of money to spoil you with!" Suyin seemed excited. 

And Haru was not willing to ruin her good mood. From what Zen had told him she had been distraught the whole time he had been in the hospital. But now she seemed happy. He wanted to make sure she remained that way for a while longer.

"Fine, we can go shopping tomorrow. But by the way… Who did you call?" Haru asked. There weren't many people who could get an overnight train ticket to a city as busy as Shanghai on such short notice. 

"It was that police officer that took you to that sect. She came to the hospital when you were unconscious to ask me a bunch of questions like If you had mentioned going to see that old man and his family before.

After talking for a while she gave me her phone number and told me that she will help me in any way she can." Suyin explained. 

"Oh, You mean Cui? That explains how she can get a train ticket so fast. That was a good idea. Why didn't I think about that?" Haru exclaimed and then kissed her forehead. 

There was a slight moment of silence as Suyin began to think about things. 

"Hey, Haru…" Suyin said and looked up at him with eyes that were glimmering in the light. 

"What is it?" Haru asked. She looked slightly nervous. josei

"I love you so much…" She said with a hint of hesitation in her voice. It wasn't that often when she had the chance to tell him that.

"I love you too." Haru smiled and then leaned in to kiss her for a second time today. But just as his lips were about to touch hers. The front door swung open and then slammed against the wall as the sounds of heavy footsteps echoed out through the halls.

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