The Legendary F Rank

Chapter 128

Chapter 128: Trian ride.

The following days were mentally draining for Haru. First, the day after he had to go shopping with Suyin. She dragged him around to every store that they passed to make sure that they didn't sell anything that he needed. Even useless stores like food stores.

She wanted to make sure that he had everything that he could possibly need for university. Pen's, notebooks and much more of the same sort of school supplies. Haru thought it was a big waste of time since he could get everything that he needed once he actually arrived there but he didn't mind too much. 

The shopping trip wasn't about actually buying the things that he needed. At least to him, it wasn't. It was about spending time with Suyin before he went halfway across the country to study a subject that he hadn't even picked yet. But the day soon came to an end when they bought everything that he would need to survive university for a good few months. 

They went to bed and then woke up to the feeling of dread that they both wanted to avoid. Today would be the last day they could spend together for at least a couple of months. The mood of the morning drastically changed from the night before. 

But they both knew it was inevitable. He would have to go eventually whether they liked it or not. It was probably for the best that it was happening so fast so that they didn't have any time to dwell on their feelings. Although when the time would come it would only feel worse. 

They spent the majority of the day packing Haru's bags and then cuddling and talking mindlessly until the alarm Haru had set for nine PM made them realise that time had run out. Haru's train would leave at ten PM and they still had to get to the station. 

A few seconds later Zen knocked on the door. 

"Haru. Are you ready? We are going to have to leave soon." He let them both know and then headed off downstairs to make a phone call to Andrew who had promised to pick Haru up from the train station and help him out since he would be in an unfamiliar place. 

Haru groaned and buried his head into his pillow and lay flat on his front-facing down. Suyin then began to rub his back up and down as she smiled sadly.

"Come on. Stop being a baby, you have to go sometime." She said and then lightly slapped him on his back. 

"You're right." He spoke into his pillow and then sat up. 

"Fine. I am ready." He said and then stood up from the bed and held out his hand to Suyin and helped her up too. 

"You are going like that?" Suyin asked surprised and then looked him up and down. He was wearing just shorts and a T-shirt once again. It was what he would always wear when lounging around the house.

"Yeah, I am going to be sat on a train for nine hours. I have to be comfortable." Haru shrugged and then picked up the two bags that were waiting by the door for him. 

"Yeah, But you are riding in first-class remember. Don't you think that you will look a bit… Out of place?" 

"Out of place? I'm not going to sit on a train all night wearing a suit or something. I will be comfortable so I don't care about looking out of place." Haru laughed and then put down one of the cases before hanging one of his coats on his shoulder before heading out of the room. 

"Fine whatever. You will probably get a lot of weird looks from the old men on the train. And make sure you keep your ticket with you so they don't think you sneaked into first class." Suyin warned him as he walked down the stairs like a homeless man with his waist-length hair. 

"And when you arrive you should get a hair cut. I don't mind how it looks it pretty actually but not really trendy. You look like you came from the thirteen hundreds." Suyin laughed as they made their way outside and packed the bags into the back of the car.

Zen came out in a hurry and held out his hand toward Haru.

"What is it? Haru asked confused.

"Give me your phone. I'm going to give you Andrews number so you can contact him once you arrive." He said and then shook his hand to emphasize that he wanted his phone.

Hatu gave it to him and then waited a few minutes as he began to type the number into his contacts so that he wouldn't have to ask for his number once he arrived and then handed the phone back to him.

"Thanks," Haru said and then turned to enter the car once again. 

"I already gave him your number so he will probably call you when he is there to pick you but its for in case he forgets to," Zen said and then became lost in thought before locking the door to his house and then getting into the front passenger seat.

Haru and Suyin both got into the back before Zen turned to them and asked. 

"You got everything? You won't get the chance to go back after we set off." He warned Haru.

"Yeah, I have everything that I will need. I will just buy anything if I need it." Haru responded and then looked over to Suyin who sighed when she looked at him acting nonchalant.

"What is it?" Haru asked her as they began to drive towards the train station.

"Just you. You are never going to be able to earn money if you don't know how to save it." She added.

"Save money? Look who is talking? You took me shopping yesterday and then decided to buy a bunch of stuff that I didn't really need." Haru laughed at her. 

"Well. You know it wasn't really about buying you things. I wanted to spend time with you that is all." Suyin blushed slightly before turning her head to the window out of embarrassment.

Haru looked at Suyin for a second before the gold from the necklace her bought her flashed a light into his eyes. Drawing his attention down to it. Haru thought for a moment after he saw it and then came up with an idea. 

"Hey, Can you give me that for a second?" He asked her. 

Suyin turned around and gave him a look of confusion.

"Give you what?" She asked.

"Your necklace. I want to see it again." Haru stated and then stared at her. 

"Okay, Because that isn't strange…" Suyin said and then took the necklace off and then handed it to Haru.

Haru took the neckless and looked at it for a few minutes before closing his eyes and channelling his Qi into the necklace. 

'I wonder if this will actually work?' He thought as he began to express his feelings through his Qi.

A blue light filled the inside of the care. It was faint and not too bright but still enough to light up the interior in the darkness of the night. 

"What are you doing back there?" Zen asked as the car lit up.

Suddenly he stopped. The light faded almost instantly and he handed it back to her.

"Here." He said as he held out his hand. 

"What did you do? What was that light about?" Suyin asked. She was used to seeing Haru doing things related to cultivation but it was still strange when he didn't explain. 

"Put it on and you will see," Haru said and then waited for her to put the necklace back on. 

As soon as she clipped the clasp into place her eyes lit up. 

"What is this?" She asked. Her body felt warm and it was like there was as pressure surrounded her. It almost felt like she was being hugged.

"I tried to replicate my presence and put it in the necklace. So whenever you wear it you can think of me." He explained as the car pulled up to the train station. josei

The doors opened up as Cui who was already waiting for them grabbed a hold of the door handle.

"Jeez. I have been waiting for you guys forever. What took you so long?" She asked as Haru began to step out. 

"It's okay. We still have time to spare it is not like I am boarding a plane. I don't need to go through customs, do I? I have metal pens in my bag…" Haru asked. The thought didn't come to him earlier but he felt like he needed to ask just in case.

"Pfft. Is this your first time going on a train or something?" Cui asked She was kind of surprised as she thought that it was normal to ride on trains but she had no idea how sheltered Haru had been

since he was a child.

"No, you will be fine. You just have to go and board the train when it pulls up." She explained along with all the things that he would have to do. But it all went over his head as it was too much information to take in. 

After the long explanation, he said goodbye to his friends and family and then walked into the station and waited for the train to arrive. He sat at the platform for hours before the train finally turned up.

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