The Legendary F Rank

Chapter 132

Chapter 132: Uncle Andrew.

"That was death… If you ever have that feeling you need to leave as fast as you can or else even your soul will be destroyed." Kun said through his panting breath.

"Death what do you mean? What is that thing? I couldn't even see what it looked like. I was too scared to look at it." Haru explained.

"They are called Nekrpolis and you would be doing yourself a huge favour if you stop asking so many questions. There have been times where they have eaten entire solar systems because a single person was thinking about them. 

Just put it out of your mind. But if you ever feel like that, then get as far away as you possibly can. I don't want you to drag me into an early grave with you." Kun said and then vanished in a ball of golden flames.

"Okay… Well, that's a terrifying thought." Haru said out loud before trying to distract himself from thinking about the feeling he just felt.

He then looked down and realised that he had moved at least one hundred metres from where he had started. This was his biggest accomplishment yet. He hadn't managed to go this far with a void corridor before. But now he knew how they were actually supposed to be used. josei

You had to use your instincts to tell you when to open another void corridor to get back. You just had to feel where you wanted to go. 

"I don't think I want to practice right now though. I will wait until that thing leaves." He thought and then opened his eyes to be greeted with the rising sun peeking over the tops of a couple of mountains in the distance. 

'Morning already?' He thought before pulling out his phone and then checking the time. It was six AM. It wouldn't be long before the train would arrive in Shanghai. They were scheduled to arrive for seven-thirty. 

"Sir?" A voice came from the door. Followed by three knocks on the door. Haru used his spiritual sense to feel the Qi of the person on the other side of the door before making up his mind to answer he calling. 

It was a woman in her thirties with almost no Natural Qi at all. She only had traces of abundant Qi which most people unconsciously absorbed from the earth. And she didn't seem to have any bad intentions.

Haru opened the door to be greeted by an older woman pushing a cart down the carriage. 

"Sorry to disturb you. I was wondering if you wanted any breakfast?" The woman asked and then looked down at the cart. 

"No thank you. I'm not really that hungry." Haru said and then looked at the woman's face change to one of anger. Haru then closed the door. 

He then walked back over to the bed and sat down once more. He looked out of the window until the train came to a slow stop. 

He was so entranced in his own thoughts that he didn't realise that they had already passed through the outskirts of the city and arrived at the train station. The train came to a complete stop and a whistle sounded out as the conductor got off to check tickets.

Haru took a few minutes to change into some more appropriate clothes. He was meeting his other uncle for the first time so he wanted to look somewhat presentable. 

He changed into a dark navy suit that he had tailored for Zen's birthday the year before. And then picked up his bags and walked to the exit of the train. He stepped down onto the platform to be greeted by the busy commuters of Shanghai.

Shenzhen was by no means a small city but the population density in comparison with Shanghai was night and day. And he could tell by just the amount of people at the train station. But another problem arose. 

He was now lost. He didn't know where to go. He looked around in all directions until he heard his name called out from behind him.

"Haru?" Lian's voice came from the train as she stepped on to the platform.

"You look lost. Do you want me to show you the way out?" She asked with a smile as she seemed to have been here many times before. 

"That would be great thanks." Haru turned and said as she stood beside him.

"Then just follow me then." She said as she began to lead him toward the exit. They talked on their way but Haru didn't really listen to what she had to say. The noise from the number of people walking around him took his focus away until he saw the sunlight from the entrance to the station.

"Like I was saying. You can come to the Association headquarters anytime you want to. But just make sure you call me ahead of time. There are a few people there who know what your sect is capable of so it is best if I am there so no one decides to make trouble for you." She explained as they walked out into the street. 

"Do you need a ride anywhere? I have my driver waiting for me over there." She then pointed over to a white luxury limousine parked on the opposite side of the road. 

"My uncle is picking me up. But thanks for the offer." Haru said and then began to look around to see if he could spot his uncle. But he had no idea who he was looking for until. 

"Miss Lian. I didn't expect to meet you here?" A large muscular man walked over wearing a white dress shirt that was slightly unbuttoned to give room for his muscles underneath. He had slightly greying hair and looked to be in his early fifties. He had day-old stubble and was also wearing orange-tinted sunglasses. 

"Mr Hao. How are you doing? Have the association got you out on a mission?" She asked the large muscular man. 

Haru looked up at the man who was around a whole head taller than him when he heard what Lian had called him. 'Mr Hao?' Haru looked up at the man. Surely it couldn't be a coincidence. But he didn't want to be wrong so he stayed quiet. 

"Afraid not. I am here for a personal matter. Anyway, who is this young man? I can't sense any Qi on him at all." The muscular man said and then looked at Haru.

"This is Haru. He is a cultivator that has just arrived from Shenzhen he isn't with the association though." Lian said and then looked back at Mr Hao whose face seemed to light up. 

"So you're Haru? The way Zen described you I thought you would be a puny little kid. I never expected you to be strong enough to conceal your power from me." Mr Hao laughed. 

It all but confirmed Haru's suspicion. This man was his uncle. Although Haru didn't expect him to be this strong either. He was at the Qi creation stage which was just one step behind Haru's current cultivation level. 

"And you're Andrew?" Haru asked as he cranked his neck back to make eye contact with him. 

"I won't be having any of that. It's uncle Andrew, Okay? We're family so I will treat you like it. But I expect you to treat me the same okay?" Andrew said with an imposing manner as he looked down on Haru. 

But Haru wasn't one to argue over trivial matters. The only reason he didn't call Zen uncle was that he didn't mind being called by just his name. But Andrew seemed to be a bit traditional in his family values.

"Sure, I don't mind," Haru said and then looked back at Lian. 

"Mr Hao is your uncle? Why didn't you say so earlier? If you would have told me back then. I never would have… Never mind." Lian sighed. And then looked back at Andrew. 

"I get that you are family. But try not to be too strict. He is even stronger than me. I think he deserves some respect for being this strong at such a young age. But that is just my opinion." Lian whispered before taking her leave.

"Don't forget what I told you. Feel free to call me if you need anything at all!" Lian shouted back to Haru before getting into the limousine and driving off into the distance. 

"What are you standing around for? Hurry up let's get going." Andrew said before grabbing walking over to the parking lot across the road. He didn't mind that Haru was stronger than him. He expected respect since they were family. 

And Haru didn't mind his attitude for now. He could see through the intentions of his uncle anyway. And the only intentions he had were for them to act as a family should. It was probably the guilt of not being there for his siblings when they were growing up because he was too focused on following his father's footsteps. 

They walked across the parking lot in silence before arriving at the rear of a red convertible sports car. Andrew then pulled out a car from his pocket and pressed a button that opened the trunk. 

"Put your bags in there." He said and then walked around to the front of the car and got into the driver's seat. Haru did as he said and put his bags in the back of the car and then made his way around to the front and sat down in the single passenger seat. 

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