The Legendary F Rank

Chapter 133

Chapter 133: Roaring Exhaust.

The car sped off down a road that headed straight for the heart of the city. Andrew drove fast and wild like he knew the roads like the backs of his hands. But Haru was used to this driving style. If anything it didn't bother him much since he knew that he wasn't in any danger in the first place. 

"Say Haru? Do you know what you want to do? Your aunt said she wanted you to stay over for dinner tonight to give you time to get to know your cousins. But if you want to head to the university first then that's fine too." Andrew looked over and asked him. 

Haru was too busy taking in the scenery. He wanted to memorise the streets they passed so it would make traversing the city easier for him. But the question caught his attention. 

"Well, I will need to head to university first to put all my things in my dorm. I don't want to leave it for too long. If I get there later tonight the office might be closed. But I don't mind coming over for dinner if you're willing to wait for me?" Haru asked. 

He wanted to put all of his things away as he was getting sick of dragging his luggage around with him. 

"Then it's settled. I will wait for you. I don't have anything to do today so I don't mind. I will let Nadia know you're staying for dinner." Andrew smiled and then pulled out his phone with one hand still on the steering wheel and called his wife. 

He was silent for a few seconds as the voice on the other side bombarded him with questions. 

"Yes, He said he will come over for dinner, I didn't ask about that, but he said that he wanted to put his bags in his dorm before he comes over," Andrew said and then there was silence once again.

"Fine, I will ask him." He then looked back over to Haru. 

"Your auntie wants to know if you want to spend the night at our house?" He asked with the phone still to his ear. 

"Well, If it isn't any trouble for you then I don't mind," Haru answered passively. He felt like if he just accepted her offer it would seem like he was being too familiar, and if he rejected the offer it would seem like he was being too distant. So he decided to leave the decision to them. It didn't matter to him either way.

"He said yes." Andrew turned his attention back to the road as he talked to his wife. A few minutes went by before he put his phone away and looked back at Haru.

"I had this burning question since I first saw you. But how long have you been cultivating for? Zen said it has only been around three years. But it is almost impossible to reach the level that you are in that time…" He said with suspicion, He wasn't sure what to believe. 

"Yeah, that's right. It has only been three years but I got a little lucky when I first started." Haru stated as they continued on toward the university.

"Lucky? What happened? If you don't mind me asking." Andrew asked. He became intrigued since he had never seen someone so young with Haru's level of strength.

Haru thought for a second. Since he couldn't tell the entire truth so he decided to heavily censor the events of how he started his path of cultivation.

"The government in japan struck a deal with one of the sects in china to hopefully improve our combat power at the military school. But when we got there I decided to go for a late-night walk and then got trapped in a Qi absorbing array. 

I passed out somehow and when I woke up I wasn't able to use magic anymore. And when I found my way back out the sect master came looking for me and said I had inherited their sects secret art so he decided to teach me how to cultivate." Haru explained how it happened but changed a few of the details that would expose Li Jun and Lao. 

Andrew sat for a few minutes in silence. 

"Wow. You got lucky indeed. Not many people can enter sects and learn from their masters. But you were even taught by the leader of the sect… What sect did you go to though? I don't know many that would let outsiders in to learn from them." Andrew asked. 

Haru was about to tell him and then he remembered what happened the last two times that he mentioned the name of the sect. So instead he pulled out his phone and opened his notes and then typed out the words "Black Star Sect" and then showed the phone screen to Andrew. 

"Black… Wait… "That" Sect? Are you serious? They are the most secretive sect in China. And then there is the evil god that kills anyone who mentions their name…" Andrew seemed shocked by the revelation but then smiled.

"Well, congratulations. If your grandfather knew that you had managed to become so strong at only eighteen he would be incredibly proud of you." Andrew smiled and then went silent as they approached the university. 

The signature two towers of Hudan university emerged from the distance as they made their way closer and closer the main entrance. They stopped just outside the main building. It was around eight o'clock so many students began to make their way in through the gates.

That was until the roaring exhaust from Andrews car drove toward the gates and then parked next to the pavement. All eyes were on Haru as he got out of the passenger side of the car. His long dark hair blew in the wind as he got up from the seat. 

He adjusted his suit jacket and then made his way beyond the gates. Ignoring the stares of his future classmates. He walked past the gate and then up toward the building in the centre of the grounds. He knew it was the main building by the two seven floored towers on either side. 

As he entered through the doors the atmosphere changed. Everyone seemed to be busy and ran throughout the hallways looking for their classrooms. It was only the second week since they had opened after the break so the new students all looked down and ignored the strangeness of Haru's looks as he entered. 

It was a nice feeling since he had to deal with the stares of people outside but now he felt like nobody cared about him. He then looked over to the desk on the right side of the door where an old woman with her glasses on the top of her head sat paying no attention to the world. 

Haru looked up seeing the sign saying "reception" and then walked towards her, Pushing his way through the sea of people below him and then stopped at the desk. 

The woman looked up as she saw the shadow Haru cast upon her when he approached the desk. 

"Jeez, Announce yourself will you? You almost gave me a heart attack." The woman jumped in her seat as she saw his blue eyes glowing within the shadow that hid his face. 

"I'm sorry about that. You seemed busy so I didn't want to disturb you." Haru scratched the back of his head as he looked down upon the old woman. 

"So what can I help you with?" The woman asked in a tone that made it sound like she was tired of her job. She then looked up at Haru noticing that he wasn't wearing his ID badge. 

"Oh, You lost your ID badge? Do you want me to print you a new one?" She asked.

"That's not it, I had something come up and I couldn't attend classes last week, My uncle let the principle know that I would be arriving today. I was supposed to meet with him but I don't have a clue where I should go." Haru said and then looked down at the woman who began to smile. 

"You want to meet with the principle? Not many people are capable to make him come and meet them. What did you say your name was?" The woman asked as she doubted what Haru had just said.

"Haru Kitagawa." He stated and then waited for her to write it down on a piece of paper. 

"I will make a phone call to his secretary. But that is the best I can do." The woman sighed and then picked up the phone from her desk and made a phone call. 

"I have a young man down here called Haru Kitagawa down here. He said that he had a meeting with the principle. What should I do with him?" She asked as the call connected. 

"Send him up? You're serious? Okay, I will let him know." The woman's eyes widened before she put the phone back down and then stood up from her seat. josei

"Follow me, please. I will show you the way." She smiled and then began to lead Haru toward an elevator next to a huge staircase. 

"His office is on the top floor. You will know when you get there. Just let his secretary know that you are there for a meeting and she will let you know when he is ready." The woman smiled as she scanned a card against a keypad next to the elevator causing the doors to open. 

Haru got in and pressed the button to the seventh floor and then waited patiently before a bell chimed out. 

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