The Legendary F Rank

Chapter 134

Chapter 134: Meeting The Principal.


The elevator doors opened revealing the skyline office of the university's principle. Outside the elevator was a waiting room with many seats lined in rows. As the doors opened a young woman peeked her head above the desk and then smiled as she saw Haru walking toward her.

"Haru Kitagawa? I presume. The principal said he is ready for you at any time. Just head right on in." She said and then pointed towards a large oak door directly next to her desk.

"Okay. Thank you." Haru smiled and then walked up to the door and pulled down the handle before entering. 

The room had light coloured wooden floors and had many different award plaques scattered on each wall. In all three directions were walls of glass that looked out on the city skyline beyond and in the centre of the room, there was a large wooden desk where the principle sat looking at a laptop screen.

As the door opened he adjusted his gaze to the door seeing Haru stood there with the light from the waiting room shrouding him in darkness. 

"You must be Haru. Come in, Come in." The principle said and then stood up from his chair and smiled as Haru closed the door behind him.

"Your uncle told me about your accident but I am glad you are doing okay now. It's nice to finally meet you." He smiled and then held out his hand for Haru to shake. 

"It's nice to meet you too," Haru said before shaking his hand and then taking a seat in one of the two chairs in front of the desk.

"Yes, Take a seat. I had a few things to discuss with you." The principle said and then looked back to his screen and then clicked something before turning the screen for Haru to see.

"Here. This is it." He said revealing the website with multiple boxes on it. 

"What is it?" Haru asked. He was confused and then looked at the top of the screen. There was the logo of a local banking company at the top.

"You can go ahead and type in your banking details. It is the money we will provide for you. Rest assured you will live comfortably during your stay with us." He smiled and then pushed the laptop further across the table to encourage Haru to type in his banking details.

"Oh, okay sure," Haru said and then pulled out his bank card and typed the numbers required on to the laptop and then pressed submit. 

"Oh, I understand why you refused to take the money offered to you by the top universities now." The principle said with a sly smile.

"What do you mean?" Haru asked. He was confused. The only reason he chose Hudan university is that he felt guilty since he practically cheated his exams. 

"You are the owner of a black card. You need a deposit of ten million yuan to be eligible for a black card so it's not a surprise you refused the money that all of the universities were willing to offer you." He smiled and then turned the laptop back around to go over the school things that Haru needed to know. 

"Since you haven't picked what subject to study by the deadline we put you in a place holder class. I hope that is okay? You can change it to another subject at the end of next month if you want to but we just had to do it to send it to the government." The principle explained. 

Haru sighed, He was getting tired of all the talk already. He just wanted to rest and he knew that Andrew would be getting impatient soon. 

"Yeah, that's fine. What subjects did you put me in?" He asked the principle while becoming slightly impatient too.

"We looked at your exam scores and you scored an extra twenty points in chemistry with your thesis on the classification of matter. So we figured you wouldn't mind going into that field, I hope you don't mind it." The principle said through a frown. He wasn't sure how Haru would react and he didn't want to lose the top student in the country.

"Yeah, that is fine. The letter I got mentioned accommodation. Where do I find that? I still need to put my bags away. Oh, and do you mind if I take today to adjust to the new surroundings?" Haru said. He had just gotten to university but he didn't feel right jumping straight into classes. Not to mention Andrew was still waiting for him.

"That's fine. Take as much time as you need to adjust. As for accommodation we have a few that are available. Do you mind sharing? If not then you will have to pay for a room in the apartment complex across the street. But they do offer a heavily discounted price for students." The principal asked.

"I don't mind sharing. If I decide against it later on I will take your advice and rent an apartment but for now, I will take whatever is available. 

"Okay, that is great. There is a bed available in room forty-three. Hold on a second and I will get you a key." He said and then picked up the phone from the desk and called his secretary outside.

"Can you get me the key for room forty-three please?" He asked and then put the phone back down. 

"Can I get you to sign this paper also? It is just to state that you are willing to follow our rules while you are here." He said. 

Haru signed the paper and then had to have his picture taken on the principles laptop so he could have his student ID card printed. And with that done all that was left was for him to take his belongings to the dorm room. He was handed a set of three keys.

One was for the door to the room, one was for his locker and the other would be for his room. The dorms were split into four rooms. Three bedrooms and then a living area and kitchen. 

After wrapping things up with the principle Haru made his way back outside to meet Andrew.

"Did everything go okay? I have been sat here forever." Andrew asked as he walked back over to the car. 

"I won't be long now. I just have to take my things to the dorm. I will be maybe ten minutes." Haru said and then Andrew flipped a switch on the inside of his car causing the trunk to open up.

"Make it quick. I want to get back home and relax." Andrew said with a chuckle and then turned the radio up, blasting his music out to everyone nearby.

"Sure thing." Haru smiled before getting his bags together and then walking over to the dorm rooms. He opened the door with his Qi and then walked over to the three lockers that were placed by the door and put his key inside to one without a name on it. 

The door opened up to reveal the inside of the empty locker. Haru put his things inside it and then pulled a pen out of one of his bags and wrote his name on the blank paper label that was placed on the outside of the locker. 

He didn't look around the apartment too much. He just locked up his bags and then changed into some more comfortable clothes before making his way back out to Andrew who's music was still disturbing half of the city. 

"Oh, you got changed too?" Andrew said as he noticed Haru's change of clothes. 

"Yeah, I figured if I am staying for the night I should wear something more comfortable," Haru said and then got back into the car. 

"You ready to go now?" Andrew turned and asked. Before Haru could even say anything he took off at full speed. 

'What is with all these reckless drivers. I get the fact you aren't going to die. But what if you hit someone?' Haru thought as he stayed calm and didn't react to the fact his uncle was racing through the streets like a mad man.

"We are here," Andrew said as they started to approach what looked like it used to be a whole block of houses but had all been knocked down to create a fancy looking Chinese style house. The building was only two stories tall but the whole block was surrounded with a stone wall.

They entered through the main gate where two men dressed in black suits bowed their heads they drove past them. There were dozens of trees lining the property with grass and ponds scattered throughout the property. It looked like something you would find far out in the countryside yet they were in the middle of the city.

"This is your house?" Haru asked surprised. He thought that Zen's house was a nice place to live but it didn't hold a candle to this place.

"Sure, Is. I built it with my own hands… I might have had a little help. But you're auntie designed the plans and then I started building with my crew." Andrew explained before stopping outside a garage that was attached to the house. josei

"Come on. My girls have been dying to meet you. Nadia doesn't have any siblings so you are the only other family they have met before." Andrew said and then opened the door to the car before leading Haru up a set of stairs and then into the house. 

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