The life of a Haughty Prince

Chapter 11

Chapter 11

Atlas was flowing through a tunnel, surrounded by different colors of lines. He was feeling like he was slowly getting ripped. He unconsciously covered his body with pure mana and finally the feeling of getting elongated stopped.

He was still going hyper-speed within this tunnel. He didn't recognize the colorful lines surrounding him due to the sudden pain he felt when the long-distance teleportation issued.

"What the fuck!!!!.....It's beautiful!!!...

The pain I just felt is still lingering all over my body. It must be one of the side effects. I guess this magic is not perfect yet. I need to work on this later, well this magic is just newly created of course there would be some errors. Thank god overlaying pure mana around me worked, otherwise I would have died....I am playing on dangerous grounds here.

How much time its gonna take. I positioned the destination, further miles away from the borders, at a huge lake which I found a picture in one of the books inside the library."

Atlas was waiting and waiting. He didn't know the exact coordinates. He created teleportation magic to transferring through visualization, you have to imagine the place with picture-perfect memory to teleport there.

"I guess the time within the tunnel depends on the distance, that's another issue to solve. What to do in the meantime?... First of all, I need to disguise myself. I don't have the shapeshift necklace from the treasury. would be so great if I had that. What else I have? Growth ring, storage ring, some gold, and my royal insignia.

Hmmm....with the growth ring I can only change my height not my face. I guess that will do. I can wear a mask to cover my face anyway and people will try to take advantage of me if they see me as a child. The only drawback is that It requires continuous mana to sustain the image which I have plenty of, I can recover more than this ring can absorb so no need to fret on that."

Atlas picked the Growth ring and wore it on his left middle finger and transferred some mana. He started to grow taller and taller up to 6ft his body and facial features also growing with it. The cuteness was long gone and what remained was the devilish handsome face. His aura also changed giving a vibe of a mature person. When he was a child. He looked like a country toppling handsome and cute child but now, he looked like a god of beauty, even goddess would look at him in awe.

The ring could grow any child or even a baby into a 16 or 17-year-old person. It was used by one particular king in the past because of the conflict and chaos an image of a young 4 or 5-year-old king could bring. It wouldn't change their mentality, only body ratio but it worked. The ministers ruled peacefully putting the nobles on the sidelines until the king came in age in real life. So it was kept within the treasury until Atlas stumbled upon it and kept it, finding it interesting cause he already has a mind of a mature person. So he kept it if necessary on some occasions and now was one of those times.

The transformation was done. Atlas now looked like a 16-year-old boy, which in this world, he was already considered a man.

"Ooohh man...My clothes are all small and teared up now.... Let's check my status for now. It didn't work properly before, only showing my name and now after the information input, It should work."josei


Right when he was gonna boot up his system. He was already at his destination but there was a slight problem.

"Why am I in the sky?"

Then he started to fall

"Aaaaaaaaaaaaaa!!!!!!!!!.....the view from here sure matches the fucking!!!!! must have been taken from the fuck did someone takes that photo. Humans cant fucking fly!!!!!"

Atlas was still falling cause He was really ridiculously high in the sky.

"At this rate, I am gonna die.....did bad luck started haunting me...uufff..It's this faulty fucking teleportation magic's fault. Fuck me....I am the one who created it. Fuck my life!!!!!..... Theirs only one way then.."

Atlas calmed himself down and looked towards the large lake and used his lite teleportation magic.

'I hope theirs no errors.'

The sensation of falling suddenly stopped and instead felt cold and wet all over his body slowly falling down. Atlas realizing he was underwater started swimming up. He followed the only source of light, the one, and only moon, and reached the top to finally breathe some fresh air. He looked around and swam to the nearest shore.

He came out of the lake and plopped on the grassy ground, hands wide, breathing heavily.

"That was a close one..."

Atlas looked at the full moon. Staring at it for a while.

"If there wasn't any moonlight there, I wouldn't have seen anything and I would surely have died..... Thanks, moon chan. What was I doing again? Ya....Finally checking my status."


After a second. The system boosted up.


The usual light yellow colored interface appeared but now with many details with the picture of Atlas at the top right.

"Damn!!!!!!....I look hot as fuck right now. I could even fall for myself, now let's see.."



Name: Atlas Don Roxwell

Bloodline: Royal "Don" bloodline (peak-supreme)

Age: 16 years (4 years)

Race: Human









Rank: A+ Rank

Soul: A+

Class: Elemental ( Mythical class)

Subclass: Mage ( All humans are Mage by default.)

Title: All element user, System creator, Pathfinder, Taboo breaker, Ladies Man.....

Natural ability: Peace aura, Embodiment of lust, System.


"What the fuck...charm level is SSS And face is fucking SSS+, aren't those god-level stuff, so that's why..... I knew I was a hunk but not up to this level...and "Embodiment of lust" This must be one of the reasons why most of the women lust after me, even though I was just a 4 year old. I would take it as a plus if it didn't bring anything but problems. What if a queen of a country looks at me that way. Her husband the one and only king will of course try to fucking kill me.

This is a serious issue that needs to be solved. Let's ask system. I don't remember all the books I read. There must be something in the corner of that big of a brain."

Atlas searched with the keyword "lessen my attraction" and of course there was a solution be exact.

"Illusion symbol

Face changer (artifact)

Aura control technique




There are many, but I think only one is feasible for the "Embodiment of lust" effect.

"System, I wanna choose Aura control technique."

The whole manul was sent to his brain through the lane.

"ok ....let's start from here.."

"Hellllppp.....sooommme booodddyyy Helllp"

He couldn't complete his sentence when he heard a cry for help.

"What the hell, shouldn't this forest be clean of humans....should I ignore it?.....aaaa..It does sound like a girl. I don't wanna get involved, but... let's see what's going on."

Atlas ran in the direction where the sound came from and in the way, tore a part of his small shirt and covered half of his face. He was running slow because of the trees so he tried jumping from one tree to another and there he was looking at the gory scene.

A group of hobgoblins taking a bunch of women somewhere. He saw an already dead woman with a hole on her stomach with blood everywhere. She was still twitching meaning she just died a second ago. Her dress was all torn up There were dry tears and white stuff oozing out, between her legs.

"Raped and then killed with a knife to the gut I see."

Atlas didn't felt remorse that he couldn't save that girl. He didn't know her and she didn't know him, simple as that but what he could do was focus on how to safely rescue the rest of the girls. All the girls there were beautiful and innocent looking with little torn clothing and dry tears with a rope binding their mouth and hands.

There were 8 women and 26 Hobgoblins. Hob goblins are evolved versions of the infamous goblins with thick skin enough to render any simple magic useless and with nimble feet, making it hard to catch one and they are also smart enough, making it harder to kill one, mostly born from eloping with human females with normal bloodlines but this should be easy enough for me.

"Ooohhh can see me?..."

Atlas looked at a woman with a hood within the group. He gave her a wink and he was sure the girl just blushed.

"Then let's start the show."

Atlas concentrated and tried his medium-tier magic, using wind symbol, sharpness symbol, and of course advance lane symbols targeting every hobgoblins neck.

With a wave of his hand. A hobgoblin fell with his head separated, poor guy didn't even know what just happened to him then another fell and another and another. With that, all the hobgoblins were dead. Their head separated from their body with surprised faces.

All the girls were scared and relieved at the same time, hoping this somebody doesn't also kill them but when they saw a certain someone with small tight pants and with a thin but muscular bare body who covered half of his face. They thought it was some pervert but when they looked at those mesmerizing eyes, their mindset shifted and their heart started beating faster. It started beating faster and faster with every step he came near.

After he came near them he said something but the girls didn't hear anything. They could only listen to their heart beating faster and lose themselves in those beautiful eyes.

"Hey!!!....I said!!!.. if you girls are fine!!!..."

One of the girls with a mature look snapped out of her daydreaming and nodded heavily.

Atlas nodded and cut the ropes with his sharpness symbol magic.

All the other girls suddenly came out from their stupor when they felt their binding ropes cut, freeing their hands and mouth.

The mature woman first came near him with a shy look.

"Thank you oh stranger. If you weren't here. We would have been ...

The woman stayed quiet for a bit pushing away her tears looking in the direction of her friend's raped and dead body.

...raped and turned into breeding animals...thank you, thank you so much."

Her dry eyes were again filled with tears with a hiccup here and there. All the girls also started crying again when thinking they were finally saved from this miserable experience. Their despair-filled eyes were finally gone and tears of joy were dropping nonstop.

Atlas looking at the situation didn't know what to do. So he started consoling them one by one, giving them promises to safely send them home and they also believed him as he already showed what he was capable of, killing all 26 hobgoblins at once. It was difficult killing just one from an adventurer's view of point but he swiftly killed all of them single-handedly.

After a while..

'Haaa.... it's gonna be tiring but.... gotta finish what I started.'

"Do any of you know the way back? I am not from around here so....anybody knows the way?"

All the women were already smitten with him and believed whatever he said and didn't question him, but they also didn't know the way properly. They were dragged through tunnels all day all night and they knew was they were already in the middle of the forest.

The hooded one, who was staying quiet from the beginning finally lifted her hood.

Her crimson hair fell down to her back. Her long red eyelashes and red cute eyes with a sharp nose and small cute lips were now visible to everybody. She looked beautiful in every sense of the word, Atlas was stunned but recovered quickly. He had his fair share of having beauties all around him. It was only his teenage hormones acting out but he knew one thing. This girl was of noble lineage. The girls might not know looking at her simple dress but atlas had plenty of experience in nobility and he was sure she was one of them.

She slowly came near Atlas with a tinge of red around her chicks.

Atlas used his advance "all seer" on her.

If the girl had looked at Atlas's eyes she could see a shinning yellow light but she was already shy being near him.


Name: Davy

Bloodline: Phoenix bloodline (Advance)

Age: 19 years

Race: Human




MP: B+





Rank: C+ Rank

Soul: E

Class: Fire Bender ( Advance class)

Subclass: Mage ( All humans are Mage by default.)


'I knew it....she has an advance bloodline and the rare Phoenix bloodline at that. Let's be proper here, I don't want to cause problems.'

Davy finally looked at his eyes only to get lost again but she snapped back when atlas asked the same question to her. She felt embarrassed. She came to say that she knew the way but was only stayed quiet and stared at him. She was a proud girl. So this was a new experience for her.

'He must have thought, I was a creep. So this must be how my admirers felt. Oh my god, is this love at first sight. Wait wait wait...I haven't even seen his face properly. Control yourself, Davy....'

She finally controlled her beating heart.

"I know the way, I have a good memory so...I basically know the entire way back."

She said that much and went ahead without looking back.

All the women were relieved to hear someone knew the way and followed Davy. The mature woman who spoke at the beginning, without any shame came near Atlas and put her hands around his.

"So... what's the name of our savior."

All the girls even Davy who was looking at the mature-looking lady with jealousy was curious to know his name.

"Oh sorry, I didn't introduce myself."

Atlas said adjusting his mask.

"My friends call me "prince" a nickname of course."

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