The life of a Haughty Prince

Chapter 10

Chapter 10

'I....fucked up...'

'Can...I make'

With the last of his consciousness left, atlas desperately circulated his peach aura.

'Yes, yes....Yes!!!!....I made it!!!..Thank god..ufff....stay calm...gotta act like I am asleep, otherwise I don't know what they will do to me and what the fucks with Game of thrones shit all of a sudden..but that was some strong sleep dart. I felt it, and got paralyzed right there..and..I can't handle all of them...not when my father is also there...even I am awake, I have the mana but not the experience and skills for batteling these titans and I don't want to show them my cards yet.'

A Marquess with blond hair and mustache came near Atlas's body and pinched out a small dart from his neck.

"Are you sure, your majesty? Using this valuable drug for a child. I can understand queen Elizabeth, she is the Strongest "Warrior Maiden" in the kingdom but we could have just captured this child by force."

Henry was looking at his son cautiously. Reading his breathing patterns and... seeing it worked finely, he signed in relief.

"You don't know my son well as I do, Marquess Adam. Even though he is only 4 years old. He can already contend with Tanya, one of my best warriors."

All the three Marquesses were shocked for a while and stared at the sleeping child with trepidation.

" What a monster....will this sacrifice be enough then?" Said A Marquess noble with blood-red hair and beard.

All of a sudden, a deep and cursed voice came from within Henry.

"it will be more than enough."

Henry's whole body was slowly covering with dark smoke, turning his eyes blank, like a lifeless puppet. His lips turning into burned-up charcoal.

"This is the one.....I can feel boundless mana from this child. This sacrifice will be enough for me and you all will finally get to see your wish come true....hohohoho...."

With those final words, Henry slowly came back to his original self, with sweat all over his body with unbalanced breathing. All the maids, doctor, and nurses lay their lifeless like their souls were sucked dry from their very being.

Henry looked around him, his fainted wife and son, all the corpses of his servants, feeling guilty he looked at his newborn daughter.

'After this, your mother might hate me forever. I hope you won't hate me as well Eleanor.'

He looked at his son, one last time. He was feeling sick from his own actions, feeling conflicted as each passing second and if to stop those feelings, a hint of darkness covered his eyes, turning his love for his son into rage, disdain, and jealousy. All the love and guilt he felt for his son vanished never to be seen again.

'You don't deserve to live Atlas, you have taken my place in my own palace. All I hear is your name in all the people's mouths. Even my own wife smiles for you but not for me. I won't take it anymore. Your cursed charm will be your doom, Son. From today there will be only one man for all the people to see and admire and that will be me.'

"What are you doing, take him away." He ordered the guards.

The nobles also had a tinge of darkness within their eyes making them look at the atlas full of hate, disdain, and jealousy.

Atlas was still acting his part, listening to all the talks and he was greatly surprised.

'So theirs a third party involved and it's stronger than the king and the Marquesses combined, I guess the world of magic and fantasy doesn't just come with butterflies and good things. Is this part of a life being a world transmigrated like in the novels, where trouble finds its way towards the mc making his life hell.....oohhh..I don't want that.

First thing to get off this situation. I can't keep whimpering like this otherwise I will surely die. From their talks, they are going to sacrifice me to this unknown being. They are after me so, mother is safe. I think they will also kill Anny and possibly Tanya, who might rebel because of Me, hell, I don't even know if Anny is still alive. I hope she is alive. She is a strong girl, I know, she should be.....My magic is mostly for support to make my life easier. I didn't develop many attack-oriented magic symbols.

I could have, but this four-year-old body doesn't let me handle heavy magic symbols. Lite ones are possible but they aren't useful against titans like these people coming at my throat without having any mercy. If I defy them. The whole country will be at my throat.

The only way is to escape, I can do that easily but Even if I escape the result will still be the same. I am sure father will chase me to the end of this country.

How my life has come too...should I just die.?? It was a pleasant four years, no no no no.....I need to live, I can't waste my second life. dream to live a steady life with my family and help my kingdom is out of the picture now.

Oh ...I am starting to get dragged...don't be too rough man, these are brand new clothes, Anny made them. Uufff....I don't have much time left....Wait I know this direction and the feeling of this cold floor. It's the way to the prison. Thank god they are not killing me right away. What I need now mostly is time.'

While Atlas was dragged to the prison cell for their coming ceremony. At the king's office chamber. Henry was looking outside the window, towards the horizon at the setting sun.

' wish will finally be granted. I will find her for sure this time, whatever it'




At the cold prison. Beneath the deepest part of the castle. A young child was asleep or acting like one within one of the cells.

'I can't feel anybody here. Let's check it out.'

Atlas slowly opened his eyes, only to see the cold darkness and the mana absorbing stones everywhere.josei

'Damn father, how much higher do you think of me to put me in a lvl 7 cellar. He is cautious alright.

Ok....what to do?...I stay here, I die....I leave here I get chased and then I die....I ask for help....they die. Don't want that happening to my loved ones. What to do when the person with the highest authority in your country wants you to become a sacrifice or on simple turns just wants you dead.

I cant convince father. That being is in full control, from what it seems and wants me no matter what. The only thing left is to escape but not just from here, from the country itself. I can do it, but it's a risky move. My system is not fully operational without the proper data but it will do for now.

I didn't want to leave everyone but I got nothing right now....when I come...I will come back with full pedestal on my powers. Then you watch yourself fucking unidentified being. I will make you feel hell for sure, mark my words.

First, to escape, I need to confirm something first.

Its night time now, father must still be in his office. Ok let's start'


He could feel the mega brain(system) booting up and after a second. A yellow screen appeared made from light magic.

He sensed the lanes connecting his thoughts to the system and started to input commands without any toll on his body. One command was created from 18 symbols. It was his limit right now and inputted another but simple one with 8 symbols. Both commands were for spatial travel aka teleportation, one at the border of the country with a timer to start and another to his father's office which he started right away.

At the king's chamber

Henry was still looking at the horizon, now filled with the darkness of the night and lights from the people's homes, until he felt a disturbance of mana near him but he didn't look back.

"Hello father, if you still father?"

Henry was still looking through the window, without any change of expression.

"Atlas, my son. Don't worry it's still your father but with changes I suppose. As I thought.....You escaped easily and the heavens dart seemed useless on you too. You know how much fortune I spent on them."

"I guess, not enough, as I am still here. So....why did you do it?"

"Hmmm.....I don't know, how you got here but one thing is for sure. You are not going anywhere. So.. let me tell you a story, prior to 3 months ago."

Henry turned back and sat on his majestic chair coming to eye level with his four-year-old son.

"We found something unique in our camps. A cave and your father as always curious of the unknown went inside with my friends, you know them by now. They greeted you inside the operation chamber of your mother."

"Of course, their looks were exactly like yours. They must be very close friends of yours I presume."

Henry fully ignored him and continued with his story.

"Do you know, what we found...We found new god symbols, with unimaginable powers. The symbols whispered to us, asking us our deepest desires and promises of its fulfillment, but only with a sacrifice and that is you, my son."

Atlas stared at his father and stayed silent for a couple of seconds.

" I think theirs more to your sacrifices. Please tell, oh father."

Henry smiled with darkness slowly covering his eyes.

"Smart as usual. Sometimes I can't believe, you are just a four-year-old child, Atlas. Yes, to gain the power of the god symbol first hand. I had sacrificed something inside of me and that's why "it" dwells within me. I might convert my bloodline from peak to supreme, on the future days to come, who knows?"

'And the day I will finally get to see her will come.'

Atlas kept listening and came to his final question.

"Will you harm mom or my newborn sister or any of my loved ones when I am gone?"

The darkness within his eyes lessened after hearing the caring and melancholy words from Atlas

"Don't worry. What I sacrificed was only related to you. My son. I will still take care of everybody. That's my promise to you."

After saying those words the darkness revealed itself once again within his eyes.

"That's the only thing I needed to hear, Farewell father."

The timer within his system started to ring in his mind activating the Advance teleportation Symbol.

"Somethings wrong!!!!" The being within henry spoke with his voice full of panic and started his possession forcefully.

His eyes turning black and lifeless, his lips turning charcoal black, but now his skin also turned fully gray like there was no blood within. Darkness like storm covering his whole body and striking towards Atlas, but Atlas was there no more.


The being screamed with anger, his scream traveling across his palace.

And At one side of the room. Elizabeth was still asleep with a drop of tear flowing from her closed eyes.

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