The life of a Haughty Prince

Chapter 9

Chapter 9




After that one night, everything was back to normal. Elizabeth didn't force him like before. Sometimes kissing him on his lips, when no one was around. Atlas also went back to his usual lecturers and activities but he left some classes to look after his mother.





Days, weeks, and months went by with Elizabeth's belly taking its shape to form a new life within. Atlas had to company his mother because his father was a busy man with the kingdom depending on his very shoulders. But for Elizabeth it was a plus for her, she could spend more and more time with her beloved son.

She now looked like a maiden who had fallen deeply in love, All the maids could see it on her face and also in her behavior as the ice queen slowly started being nice to her own maids. All the maids thought it must be the baby inside, what changed her. They thought a child could really change a mother from within.

They were a way, but only Atlas and Elizabeth knew the truth. Anny had her suspicion but she didn't think, the mighty queen and the literal Four years old who were mother and son would have that kind of relationship. Anny accepted she and her sister were perverts but didn't think any other would be that degenerate to lust for a four-year-old.

Anny was walking behind Atlas, being her perverted self as usual and atlas already knew what all the maids and women within the palace thought of him. He didn't mind it at first but things started to get problematic.

'Our imperial family cook July had mixed love potion within my drink. Nobody knows this, I only figured it out using my favorite magic which I am always proud of, the "all seer". It is made up of 12 symbols, all lite ones. Nothing to overweight me. The magnify symbol for zooming for any details, lite x-ray symbol ( created from light and ether symbol) to scan and show certain body parts, temperature symbol for measuring any degree of temperature, and many more.'

It was inspired by Sherlock Holmes. His way of solving cases through understanding impeccable details is what birthed the "all seer". He uses it most of the time. Taking all the minor details and comprehending it all with his bask of knowledge in a fraction of a second. It took two years' worth of practice but it was worth it. He could figure out how old a dress is? How much money has one have from his or her bulging pocket, predict sudden outcomes and behavior from their eyes alone and etc.

When he was eating his lunch brought by July and tried to drink the juice, He used his all sear as always and found an anomaly. He put it in his mouth but didn't drink it and after lunch asked Anny to check his drink.

For the head maids serving the Royalties. This was normal, as many tried to coax and kill them through poisoning and others ways.

And the report he got from the alchemy department, He thought it would be some kind of poison but was a love potion bought by Mrs. July yesterday morning. She has a loving husband and a two-year-old child. She tried to attempt this stunt putting her family at risk. So of course it was getting problematic not just for him but also for all the others around him.

All things would be answered when his system is ready. All the preparations are already done, the only thing he needs is his fully copied brain.

"I already waited 7 and a half months for this. Tonight it will be finally done."

He had warned July never to do this again. She was scared shitless when she got caught and finally thought of her family, regretting everything, she thought all was over but the prince forgave her, telling her this was her final warning and exempt her from the cook position to be a cook helper.josei

She thanked atlas over and over again trying to get near him unconsciously.

'They never learn, do they?'

But atlas didn't mind and diminished her there, he thought it wasn't all her fault. It was already bedtime and his copy symbol just notified him it was done.


Anny was shocked by her prince's sudden outburst.

"What happened your highness?"

"Nothing Anny, I was excited that we already caught the culprit within hours."

"Oh...your highness caught her but let her go anyway. Don't be too kind to strangers your highness. People might use your kind heart to gain what they want. So I advise you to be more careful."

"Thank you, Anny. I will take that advice to heart."

Anny smiled and kept walking with atlas. Living her life with this four-year-old cute and handsome child was the greatest blessing she asked for. She could watch Atlas do nothing and still be happy with him.

But all happy moments had to end at some point. They had already reached his bedroom chamber.

"Ok Anny.. good night, take a rest."

"You too, your highness. Have a pleasant night."

With that, the prince entered his bed-chamber. Anny felt empty all of a sudden. Her always happy mood changed 180. She really wanted to just barge inside his room and cuddle with him all night, but it was impossible. She was just a lowly maid with a Normal Bloodline.

' I wish one day, his highness would at least take me as his concubine.'

Atlas didn't know, Anny was still outside looking blankly at the door.

He went to the bathroom, washed himself to freshen up for the coming moment. After washing up, he went near his mirror with his robes on.

"I have grown a lot within these 7 months. Ok, it's time, let's remove this."

He pulled his skin on side of his forehead. What seemed like his skin was a small circular patch attached itself to his head. After piling it all together. What left was a glowing symbol. A symbol created from Five hyper advance Copy symbols. He had to balance his magic output for other works to continuously send his mana to this symbol for 7 and a half months straight. It was a tedious job but now it's finally done.

He went to his bed. Anny already went to her sleeping chamber. If she had stayed more. She would look more like a creep than a maid if others had seen her.

"Ok let's get started."

He spoke full fourteen-minute of magic symbols which would have shocked any high-level magic-user. The complexity and the way he positioned and phrased the symbols were award-worthy.

After saying all the symbols which were mixed with space, ether, light, electricity, pure mana symbols and lastly paste symbol, he started the command and the symbol on his head shined brightly and near him slowly appeared the pure mana form which looked like golden lights patched together. The pure mana started to come in shape like a human brain but bigger. It was actually three times bigger than his own. Which he purposely enlarged.

"It can only get enlarged up to this point, otherwise it will lose its properties."

The brain in front of him was three times powerful than his own. He was already tired because of this but it was still worth it.




It took a whole hour to form the whole copy of his brain.

"It is done, now for the next step. If I fuck this up and it's all gone."

He used an advance lane symbol to connect with the giant brain in front of him. He wouldn't fully connect with it. If he did, he would die right there, by having Four brains within his body. All he needed to do was to connect it with his brain and body for inputting commands and Mana for future purposes.

It does need a ton of mana to sustain but he got it covered. He even started to do this project cause he has enough or even more mana than necessary for his daily needs.

"Peach aura really helped improve my bloodline. I can absorb ten times more mana than father and mother and they are known for heavy amounts of mana they could sustain and use. It is not just easy to use ice and lightning. They take a whole ton of mana, like shit tone.

I thought it only helped me recover to my best state but no, it was also helping me improve my bloodline every time I use it. I guess that is also a kind of cheat.

Now sustaining this Brain will be a peach of cake. Thank you, the God who sent me here with the peach aura ray."

After fully connecting the brain to himself. He felt different, more light like a heavy load has been lifted from his body.

After this delicate process was done. He opened a small space using a lite space symbol big enough to fit his giant brain made from pure tangible mana and slowly inserted it there and closed it.

He tested if he could still feel the brain and..... success. He was still connected.

The main reason he didn't go beyond 258 symbols because, he didn't fully understand or couldn't comprehend the space, darkness, and ether symbols. He knew up to which he learned from the royal library which was big like a maze, but nothing more.

"Ok...Now to input information."

He stood up and went to the library.

"I think it will take another 3 or 4 months to clear all the library. Well, it's time for another grinding. I think mom will be ready to give birth at that time."

And for the whole 3 months. Atlas went to the library every night and also during days if he had any opportunity.







Atlas was reading a geography book about the land of the elves when suddenly Anny came rushing to him. He had asked not to disturb him during his input process but her next words broke his concentration from his book.

"Queen Elizabeth is in labor!!!"

He immediately stood up and tried to use his space magic.

'Should I??, it's not the right time yet.'

Then he ran to her chamber only to see his father, outside with a panicked and stressed expression.

"Father!! mother alright."

His father didn't say anything and looked at him normally but he could see from his "all-sear". He could see, contempt, disdain, regret, and a little bit of jealously there. It was not his first time seeing this. It started when he returned back from the last bonding campaign three months ago. At first, he thought, his father figured it about him and his mother, but no, that wasn't it. He could feel malice and darkness, what he never felt before his past 3 years with his father.

He had let it go as pent of stress as he worked 24/7 as a hard-working king. Which was a tough job in its own way.

After waiting for whole fifteen minutes, they heard a cry inside the room. The doors finally opened. Both of them went inside, to see a physically and mentally tired Elizabeth but there was pure happiness all over their face. He looked at both of them mostly Atlas with a warm smile.

"Atlas, Henry.... it's a baby girl."

She said with a faint voice.

Henry came close to her and gently placed his newborn cute daughter of an angle within his hands and gave a loving but regretful look at his wife and then his son which turned full 180, filled with hatred and contempt. it was only for a second but Atlas just ignored it like it was usual, as he was already experiencing it for the whole of three months.

'i think I need to have a proper chat with father after this.' Atlas thought.

Henry looked back to his newborn daughter and took a long breath.

"From today, I name you Eleanor Don Roxwell the crown princess of Xander." said Henry.

From those simple words, the room had gone from a happy and joy-filled room to complete silence. The doctor, the healing priestess, the maids, and finally the queen were stupefied.

Elizabeth slowly voiced out as she was weak.

"Wha...what do you mean henry??"

Henry looked at his wife with guilt.

"You heard what I said Elizabeth. .....Atlas is from now on stripped from his crown prince title....Guards!!! apprehend atlas for plotting against the king and its people."

Atlas was shocked out of his mind.

'What the fuck???? I am fucking 4 years old...a fucking 4 years old. How the fuck, can I plot against the king.'

But he didn't say that...

" what do you mean fath...."

He couldn't finish his sentence when the guards and the three Marquess-ranked nobles arrived within the room. They were the cream of the crop from the noble bloodline within Xandar kingdom.

They also had peak bloodline like his father and mother but much weaker, but that still made them powerful enough to wipe out any middle-class kingdom single-handedly.

'I can't handle them right now, not with father here and I don't want to show my trump card from the beginning.'

They all entered looking at Atlas with deep hatred and disdain making Atlas confused.

'when did I enraged these shitty nobles....and three Marquesses to boot at that. This must have been their whole plan.' Atlas thought.

Then suddenly the room started getting cold and colder. Colder to the point that people inside the room could see their breath.

"HENRY!!!!!!.....what is the meaning of this????? try to confiscate MY!!!!! son listening to these petty greed-driven scum of nobles.."

The room got even colder. The only reason she didn't make the room below zero was that her son and newborn daughter were still here.

She started spelling magic symbols but felt weak all of a sudden.

"What...what..did you m..."

Elizabeth fell down and fainted right after.

Atlas tried to rush to his mother but also felt quite weak and fell down, last thing he saw was the guilty expression of his father and the evil smirk from the noble.


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