The life of a Haughty Prince

Chapter 16

Chapter 16





"Are you all ready, let's get going shall we?"

All the girls followed him as they tightened their clothes after their early morning bath. Some had determined themselves for the end of their long and blissful journey and some were still gloomy from the coming separation. Atlas had already tried all he could to make them feel even a little bit better. These girls had been so kind to him, at first he thought of them as just responsibility but the past few days spending time with them, without knowing he already got attached.

'I still have my serious weakness towards beautiful women. I still haven't changed from my past life, have I?'

So of course he would feel somewhat troubled after watching their sad faces. Jena and Davy were sad but they didn't let it show.

They knew, especially Jena, who knew how he was feeling reluctant. She thought, if the girls gave a little bit of a nudge, he will eventually take them with him, but she wasn't happy with that, cause she knew, all the girls, including herself, would just become a burden to him and she knew it better than anyone. She looked at the depressed girls, feeling a little angry, that they only thinking about themselves, without thinking how their behavior would affect him.

'At least Devy knows.'

Devy wouldn't have a problem becoming strong as she has her advance bloodline. Everybody already knew she was a Nobel. It came as a shock at first but her attitude and way of speaking at the beginning, finally made sense. The only reason, they didn't think about it was because, how in the heavens name, did a Nobel from the one and only Phoenixia House got captured by Hobgoblins, with commoners like them.

She didn't tell the reason and nobody asked her later again, respecting her privacy. They all had grown fond of each other as they all had similar passionate feelings for someone, and that someone was of course their Mr prince. They all now respected each other to the point of calling each other sisters, except Jena who was like a big sister for everybody.

Somehow she knew about their prince more than them, even though they walked, slept, ate, bath and did most of the work, being together. She always knew what he was thinking when he was sad, happy or even horny making her always a step ahead of them. They all felt a little jealous but didn't let it bother them. They were now sisters after all.

Of course, going through life and death situation together. Being saved, Falling in love, even having sex together. It all played a huge part in their now forged bond.

Atlas went ahead, cause he knew, they would start to pace up slowly. So he had to hurry it up.

'I want to spend as much time with them too, but I am reaching my limits here. I need fresh clothes, a bed to sleep in, eat something delicious. Being a prince has really upped my standards to my core or it's just my bloodline....haha.

But seriously. How much longer, am I going to wear these tight pants which only cover my knees and it's already haggard. I know at some point, this piece of clothing will be useless. It's already torn from the sides. These past days have been blessed but also rough in many ways for me.'





They had walked quite a bit and As he was walking he heard something torn from below. Yes, it was his pants. They finally gave up on him.

'Why pants, why!!!!!, why did you leave me? I thought we would last together in this journey.'

As Atlas was screaming in pain from within. Jena giggled and whispered something in Devy's ears.

"Oohhh ...ok. I hope my smell doesn't bother him. "

Devy came near Atlas from her position and hugged him from behind.

"Uuummm.....Devy? I'm kinda in no position to getting hugged right now."josei

Devy giggled and took out her black hood and gave it to him.

" I know, that's why Jena said to give you this, kinda smells but I guess you need it now than ever."

Atlas looked at his savior Jena. This girl knew everything about him like her maid Anny.

Jena who saw her prince looking at her with gratitude gave him a kind smile and a naughty wink.

Atlas smiled and looked at the embarrassed Devy and gently took her hood.

"No need to worry my dear, your smell is worth a thousand flowers. So why would I mind."

Devy became even more embarrassed and ran towards Jena.

'Haha....still gullible, I see.'

Atlas wore the long hood which covered most part of his body and in front of all the girls unbuttoned his pants which fell to the ground (he pushed it with lite air magic.) With that, he kicked his partner which guarded his treasure for the Past days. His pants then went flying to the nearest Bush.

All the girls had a tinge of red on their chicks. They wear hoping to see his sleeping dragon but the hood had already covered it all.

Jena and Devy regretted a little giving him Devy's hood. They didn't give him the hood until now because, if they did, they won't be able to see his bare god-like body and the bulge within his tight pants. It was regretful, but, it had to be done.

Atlas pulled the two girls near him by his side and marched forward.

"Let's go."

All the girls also started walking again except for Jena.

Devy looked back realizing Jena was paused on her walk.

"Let's go, sister Jena. What are you waiting for?"

Jena smiled and put her finger on her lips, gesturing to remain silent.

All the girls were already ahead so Devy was confused looking at her strange behavior.

She had already lipid silently behind the bush. And was looking like, she was searching for something valuable, after a few seconds.

Jena finally found what she was looking for.

"Found it..." she happily grabbed it and sniffed it like she was sniffing drugs with a red tinge all over her chicks.

"My precious."

And with hurried pace. Placed it inside her pocket.

Devy was still waiting, having a little bit of suspicion for what she was searching for as she saw what her hubby had throw in that direction and that suspicion became true when she saw the familiar cloth wriggling out of her stuffed pocket.

'Oh, my grace...Sister Jena....has turned into a pervert. What should I do? Should I stop her?'

She looked at Jena with a panicked expression. Jena knowing what she was thinking, came near her and took out the ragged-looking pants, stuffing them right on her face.

She was surprised at first but when the strong scent hit her nose, going right through her brain, she instantly realized, realized how foolish she was. She was foolish enough to judge her, her sworn sister Jena, who had already known the worth of this treasure.

After a few seconds of bliss. The scent was gone and her brain panicked, asking where it had gone, and followed the remaining scent and knocked herself on Jena's breasts.

She looked at Jena's eyes, with her most cute and adorable expression, her lips still on her assets.

"... I want a piece." She mumbled with a shy expression.

Jena smiled and tore a handful of cloth and gave it to her. Devy with gratitude quickly took the piece of cloth and smelled with a heavy breath.

"What are you girls doing, hurry up!!!!!"

They both heard their hubby's loud voice from far away.

They both nodded to each other and placed their respected cloth on their pockets.

Jena now carefully folded her cloth and put it in her pocket. Making sure nobody could see it.

"We are coming!!!!" With a loud shout, they ran forward.

Atlas saw Jena and Devy coming back.

"What were you doing there you two?"

Devy became quiet with a panicked expression but her sister was there to save the day.

"We were late because...ah..what you called it....oh yes..nature's calling..was it ..hehe."

"Hahahaha...well said. You have learned a lot, haven't you."

"Of course...cause you pounded it to me so hard that all the words you said are stuck on my head now.."

Atlas laughed and kissed her on her forehead.

"Of course, I will take responsibility. Not now but eventually."

With a beautiful smile, she nodded lovingly but inside her mind, there were complex thoughts running.

'To be by your side, first... I need to be worthy. I don't want to just be there and be a burden. If I ever felt, you were thinking of me as a burden, I will not be able to live for myself.

She wanted How can she achieve that with her normal bloodline?'

Whenever these thoughts passed her mind. She starts to slowly despair, the only reason she could genuinely be happy right now was that he was still there with her, so she didn't overthink much for now.

Time passed as they walked together, talking, laughing, sometimes the girls only having their girls talk, leaving Atlas behind, and Sometimes even flirting and talking about their sexy times.

"To be honest, I think my husband would not be able to satisfy me anymore." Said one of the girls.

"Yes, you are right. My husband doesn't even have half of what Mr prince has. I think, my sexual life will be boring from now on." Said another.

"I guess, this is a blessing and a curse In a way. " said another.

Atlas listening to their talk, laughed inwardly.

"Don't worry girls. I will not leave you forever. I will come from time to time."

All the girls listening, instantly became much happier.

But one of the girls who didn't have a life partner silently said.

"But....but..we don't want you to leave us in the first place."

The young girl said it silently but it already reached Atlas's ears.

Feeling his mixed feelings. Jena instantly became mad and sent a death glare at the young girl. The girl got scared and stayed shut covering her face. Jena had already explained and talked about this topic with them all but the young girl who hopelessly fell in love with him couldn't control her inner feelings.

Atlas didn't say anything as they walked side by side. The atmosphere was turning gray until Devy who was at the front shouted out.

" There is a road ahead of us!!!!!"

Everybody's attention shifted and quickly paced after Devy and finally, there they saw the stone pavement. Most of them wear happy that they could finally see their parents and children and were also sad from their coming separation from their Mr prince. They didn't know, what should they feel but one thing they all felt was...their utmost gratitude towards Mr prince.

After looking at the road, they looked back at him and ran to hug him, with small tears flowing from their emotional eyes. They hugged him for full-on five minutes. Atlas just let it be and hugged them back with a smile.

When all the girls finally let him go, only Devy was still hugging him, pinning her face on his chest.

Atlas patted her head with utmost care and love and waited after she eventually let him go. She grabbed Atlas's both hands and looked at his mesmerizing eyes with determination.

"Can I say something...Mr prince."

"Of course mouse, don't need to ask permission."

Devy controlled her heart rate and finally said the words she was thinking.

" Mr. Prince....wi..will you me?"


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