The life of a Haughty Prince

Chapter 17

Chapter 17

Everyone was shocked by the sudden proposal from Devy. Even Atlas himself was surprised by Devy's sudden actions. He knew she loved him, heck, every woman here, loved him dearly but what surprised him was that the always shy, gullible, and prideful girl would be the first one to propose and try to go to the next level with him.

All the girls watching had opened their mouths wide with surprised expressions plastered on their faces, The one who was fully surprised and shaken from this event was surely Jena from her horrendous expression alone. She was staring at Devy with a feeling of turmoil within her mind.

She knew this day was coming, who would be more perfect to accompany him in his journey than her. She has her beauty, money, power, and most importantly, the rare advanced bloodline coursing through her veins. She was the perfect choice amongst them, as most of them were already married and had a family of their own, where she was still young and single.

Even though Jena herself has a family. She didn't talk much about them with others and by the looks of watching her mood sour mood when the topic of the family came, All the girls eventually knew she had issues with her family.

That's why Jena was the first one to get easily attached to Mr prince. For Jena, The mysterious man who called himself Mr prince seemed to be her salvation, but now, she felt like her only salvation was going away.

If for some reason Mr prince accepts Devy's proposal and leaves them be, cause, why not, from his point of view, most of them including herself had family and friends here, so of course, he would leave them at some point. Her overthinking mind thought of this scenario making her whole mindset slowly crumble.

She unknowingly came near Devy with her blank eyes looking at her with the same horrendous expression and used her air symbol and made it as sharp as she could. She was only a beginner tier mage but somehow, she could use air and sharpness symbol just like how atlas used his throughout their journey.

Atlas feeling the mana fluctuation by his side, looked at Jena with slight confusion and grabbed her delicate hands.

"What happened Jena?"

Jena, hearing his soft caring voice and feeling his kind touch automatically came out of her madness-filled mind and turned to Atlas with tears starting to fall in like a waterfall.

Atlas looking at the suddenly crying Jena and pulled her to his side hugging her tight. He thought she also became emotional from their coming separation and let her cry on his chest as every man should.

"There, there. Don't cry. We are not gonna separate forever you know. I will come by sometimes. You also have your family and loved ones here so be happy you are finally reunited."

Jena didn't speak and just cried to her heart's content. All the girls watching felt tears tickle from their eyes.

Jena wanted to tell him, that she loves him from the bottom of her heart and the first time she saw him, she was already head over heels for him. She wanted to tell him to take her with him. Even he was going to hell, she would accompany him there. She wanted to tell him that she didn't care about her family anymore and just wanted to spend the rest of her life with him and leave the pent-up madness from her family.

She wanted to say everything but didn't. If she did, she knew, he will take her weak self with him to his dangerous adventures to come and she eventually becomes a liability and she hated that the most.

She would just suffer alone then let that happen. So she just stood there crying on his chest. The extreme jealousy she just felt and the fear of him forgetting and leaving her slowly faded away. Atlas's chest was all wet from all the tears. He did whatever he could to ease her crying self. He calmed Jena down and looked at the cute redhead, who didn't know a thing about marriage and now was asking his hand in marriage.

"Come here, Devy."

Devy came near him, her Little tears already gone. She was fidgeting as she slowly came near him. The fear of rejection was taking her over but with determination and courage, she faced him looking clearly to his eyes with anticipation.

"I like you, Devy, you know that right?"

Devy nodded without speaking a word.

"Let me ask you a question? How many days has it been that we knew each other?"

".....five days.."

" Right!!....within the five days. Yes, we started knowing about each other more and you can also say that you fell for me at first sight but marriage is another thing altogether, which needs time, and I mean a lot of time Devy.... to know each other inside and out.

Now tell me, my dear Devy, what is my real name?"

"'t know."

Looking at her emotional eyes. Atlas hugged her patting her head.

"Don't worry, when you know more about me and become strong and mature enough, come and find me and say those words then. I will accept you wholeheartedly, what do you say?"

When Devy heard his final words, she was shaken to her core. At first, She thought Mr prince was rejecting her nicely which unknowingly to him, started her mental breakdown right then, but no, He just told her she wasn't ready yet, meaning he didn't reject her and most importantly She still has a clear chance at this. She just needed to be mature and strong enough.

With that mindset, something changed inside her, something like a fire, ready to burn any and everything. Nobody noticed her red eyes burning like a fierce fire for a second. If Atlas saw her eyes and used 'all seer' on her again, then he would have realized what kind of miracle has just occurred.

Bloodline awakening.

Most of the nobles and royalties have their specific bloodline, like Atlas's "Don" Bloodline which represented absolute power for which one of the perks being he could dominate anybody with peer pressure alone, no matter how strong and fierce the other party is. Resisted only by the ones with the same powerful peak-level bloodlines.

If awakened, increasing its power five times or even more, connecting him or her with its origin, unlocking powers to that of supreme bloodline depending on their type.

What happened to Devy was the same, not fully awakened but a start. If she supervises herself carefully she will eventually connect to her bloodline origin slowly unlocking its full potential and if not trodded carefully, she would die a painful dead burning her soul to enders itself.

After hugging her, Atlas kissed her forehead and looked at everyone.

"Let's go girls. Your loved ones are waiting for you all."

They all nodded and looked back at the heavy forest. It was one of the most miserable and the most endearing experience they had. Giving a last look, they all followed their Prince, walking alongside the stone pavement.

Jena was back to normal. She looked at Devy and regretted her earlier actions. She couldn't believe what she was going to do. She was trying to..... kill her.

She looked at her hand, still quivering from the excess mana she used. She had never learned such techniques in her life, but with her uncontrolled emotions, she connected deeply with him for a moment and learned one of his air symbol techniques right then and there. It wasn't the same but she managed to make a lite version of it. She was getting scared of herself and what she felt earlier but that moment of power was still there.josei

She got a taste of what it felt like to be in a position of a higher power. At that single moment, she felt like a queen. The feeling of dominance coursing through her veins changing her thought process entirely. She wanted Davy to regret her earlier decision and learn her unworthy place, which was under her Sharp blade which she formed earlier with an air symbol.

She knew right it was one of the perks of her connection with him and from that experience, she now knew how much power the mysterious Mr prince was. He has at least an advanced tier bloodline. The feeling she just experienced was of nobility from the highest order.

'So that's how all those arrogant nobles feel like, but he doesn't act like them at all. He just acted like a normal human being. His posture and walking and the way of talking were majestic but he didn't show any of that arrogance I just felt.

I guess, he is just one of a kind man. A kind soul in itself. Now I feel like I love him even more, haha.

I need to control this power. This might be my only chance to become strong enough to stay by his side and leave my past behind.'

Griping her shaking hands tightly. She looked at his back with conviction.

'I'm gonna be with you matter what.'






They walked a few kilometers and were at the side of a hill. They finally saw the scene they were waiting for.

The Brown city, Capital of Fanxia kingdom. It didn't look majestic as his capital city but it had its unique vibe.

It was like, the city itself was made of clay. From the gates to the towering houses to the pyramid-like structures, all colored in brown. He could also see the statue of the phoenix with its wing proudly opened wide on top of the pyramid-like structures. Atlas was intrigued enough as he mostly never left the city, and don't even talk about leaving the country.

It was his first time, ever. His heart rate quickens feeling the rush of excitement. He could also see many people from the distance more soldiers than citizens. They looked like small dots of metal as most of them were fully armored which was not normal in the given situation. The number of soldiers packed in front of the gate showcased something was wrong.

As he was watching the view, he started hearing sounds of horses running and wheels clanking in their direction.

All the girls also started hearing the horses marching behind them. Devy also looked behind with curiosity and found a familiar insignia on the wagons.

She got surprised and smiled a second later. She waved her hands towards the coming soldiers and wagons.

One of the soldiers at the front saw them and one of them being a woman was waving her hand to them. As he was getting closer, he finally saw the girl who was waving her hand, fully surprised.

He yanked his horse to quicken its pace unfolded his helmet to really confirm what he has just seen was true. Finally reaching near the group of women. He got off just as he stopped. He walked near the group of beauties, but only focused on one of them clearing any suspicion he had left. In other times he would have oggled all the beauties in front of him with lecherous eyes but it was not time for that.

As he walked near the young girl with the long blood-red silky hair, with strands of her hair falling by her adorable red eyes up to her Red juicy lips.

The soldier didn't look at the young gorgeous girl with lust or any form of attraction but looked at her with respect and awe. He kneeled before her right there placing his steel helmet near her foot.

"Welcome back your highness. We have been searching all over the kingdom for you. We are glad as ever to see you are safe your highness."

Devy smiled with pride and looked at the surprised expression of all the girls around her. She mostly wanted to see Mr prince's expression and gazed at where he stood, only to see no one there. She looked everywhere with troubled expression without caring about her dignity or pride as a princess.

"Where's Mr prince!!!???" She shouted.

Hearing her words, Jena and everyone came out of their stupor and looked around to see him gone as well, feeling panicked that they couldn't find him anywhere. They all shouted his name again and again but with no replies to come.

He was just there with them a moment ago but was now mysteriously gone like he was never there, to begin with.

Everyone realized he had gone his way without saying his goodbyes

Devy, Jena, and all the girls were feeling immense grief like something part of their heart just went missing.

He had fulfilled his promise as he said and went his way. They all looked at where he had stood with emotional eyes.

Devy tightly gripped the piece of cloth in her pocket with anger and sadness.

'So he went away, just like he came, mysteriously as ever. '


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