The life of a Haughty Prince

Chapter 18

Chapter 18

On top of the Phoenixia household castle. The beautiful statue of the phoenix was proudly showcasing itself. It was the symbol of power, royalty, and rebirth for all those who could see it. The citizens would most of the time look at it from distance with awe and respect.

It was still afternoon and most of the people were busy with their own chores and responsibilities. So most of them didn't realize that a person with a black hood had appeared on the top of the towering castle, standing beside the glorious statue of their proud Phoenix.

That person was, of course, Atlas, whose face was still covered with the cap of his hood.

The high and cool winds of the afternoon knocked back his cap revealing what was hidden. Finally showcasing his Silver hair which had a shade of red reflecting the setting sun, still fluttering from the windy breeze.

He looked around the city and gazed back at the faraway hill, where he teleported from.

"Sorry girls, can't let anybody see me now. Don't worry, it's not the end of us."

He looked down at the marvelous view and activated his advance "all seer". The information started flooding in his brain. His eyes started heating up a bit but no damage was done. If it was his 4-year-old self. His eyes and brain would have fried already.

'Age really does makes some difference.....let's see what we got here. Hmmm....merchants doing their usual business. Citizens buying food and materials. Carts transporting goods. Oh, wait ...are those drugs. The black market is running without a hitch huh. The prostitution center is around the corner, good to know that.

Oh, that guard is gonna **** that sad girl at this rate. Corruption is looking pretty good on this city.'

He chanted air symbol with a strengthen push symbol and directed its lane towards the drunken guard at the faraway ally.

He waved his hand in his direction and a second later the man went flying to the nearby wall, smashing himself and got knocked out tight there. The crying blond woman who had closed her eyes in despair, slowly opened her eyes only to see them knocked out guard.

She looked around with little fear and gratitude but found no one.

"Tha...thank you, whoever you are..."

She quickly fixed her clothing afraid that the guard would wake up and ran out of the alley.

Atlas smiled looking at the unknown woman.

'I can't hear you but I will assume that's a thanks....hmmm...feels good doing something good, haha. This is what the heroes in the comics feel like. I like the notion.

Let's see.....Where's the adventures guild?...there should be one here. Devy said there was one, right...over.. there..oh found it. Oohhh...the building's huge but looks kinda shabby. Eh... whatever. '

Atlas was going to teleport there but looked at his shabby hood and sandals made from plane tree wood.

"First, I need some clothes and let's not forget a mask. I don't want my triple S rank charm and looks to get me into trouble."

Atlas looked around and found the fanciest clothing shop. It had seven floors to boot at that. Jammed packed with people starting from the lower floors to the sixth floor.

"I can't see anyone on the 7th floor. Must be a luxury type room Only for high nobility or something. Let's check it out then. I am also royalty of course..haha."

Atlas disappeared from the top of the castle. Some people had seen him but ignored it thinking it was some bird or illusion. What kind of sane person would think that a human was standing on top of the majestic castle of their one and only king. If anybody said that, they saw someone at the top of a tall castle. Everybody around will laugh thinking the person had gone bonkers and people don't want to be accused as a madman.




Inside the luxurious room. Atlas was trying out all the men's clothing looking at the full body mirror with golden decorative frames but found nothing that suited his taste. He wanted a low-key but acceptable pair of clothing but everything here was too extravagant, like royal dresses his father and mother used when attending an important ceremony.

He wouldn't care going down and buying an acceptable pair of clothes but they all were filled with some amount of people and by the looks of him who was wearing a ragged hood and wooden sandals and to add fuel to the fire, his god-like appearance. They would stand out waaaayyyy too much. He just came here today so blowing his cover from the start was a big no-no.

As he was looking around, he saw a door locked with a mana lock. Mana lock needed the imprint of the specific person's pure mana to open. It was high-level security that even the rich nobles couldn't provably afford because of its rareness as It wasn't created on human plains.

It was a dwarven technology created by the best technicians, dwarfs themselves.

Atlas became curious and touched the door with his palm.

"Titanium?!!... My "all seer" can't penetrate inside this type of metal... yet...hhmm..quiet the security here. I wonder what's inside? Now I'm even more curious. Should I check what's inside?... I don't want any trouble though....hmmm...I will give in to my curiosity once, only this once. Please God, don't make this a flag."

Atlas prayed and looked at the huge door with curiosity.

He could just use brute force, destroying the titanium itself, but why gather unnecessary attention when you could solve it in a smart and easy way.

"Let's see...I can copy the mana signature of the owner from the remnants of mana here but.... too much time is needed, It's like copying the DNA itself, it will take weeks if not months, so no to that then.

Dissecting and rearranging the Mana lock itself is waaayyy out of my current league. I can try doing it to some of the human-made devices but dwarven technologies are on a completely different level. So that's also a no.

Hhmmm....what's down here?..ohh theirs a faint light coming out here, let's see....what the actual fuck, there's an actual gap here...oohh but I can't see. But that ain't stopping me."

Atlas went back to the full body-size mirror and cut a small piece out from the bottom. He put the mirror piece down the gap bend it a little.

"Wala...reflection at its finest. Man, This teleportation symbol which I myself masterfully designed is hella useful. I'm proud of myself, cheers to me."

He teleported right at the ceiling which the mirror piece reflected and landed down on the floor inside.

"Should I change my job from Elemental to a thief..hahahaha....Jokes aside, let's see what do we have here."josei

Atlas looked around with curiosity only to see a fully white room with a Total of five unknown things covered with dark sheets.

"What? ...that's it? I thought there would be treasures like gold, silver, and diamond or something."

Atlas was totally disappointed and walked towards one of the unknown objects covered by black sheets.

" I hope this doesn't disappoint me."

Atlas grabbed the sheets with anticipation and pulled them with haste.

He looked at the unknown with visible disappointment in his eyes. He went to the other side and pulled the sheets of the other one. Again his anticipation shattered with full force. He uncovered all the remaining sheets only to be faced with even more dissatisfaction and rage.

"What the fuck!!!! Why do these simple ass adventure's leather clothes need to be secured inside this fucking tight ass expensive locker room?????

Calm down...Calm down, breath Atlas, breath."

Atlas calmed himself down, slowly breathing in and out.

"Damn..this teenage body filled with hormones is making me angry from the simplest annoyance. I Have to control myself, otherwise, foolish decisions might be made that can endanger my life.

Let's think clearly. There must be a reason for all of this."

After calming his mind. Atlas used his "all seer" on the regular-looking mercenary clothes.

He was momentarily shocked by the info, he just got.

"Unknown??... not enough data to recognize the given object??? ..hhmmm....what does a middle-tier kingdom has that even an upper-tier kingdom like Xander hasn't. I thought the data from the royal library would be enough for now but...I guess I was wrong. The world really is a big place.

Let's scan all this for now. It should be quick enough."

He used his advance "all seer" combining with the advance scan symbol to fully scan all five clothing. There were warrior class, assassin class, Ranger class, Mage class, and finally Knight class beginner clothing which looked like it was all made from cheap leather and silk with decent lite armor components.

Surprisingly, It took him a whole hour to just completely scan all the clothes.

"Uufff...finally done. It's hard opening my eyes for a full hour. I have to solve that issue later.

Let's get going, I think it's already nighttime."

He teleported outside the locker room and looked down below with his tired red eyes to use "all seer" again.

"Thank god, most of the people are gone."

He teleported to the fifth floor at the corner of the room where nobody could see him. There were few people still there but it didn't matter to him. He stored five pairs of simple but good-looking clothes with a half-face covering mask (used in noble parties)and leather shoes inside his storage ring and teleported to the alley near the adventures guild.

'Damn!! took that much time, just to get some clothes. I miss Anny in these times. Fuck me and my curiosity.

Should I have taken the clothes inside the locker room? Hhhmmm...Naaahhh....I don't want unnecessary problems following my back. I know, Nobody would know it was me but why should I? I was only feeling curious for the unknown not greedy for it. I got what I wanted, the scanned data of course. Have to check it out tonight.'

He went to the corner of the dark alley as it was already night. He took off the hood and gently folded it and stored it inside his storage ring.

He wore the warm fine quality silk pants first which were colored black, finally covering his cold balls and limp dick.

He didn't wear any underwear though. It was kind of a habit of his from his past self but after reincarnating here, he was always forced to wear those bothersome underpants by Anny and also by his mother.

'Now, there is no one to force me to wear those darned things. I can always go commando whenever and wherever I want.'

Atlas cheered happily for a moment. It was a day to celebrate but now was not the time.

He wore his warm black shirt and closed the buttons one by one, covering his abs, after that he wore his favorite long black coat which reached to his thighs. He threw the sandals away and wore his new comfy leather shoes.

"Finally....feeling like a human....oh wait. Can't forget this."

He picked up and wore the black mask which now covered half of his face from his forehead to his bottom nose. His beautiful angelic eyes were now hidden behind his mask, never to be seen again. Only the chosen one among all the women will have a chance.

He was now fully ready wearing all black (which is his favorite color by the way). He controlled his aura as much as he could, even hiding his presence to a point, and walked freely out of the dark ally.

He smiled as nobody noticed him, some women looked in his direction but ignore him right after.

'Thank god, I learned the aura control technique. Otherwise, it would have been a mess, all the women running in my direction.'

Just as he was going to walk to the adventures guild. Someone tugged his coat from behind.

"Excuse me, Mr"

He looked back in annoyance as he heard a women's shy voice only to be surprised right after.

Mr, I know you stole those clothes. madame asked me to fetch you, an...and if you don't come you will regret it. So please do as I say."

Atlas was double surprised. The first reason being the women in front of him was the blond women he just saved from the guard a while back and the second being...

'How the fuck, they knew about me stealing these clothes and how in the flying fuck she knew I was here?'


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