The life of a Haughty Prince

Chapter 69

Chapter 69






"One million gold…."


'What the hell??!! One fucking million Gold. Should I accept? No, no wait, I just met her, I can't be just swayed by money like that.'

"….sorry but no."

"oh! That's a surprise. Here I thought I was giving a fair price."

"...I'm not a money person. So that won't work on me Miss and by the way, how did you know I was going to be here if you wanted my help right now?"

"It's just coincidence, don't need to pump yourself too much. I and my brother were going 'somewhere' when I suddenly saw you so I thought why not use the opportunity to finish one of my mission."


'Should I believe what she just said?'

"haa...if you don't want to come then it's alright, I won't meddle with your affair any longer. I thought with your level of control on the ever rare space symbol. It would really help my brother to neck out an ancient tomb to raise his promotion.

Oh, I forgot to mention, the tomb is of an ancient space symbol user…"

"I'm in." Atlas suddenly said.

"hahahaha...we humans and our never-ending thirst for knowledge." She said with a heavy laugh.

"What can I say? Knowledge is indeed the power and Bain for all humans like us."

'…'s risky but I might get some clue for my teleportation symbol. The chances are abysmal but I can't just sit around thinking the answer would come itself.'

"We going now?" he asked.

"hmm…..wait a second."

She flew down at a breakneck speed, grabbing her unconscious brother by the neck. He was slammed hard but, there was nothing wrong with him, no nose bleed, no fractures, nothing. The only thing he lost was his consciousness, which was only temporary as he woke up right after he felt a tight grip on his neck.


"Yes, my idiot of a brother. We are going."

"Where? Home?"

"No, to the tomb. We need your promotion as quickly as possible, otherwise, it will be another year or so to reach our goal."

"...I see, let's go then."

Both of them flew, straight upwards, leaving Atlas behind.

"Follow me!" she shouted to him as she kept going upwards.

"Damn! She's in a hurry…."

Atlas also followed, increasing his mana pressure to himself, pushing his body to the limits to at least reach her speed. When he finally caught up with her brother in hand. He came close enough that he could see her clearly.



Name: Lily

Bloodline: ???

Age: 65 years

Race: Human









Rank: S Rank

Soul: C

Class: Mana Ranger (Advance class)

Subclass: Mage (All humans are Mage by default.)

Title: The Seeker, The one who doesn't miss, Marksman…..

Natural ability: Green, Dragon eye, Fire bender, Air bender, Water bender, Mana control....]

Right after he used his 'all-seer', Lily looked at her shoulder, glaring at him. Her anger, clear to be seen.

"What did you think? I wouldn't just trust you just like that."

"Hmm…..I will let it go, for now, if you ever do that 'thing' again, you will be dead before you know It." she answered with a bit of anger.

' was just a glance, but a Green user huh, those are pretty rare, if I'm right they can easily control the green life around them. Pretty much like a Druids from the novels I have read until now. Hmm...interesting, interesting indeed.

And her Bloodline is blank, I guess I don't have too much info on Green users and their bloodline. Should I seduce her and ask her….nah…. that sounds pathetic.'

Lily stopped near a Five-star gate. It was pretty high up so it took out some chunk of mana on both of them. Atlas was here for the first time. The area of the five stars. To his assumptions, he was right, there were fewer and fewer gates as he went up and reaching this zone, there were only thirty or something. Each giving vibes he never felt before.

His bloodline alone was tingling sensing the threat within every gate, he was slowly having trouble moving his body with his mana. The pressure in the area alone was giving him a hard time, what would really happen if he just entered right away.

"So you can withstand the pressure, huh, I guess calling you was worth the trouble. Can you follow me behind my back, the pressure will only increase where we are heading?"

Atlas used his bloodline aura around himself, his dominant aura repulsing everything that was pressurizing him before.

"Don't need it…" he said, floating by her side. "Lead the way…."

Lily looked at him like an oddball. She wanted to ask how a two-star could hold himself and stand by her side but everyone had their own secrets and she wasn't one of those people who gets off from revealing others' secrets.

She walked towards the wide haggard gate at her side, holding her brother layering him with the mana of her own, the pressure kept increasing and increasing as they came closer but it didn't slow them down even the slightest. She again looked at her side and there he was, still keeping up with him without her protection.

Being a bit curious she threw her brother forward, without lairing a single bit of her pure mana.

"What the hell sis? Aaa….aarrgg…..I can't…b.. breathe…."


Looking at her brother suffering from the high pressure, she went closer to him and covered him with her mana again but he had already fainted once more, lying on her shoulder like dead meat.

"harsh…." Atlas said.

"hmph….he's my brother, he needs to be strong, stronger than people like you, stronger than what he is facing now."


"You wouldn't understand…"

Atlas only nodded and followed her to the gate. As he was surrounded by his bloodline aura, the pressure wasn't worth shit as it couldn't even penetrate his basic layer.

The rusted fungus-filled gate was a sight to behold, it was a surprise for him as he only saw well-kept doors until now, and even following up to the Five-star zone, he had only seen proper doors.

"why is this one so…broken..?"

"well…..the guild which it was once connected was fully destroyed taking the whole city with it, only leaving rubble of the past, only the connection with the 'Equade' was left behind. It will be dangerous if you want to quit, there's still time."

"What are you talking about? You bring me here with your smooth talk and what? Change of heart already?"josei

"… really are a cheeky guy, aren't you? Ok, keep that talk up and if you ever feel like running away, just tell me."

"let's see…"

Lily showed her purple shaded five-stars in her palm and the gate glowed brighter and brighter. She floated closer and to her side, he also followed. With a last bright light surrounding both them and her brother by her shoulder, they vanished near the gate.

A wide black shadow appeared as they vanished and stared at the fungus-filled gate.

"She really did went for it…" his deep voice echoing around.

"Of course she would go, her brother's life is on the line…" said a womanly figure appearing right behind him.

"hmm…..but she took a rookie with her, don't know if she did the right thing…"

"…well I can't say much about that, but the new black rookie can use the legendry 'blink', maybe he was the one who followed her."

"haa….thats even worse, taking a rare space user to such a dangerous environment. You know the higher-ups increased the gate's pressure to the limits so no one would enter."

"Just let them be, he would either die or come back stronger, that's all is to it. Let's go, one of the leviathan's children just spawned. We need to take care of it quick."

"haa….them again, which one is it?" he asked.

"it's one of the Zelorath's spawn.."

"That horny dragon, always fucking around with monsters and humans. How many did she give birth to now?"

"....ten, only one of them being a threat.."

"haa…..can't we just kill her….I'm sure hundreds of us can accomplish that." He said in a tired tone.

"NO!!...she is the only dragon left who blessed us, humans. You already know, where we humans stand, all credit goes to them, the only Mythical Dragons and she is the only proof left by them so shut up and let's go." The women said sternly.


With those final words, both of them also vanished, entering their gate with five stars glowing right above it.





The ruin Capital, Argos, The southern area of Human Society.

The clouds, dark with no sunlight passing by. The air consisting of dust and ash. The atmosphere void of any life, No flying birds to be seen. All there was, only ash falling down like snow to the ruined city down below.

There were buildings and pavements, all destroyed in some way or another, tall buildings collapsed down to the earth with its debris blocking the destroyed stone-pavement. Brown-green shaded plants covering many structures like veins popping from its skin.

Near such area, there was a small cliff, with a huge half-destroyed building in view, overshadowing what was left of the city. Even it was half destroyed, with many broken columns having no roof to support, it still protruded a different aura of its own. The cracked stone sign with the word 'Adven….' Hanging alone was giant enough to oversize a normal human.

Within the broken building, among the ashen ground and the fallen columns, there was a wide fungus-filled gate glowing up. The light only glowed further and further until two people stepped out, one with a black overcoat and a full slate mask covering his face and another, a tall beauty, with a dazzling bow at her back and also a fainted person on her shoulder.

"Stay close to me if you don't want to die. I only lead you here cause of you 'blink'. So I hope you don't get cocky and run ahead without any pry warnings." She said in a commanding voice.

Atlas only nodded and came closer to her and followed her as they started walking.

As he was gazing around the destroyed columns and the ashen snow falling from above, he felt a strange sensation within him and right after his system appeared in front of his eyes, which shocked him to a degree as he codded it to appear without command only when it was emergency and the caution his system informed made him even more surprised.

[Radiation Detected!!! Caution!! Caution!! ]

'what the fuck??!'


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