The life of a Haughty Prince

Chapter 70

Chapter 70

[Radiation Detected!!! Caution!! Caution!! ]

'What the fuck??! Radiation? There's radiation here and a harmful one at that!'

He quickly surrounded himself with his pure mana, covering every inch of his body. He wanted no part of his body to be close to active radiation. With radiation comes inner damage and most likely cancer and in this magical world, there wasn't a speck of medicine that could heal something like cancer.

'First of all, what happened here? Where did such radiation come from?'

He looked at Lily and saw she was also covered in her own pure mana.

'Should have warned me at least.' He thought as he stared at her. He took a bit of distance. He didn't want her to be affected by his lust aura as they were no longer inside 'E '.

He walked with her as everything slowly came into view. He thought it was only this building that just collapsed but when he finally reached out the main gate. His jaws opened in shock like never before.

"w…what happened here?" he asked.

Her eyes were also plastered at the view like Atlas but the surprised look wasn't there. In her eyes all there was pain and anger. The glaring of her eyes, the contraction around her forehead, only proved further what she was feeling.

"A disaster, a cataclysmic disaster. It wasn't an earthquake, tornado, or even any Five-star rated monster attack but…."


"but…..a crime, a crime done by none other than that heinous bastard….…..'All-father' himself"

"wait what!! this! this was done by him? how? When?" he asked. The shock and confusion permeating from his voice alone.

"...we still don't know, we only know that he somehow got the information that the adventurer guild was in possession of the rare second-tier ancient tomb which I just told you before, and the next day...this happened."

'what the actual fuck!!! This nuclear-like disaster, All-father, radiation….what is going on? What is the actual fuck is going on? I just wanted to train but this! I wasn't prepared for this…'

"When did this happened?"

"….hmm? you didn't know? I see. The higher-ups really stopped the rumors from spreading's been long, three months ago, give or take."

'...wait! Does Bela know about this? I'm sure she would definitely know about this and she still decides to clash with them.'

He gazed far away, from the small cliff he was on and saw the location he was searching for. With his pure man around his body, fully intact. He teleported to where his vision was before, surprising Lily who was giving his brother some mana to wake him up.

"What? I just said to stick with me. Does he wants to be sick as my brother…" she said, grinding her teeth in anger and worry. "Now where the hell did he go?"

She used her dragon eye, her eyes suddenly changing in color, slowly splitting in half and with it, a sharp eye like a dragon appeared. The black split pupil with a red fire glowing within.josei

She felt a bit of pain but she endured like usual, looking all around and within seconds easily found him.

"That idiot, blinking to the place where there is the most danger."

She jumped, putting as much mana on her legs, cracking the earth below her legs, and landed where he was with a bang. The debris and smoke spreading everywhere she crash-landed.

"I told you to stick close. How do you feel right now, are you feeling nausea, and do you feel like you are going to vomit or something?" she asked, with a hurried pace.

Atlas said nothing as she could still see his back not moving an inch.

'Goddammit, is he also affected. I thought he was a smart one but I guess I was wrong.'

She came closer trying to cover him with her pure dense mana but when her mana collided with his bloodline aura, she suddenly felt a sense of fear and dread she never felt before, forcing her to take a step back.

"wh..what was that?" she asked in surprise.

Atlas who was staring down below turned to his shoulder. He knew she just landed near him with the noisy impactful landing she just engaged.

"What?" He asked In the confusion, the previous boastful Lily nowhere to be found.

"…..nothing. Why did you come here of all places? You might not know but It's really, I mean really…. dangerous. Don't you feel your skin burning a bit?"

"Don't worry, I can take care of myself." He said, turning back to his view.


She said nothing after and came near him, looking down at what he was gazing at. And with an instant, the previous anger came boiling back but a tinge of fear was also mixed in as she looked at the massive black crater.

Yes, they were both standing beside the crater, the focal point of what had destroyed the ever famous adventurer city, known as the Capital of Argos.

"so it was a big explosion huh, big enough to swallow the whole city…?" he asked.

"…..yes, and the numerous deaths weren't enough, the survivors also started dying one by one, dying with some anonyms disease….one of them being my brother." She said gazing at her brother, still fainted on her shoulder.

"I see…"

"Wake up!" she shouted, shaking her shoulder.

"wh..what? where are we?" he asked a bit dozed.

"Letting your sister carry you, wake up you dumbass." She scolded.

"I'm up. I'm up already.." he said, falling down to his legs.

Atlas came near with his hand in tow, looking at the handsome lad with his "all-seer."

"Nice to meet you.." Atlas said.

"You too…" he replied, shaking his hand.

Lily had already shared her pure mana with her brother for the time being, she already knew with experience that this place was harmful, even the speck of air around them was harmful enough.

"so…where are we going?"

"There." She said, pointing at the middle of the large deep crater of a mess.

"…..really?.." he asked, he could go further but the radiation was reaching its limit, being near the source itself, and he knew, her mana wouldn't be able to handle the radiation as well if they went further ahead, and she wanted to go at the center of all places. "You know, your mana won't protect you and your brother if we go near right?" he again asked.

"yes… we can only come close to the titanium lever, giving us time to open the door leading down the safe underground, where it will be your duty to blink inside, as you will be able to see what is inside from the view here and don't worry, we will close the titanium door in time before the foreign sickness gets you."

'That's a lot of assumption you are making there, and titanium? So there was titanium safe there, even this nuclear bomb couldn't destroy it huh… strong is titanium…, I really don't know much about this material. I know for sure, it isn't like the titanium back in my world. haa...need to ask Bela I suppose. Why is it always her when I need to know something…'

"Are you sure?" Atlas asked again.

"Yes, don't worry, the timing will be right. You won't suffer much." She said with a clear smile.

'Girl…don't smile like that, I don't want a death flag up in my ass…well, if the system warns me to the maximum, I will just teleport out... Damn, it feels good to be me.'

"ok…are you sure the tomb is related to the Space symbol?" he asked.

"Yes, you don't need to worry, we both are fellow Alibion adventurer. If I betray you a Black nominee, the organization will hunt me to no end. So believe Alibion if you don't believe me."

"Sweet words, ok, last question. Why do you need what is inside the tomb."


"'s for me. Alibion has the medicine to cure this unknown sickness but they are less in amount, so me and big sis trying to complete hardcore missions to acquire it. So you know the jest….." the brother answered.

"I see….."

"haa….now you already know, so let's start, this is the main hardcore mission if we complete this. The medicine will be ours…"

Before all three of them could go any further, Atlas's bloodline all of a sudden warned him to the maximum.


"Jump aside!!!" he shouted.



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