The life of a Haughty Prince

Chapter 71

Chapter 71

"Jump aside!!!" he shouted.


Atlas teleported away the second after giving the warning. The ashen dust and smoke, everywhere. He teleported not far, only ten meters away, where his bloodline calmed down a bit. He wanted to know what just happened. What lead his senses to nine eleven all of a sudden.

He activated his "all-seer" with Observation mode right away, trying to look through all the ash and smoke floating around.

"What the fuck is that?"


Name: -----

Bloodline: ------

Age: 407 years

Race: Fairy (Infected)






LUCK: -----

CHARM: -----


Rank: S Rank

Soul: E (Mana Caged)

Class: Mana warrior (Basic class)

Subclass: Slave (Servant class)

Title: Slave, Non-human, lower species, power bank...

Natural ability: Mana control, Store Energy, Light Bender (weak)

Description: A fairy slave transmuted from heavy radiation. With a half-dead, half-alive brain, her strength is doubled with less intelligence. Her size increasing through observing an enormous amount of energy from the explosion. With the last instinct of only eating energy left behind, she only observes mana or any form of energy.]

With the help of his eyes, it was now slightly clear, the four-foot-tall fairy, with its four damaged transparent wings behind, some crooked, some with even gaping holes.

Her body was fully mutilated, with her shoulder and left foot scorched to her bones. Her raw muscles, fully visible around her Burned Bones. Even her head was burned, half of her face unrecognizable. The only body part that seemed unharmed was her right eye as it slowly moved around, looking in his direction.

"My first encounter with a fairy and it's like this. Thought it would be a more magical experience…." He said, his "All-seer" altered to its battle form. His pupils slightly turned golden in color, reflecting all the continued data he observed from his opponent.

His heartbeat quicken, feeling his bloodline warning him the moment the thing stared at him. He tightens his muscle, ready to move anytime. A drop of sweat flowing down from his forehead.

'S Rank creature? And a slave? There are also slaves here?..... Let's think about that later...come on, come at me, don't keep staring at me…..wait, is…she….observing me?'

"What are you there just standing??!!" Lily shouted, jumping in its direction. Stealing away all the attention from the mutilated fairy.

As she was in midair, a blue feathered arrow appeared at her fingertips, already linking with the string of her marvelous bow within milliseconds.

The arrow glowed in blue as it touched the bow in the proper position, ready to be released. When she reached her high point and stayed there for a second, with the right timing aiming at the beast of a fairy, she released her arrow, with the sharp sound of the string coming back to its position.

Atlas didn't even see the arrow right after, his eyes still on her attack form.


The painful sound echoed from his side and to his surprise, the arrow had already landed at the fairy's only undamaged eye.

The thing struggled as it cried in pain and taking this chance, he chooses to teleported near her, in seconds, his hands fully covered his sharp air symbol.

His heartbeat was off the charts as he came close to land his strike and he did, landing a perfect strike at her neck but he didn't felt the cutting of flesh, only a push from his hand feeling her rotten skin from his palm.

Even though it only turned to a hand strike, the impact was still there, throwing her to a distance.

"What happened? Did she observed my mana?" he questioned.

"Good observation. You are indeed correct, that slave did observe your mana and also your technique." Said the brother, appearing beside him.

Atlas didn't know, where he came from, he just appeared out of nowhere, now standing beside him.

"my technique?" he questioned and looked back at the mutilated fairy and to his surprise, her palm was slowly boosting out air, slowly turning sharper and sharper, and eventually becoming like his, but with less power.

As the thing was conjuring her own Sharp symbol, another blue arrow penetrated at her heart and another to her head, and another at both of her legs.

The thing with a swing cut all the arrows in half which easily penetrated her rotten body.

'is she a zombie?' Atlas thought.

"What is that thing?" he asked again.

Lily appeared beside her brother, another arrow ready to be released.

"she was a slave guard, meant to protect the titanium vault twenty-four seven but it was documented all of them died during the explosion but I guess the data was wrong.

Fucking watchers, can't even do their job well."

"sis! They will hear you…" her brother warned.

"Who cares? Let them hear, my complaints will only keep coming…" she replied in anger.

"haa….." the brother sighed.

The mutilated fairly was still struggling without an eye. It didn't know where its source of food was. It observed all the mana from the arrows, turning them into simple blue feathered sticks.

And this wasn't enough, she wanted more, the only thing running in her almost dead mind was to take in energy, her survival instincts acting to the fullest, forcing her dead body and muscles to do whatever it could. It roamed around, slicing everywhere it went. The sharp symbol in full power.

"haa… it's even harder, well done rookie…." She said, staring him down.

"sis didn't you just fed that thing even more mana, don't blame it all on him. We should be teaching him instead of ridiculing him. so chill.


Ouch!!!....sis come on…"

"Talking back to your sister like that and even taking his side. Whose brother are you?" she questioned.

"let's not bicker shall we, the problem is still in hand.." Atlas said.


"haa….…sorry for my sis, she's always like this. So what should we do? We can't just let her rampant like this, she will only grow more powerful, observing mana from her surroundings."

'hmm… these cases, the hero would give more mana than his opponent could handle, eventually defeating the opponent but…..her mana is rated 'S' and that's a lot, I mean a lot of mana.

Are all fairies have the capability to store such a ballistic amounts of mana? That's quite interesting. I would use the full force of my 'SS' mana but that would only attract more attention. My 'Blink' alone cause this situation alone, attracting this brut of a woman of all people.

Lily has some amount of mana, but that won't be enough and if she exhausts all her mana, the radiation will come in play, sickening her like her brother.'

"I want to overpower her with a high amount of mana until she dies but we don't have that much power," Atlas said.

"hmm…that's a good pl…."

"Watch out!!" the brother warned her sister.

She easily dodged, jumping aside Atlas. As she was now closer, she looked at the masked man, feeling a bit attracted. She felt her heartbeat quicken but control herself and went back to her thoughts.

'This fifth slave dares to even touch us. It should have died the moment the explosion happened. Why must we suffer and this thing still lives? It must have mutated and survived like an insect it is.

But at this rate, this bug will only get powerful. I do have enough mana to do as the rookie suggested but I will lose our mana shield in the process and that won't be good for me and my brother, mainly for my brother with his sickness still inside.'

The fairy was still on a rampage, slicing and destroying everything in its way, it would come their way sometimes but they all would dodge it right away. They would attack sometimes, landing on some physical hits but that wasn't enough as well. The thing was low on defense, getting easily kicked around but it would again come standing up and if they hit it too many times, it would again start sucking all of their mana.josei

"What the hell is this? Why was that fairy here in the first place?" Atlas asked.

"...well….ahem, ahem.…you might not know as you are just a rookie but every major Adventurer Guild has fairies as guards….ahem, ahem…protecting their inner floors." The brother replied.

"Fairy guards? You mean slaves?"

"haha….well that's a way to put it….dodge that one…..they need to be kept in their place, living and breathing among us humans is already a privilege and we don't want them running their thoughts around so they are kept as a slave, their soul caged forever." He said, with a little disgust mixed in.


'ok...Slavery...kinda feels weird, too weird if I have to say and the way he phrased it like fairies were some dogs.…..I need to process this for a while. Are most of the other species besides us humans treated like this?

If I ask now, I'm sure he will think weirdly of me…System…give me a follow up on the treatment of other species...oh here it is, hmm…..oh…..oh!...ohh!!?....wait that's fucked up!!!'

"...…..hey Lily, I want to go elsewhere for a while, can you handle here for a while…."

"ha? Of course, who do you think I am? Just don't run away like a coward. That's all and be quick."

"Yeah, yeah, you don't have to worry."

Atlas vanished teleporting away and appeared right in front of the collapsed guild house, slowly walking to the column nearby. He quickly opened his mask, her body bent down, trying to breathe in the air to cool himself down. He took a seat at some broken column lying down.

"fuck!, shit!. That was…..fucking hell…The system, come on, I asked for some info, not some messed up the description on humanity's darkest side or some shit." He complained, with a tired voice. "Fucking hell mate, the borders of humanity are crazy and I mean craazzyyy….damn we humans are racist as fuck!! Didn't know that…haha..haa...

Damn, it's hard to just process all that messed up information, and who in the world wrote that documentary with that much fucking detail. Was that person some messed up sadist or some shit…fuck me. Man, do we really treat all the other races with such disgust. We treat them like some…..some bugs or something….haa….I don't want to confront this now…..."

He stood up, flowing his specter aura all around his body, his body fully energized.

"...that just messed me up..…..haa...need to focus on the problems at hand…hmm..."

He used his "all-seer", looking all around and saw something green miles away. He teleported there right away and to his prediction, he was right. There was green grass and lush forest all around.

He looked back at the ashen field ahead.

"It will take time but…'s the only option for now."

He again teleported back and saw, everything was the same as before. Both Lily and Atlas saw each other.

"" I got a plan."" Both of them said.



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