The life of a Haughty Prince

Chapter 72

Chapter 72

"" what's your plan?"" Both of them again asked.

"" my plan…..""

"I will go first...the plans are easy, we lure her out of the danger zone, and we all can boost her to oblivion, sounds easy right?"

"…..yeah…..I was thinking….the same." Lily said, a bit embarrassed.

Atlas looked at her with suspicions but let it go, he didn't want to bicker and late the mission even more.

"ok, let's head south, I already surveyed around, that is the only place near where there is low radiation."

"" ok…"" both the siblings said.

"Wait, what's radiation…? Are you talking about the harmful air here, wait do you know about this stuff." the brother asked.

"I might, I might not. First the mission then the talking." Atlas answered.

'fuck! My freaking mouth….' He cursed himself.

Lily stared at him, like a fox looking at a rabbit, hungry for answers but she kept her calm, shooting the fairy from the south direction luring her to follow them.

After an hour a so, the siblings arrived, near the green trees with a breath of fresh air, the former sick feeling nowhere to be felt. It took time but it was the only solution for now.

"You guys took your sweat time….." Atlas said with a smile.

"….yeah, yeah… off…" Lily answered, her dissatisfaction clear to be seen.

She shot another mana-filled arrow at the thing, who was still following them. Lily was amazed in a way, she shot so many shots at her, her body filled with broken arrows, from her head to her legs, there were only arrows that lily shot within the long full hour.

"I can't believe that thing is still alive, after all my shots. What did the explosion do to make such a monster…"

"Well, in hindsight. She's half-dead, half alive. The only thing that a fairy is feeling, is the instinct to live, and to live she needs to observe mana, hence, a half-dead living being who only lives to consume energy or in other words, A mistakenly created undead…" Atlas answered.

"hmm….. an undead….havenot seen those in a while." The brother answered.

'Wait what? I was giving an example? There are undead?….system…info on undead please…hmmm….no data....for fucks sake. It must be one of Alibion's secrets or some shit. Fuck, that means there are undead, zombies and shit and I have zero info on them…..haa….truly a fantasy world….' he thought with a sigh.

The fairy zombie came near, stepping in the green grass, the non-harmful nature air seeping inside her. All three of them waiting, to push their full mana without any reservation but the moment, the disfigured fairly stepped further on the greenery, she started to melt, like she didn't have bones from the start.


The painful howl echoed around the green forest. Atlas and the sibling were watching in surprise as the zombie melted in gray liquid, only leaving her charted bones and many broken arrows, which were stuck before.

"well....that was easy.." the handsome lad said.

""hmm….indeed."" both Atlas and lily replied, again in the sink.

"Would you please stop copying me?" Atlas requested.

"You, you are the one….haa…leave it. What do we make of this now? I'm sure the watchers would be intrigued with this one."

All three stared at the melted body, staying in caution if it would move or something would jump out, but after waiting a while, nothing came to be. The thick grey liquid only spreading around, killing all the grass it touched.josei

"Well, this is for sure that this stuff is indeed harmful, so no touching," Atlas said.

"Ok...that's solved, we need to go back now, and the tomb isn't going to open by itself." She said.

Atlas took out a cheap-looking health potion and emptied it all. Coming closer to the gray puddle, he took in a portion within the empty glass bottle, feeling a bit grossed out.

"That's disgusting, what are you going to do with it?" the handsome lad asked.

"hmm…..let's see.."

"What are you two still doing??!! Come on!!" lily shouted, walking near the radioactive zone.




Near the same crater, all three of them stood there. The lever in view.

"Ok, you both do your stuff as you planned."

Lily and her brother, walked towards the lever, pacing down below, stepping on the black ashen sand. The more they walked towards the lever, the stronger the radiation permeated, resisting her pure mana cover. She would do it alone but the mana required to resist the damaging atmosphere was too much and another person was required and that person was, of course, her brother.

"ahem..ahem…" the brother coughed…

In a bit of panic, lily came closer to him, grabbing his shoulder.

"Are you ok, John!"

"yes, sis. Don't worry, it's the usual cough" he said, showing his usual kind smile.

"ok….tell me when it gets worse, ok?"

"Of course sis…." He said, hiding his hand behind, a speck of blood splattered in his palm.

Their steps became smaller and smaller as they neared the lever. The radiation to powerful to fully resist. Even though, both had their pure mana shield fully active. The struggle was still there as they finally reached it. Lily looked back at her shoulder, signaling the masked rookie at the far distance at the top, her three fingers clearly to be seen.




"Pull!" lily shouted.

With the sound of the metal cranking, her brother John pulled the lever with the full force of his body. The black sand at the center, quaking and falling down like there was a quicksand appearing at its middle.

After a couple of seconds, the big gaping square hole appeared.

"Go!!" lily shouted.

Atlas, focused at the hole, with his "all-seer", observing the hovel clearly and with the mana flowing in his body, activating his teleporting sequence, vanished from where he was upended.

"Let go, John." His sister said.

He was going to let go when, he heard a cranking sound and to his surprise, the lever all of a sudden broke, the handle still in his hand. The titanium door slowly closed up as both of them looked at the center with wide eyes.

"No!!! come back!!" Lily shouted but it was too late as the Titanium was again, fully sealed.

"Fuck!!" She cursed.

John was still shocked and tried walking towards the center but his lungs started acting up again, his body falling down on his knees.


He coughed, spatting blood on the ashen sand, the red blood, clearly seen by his older sister. With a panic expression, lily took hold of his brother.

"what happened!?....Blood?..... John! Why didn't you tell me? we need to go…"

"No sis…Ahem!...ahem!... what about him?...ahem!..ahem!.. He's stuck!!" he shouted in guilt, a drop of blood flowing from the corner of his lips.

Lily gazed upon the closed door at the center and looked back at his sicken brother, blood still falling from his lips. She bit her lips, her troubled eyes clearly to be seen by his brother. She closed her eyes, her hand fully gripped and before John could say anything, she smacked him at the side of his neck, instantly making him faint.

She lifted him on her shoulder and gazed back at the center where she could see the closed titanium door.

"Sorry…..i will be back with reinforcement, until then, I hope you wait…..and stay alive."

With those final words, she ran upwards as quickly as possible, tightly gripping her brother in her pure mana. John was in critical condition and she was very familiar with the symptoms. Coughing blood was only the start and the worse was still to come and, looking at his condition, he was already in an emergency state, with a quickly need of a healer, otherwise it would only get worse and worse from now on.





"Come ba…"


"Did I hear lily's voice? Well, the door is already closed now…damn thank god, they closed the door in time. The radiation pushed my mana shield to the limit. My body is feeling like it's still compressed, resisting all that heavy radiation.

I guess pure mana ain't that good for radiation coverage. First, let's check the radiation level.

[Radiation level low….status… not harmful]

Well, that's good. Ok, it's dark here."

He Lightens the place around, with his light symbol. Bright yellow light spreading all around.

"Well, this place is larger than I thought…" he said, gazing at the enormous space ahead. The silver-colored titanium, reflecting his light symbol all around the room. He stepped ahead, feeling the solid ground, some black sand spread around.

From his vision, the room was still dark ahead, so he powered up his light symbol with more mana but the moment he stepped out of the area where there was some leftover, black sand. He started to hear Mechanical sounds.

Thinking he activated some traps, he again covered himself in pure mana and to his doubt, it was really not, but the room started to light up, white light appearing from all the corners.

After the white light covered it all, the whole room was now fully visible, turning the silver color room to fully white.

"I am having Deja boo looking at this full white room, wait isn't this the same kind of room like Bela's safe, where I found five normal adventurer clothing.

Hmm..... If I remember it right, the clothes there indicated 'unknown' for some reason, I scanned them for future notice but found nothing…..wait, is that what I think it is.."

He paced forward as the room was now fully lit. He came closer and closer and his curiosity change to surprise as he gazed upon all the small, fist-size, human-like bodies with the crystal-like wings at their back.

"So this is how a true fairy looks like."


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