The Love of a Lycan



"This is the last time you order me around," Torak glared at his brother and then took the envelope that he just mentioned.

It was a white envelope, with a broken seal.

Jedrek rolled his eyes dramatically when he heard Torak.

"Read it," Jedrek said as he shifted his attention back to his mate. "I received it two days ago, on the day of the ceremony."

Torak opened the enveloped and from the red seal, he knew it was from the people of eastern region since it was their sign.

During these two days of Jedrek's absence, Torak learned about the problem, concerning the eastern region and also about the missing people who were taken away by the devil. Unfortunately, those people would return but without their beasts, meaning their soul had been ripped off of their bodies. historical

That reminded Torak what happened to Jenedieth previously, he found that the female lycan was also met with the same fate and lost her beast when the devil saved her from the dungeon. However, this time the devils were really trying to get on their nerves for actually daring to attack the citizens.

"They are demanding for freedom?" Torak's brows creased after he read the letter. "What makes them think that they can demand something like freedom from us?"

"Because I killed Maximus," Jedrek said simply. "Maximus's influence in east was insane."

That was the reason why he kept Maximus beside him for so long, even though he knew that lycan had been feeding him with nothing good, but a potion that would in turn harm his body.

"I don't understand, why the east people would even offer their loyalty to someone like Maximus, but not to you?" Torak had been away for so long and he needed more than two days to catch up with everything that had been happening these past few centuries.

"It is an old story. Apparently, the first Gregory and the leader of the east were sworn brothers, therefore; even though, I ordered to execute all the Gregory, I chose to save Maximus, not only because he turned his whole family in for their crimes, but also because it would stir a chaos in the east region," Jedrek explained.

"You mean father ordered you to do that," Torak corrected him.

Jedrek glanced at his brother briefly before he turned to stare at his mate again. "Whatever you say it was," he said casually. "The main problem now was, two of my people are in east and I have not heard anything from them until now."

It was Killian and Tordoff. With the arrival of that letter and their open confrontation to declare themselves free from Jedrek's territory, it was not exaggerating to assume the worst.

"So, what you will do? Go full force on them?" Torak put down the letter. He remembered when Jedrek told them the true story about their parents, the other day in the dungeon, he mentioned about something like 'going to the eastern region after the mating ceremony'.

However, seeing how things had turned out, even if Jedrek decided to go there now, it wouldn't be a friendly visit.

Jedrek mumbled. "The eastern region is the strongest hold among all the other regions."

"It doesn't mean we can't win," Torak said.

"We can't afford the repercassions from two consecutive wars," Jedrek replied in a matter of fact tone. They couldn't go for another war before the real war with the devil. It would be too much for them.

"Do you think the devils were behind it?" Torak put down the letter at the same place, from where he took it. "If they were, then we will have to face both forces at the same time in the battlefield."

"We will not stand a chance," Jedrek said grimly.

"Why do you think that way?" Torak frowned, he didn't like it when Jedrek was gloomy and demotivated like this. Was Lilac's condition turned his mood down?

"Mine, yours and Kace's people, were still not getting along, right? How do you think we can win the war when the soldiers can't trust their backs to each other? They are clearly at odds." Jedrek pointed out the internal problem that they had. "How is Kace getting along with those people?"

Torak could see what Jedrek said was true. They wouldn't be able to go anywhere with those hundred thousand people if they had even a tiny bit suspicion about each other. When he thought about this again, it was indeed a serious problem.

"Moreover, your people are all from younger generations. How many of them have experienced a real war before?" Jedrek glanced at Torak and received a disdainful scoff from his brother. He knew he was saying the truth, only Torak didn't want to admit it.

Torak's people mostly did business with him. Of course, there would be a regular training to keep their territory safe from rogues or any other creatures, but a pack battle was entirely different from a war. They could not be compared at all, not even anything close to comparison could be considered when they put the two together.

Moreover, most of them had never faced the devils' forces first hand, not to mention that they had never even got a chance to witness with their own eyes, how terrifying and nerve wrecking their dark forces could be.

"So, what is your plan? Let them imprison or even kill your two men, since it is not worthy to declare a war with them at a time like this?" Torak asked. "I don't think you have many options in this matter."

But, Jedrek didn't give him any immediate answer, he just mumbled, "I am aware of that, I am thinking of the best possible solution."

"Who are the two people that had been taken?" Torak asked.

"Killian, the mind- reader and one of my general, Tordoff," Jedrek replied.

"A mind reader?"Torak raised his brows. "I thought that their kind had disappeared a long time ago."

"As long as I can remember, Killian is the last mind- reader." Jedrek kissed the back of Lilac's hand.

"You are very good at keeping extraordinary people near you," Torak commented. However, his voice sounded as if he was cursing at his brother.

"Stop getting on my nerves every time we talk," Jedrek groaned. Torak had been nagging at him to run his kingdom since he disliked to sit on the throne and got less time to spend with Raine.

"I will ask Raine and Hope to visit in the afternoon and you have to go with me, there are a ton of things that we need to handle," Torak said sternly.

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