The Love of a Lycan



"When do you think she will wake up?" Hope was lying flat beside Lilac while Raine was sitting on the sofa beside the bed.

With Torak's unwavering persistence, finally he managed to drag Jedrek out of the room.

When Torak kept pestering Jedrek, they thought there would be a battle between the brothers, but fortunately aside from growling and snarling, they did not do any real harm to each other. Only the moment Jedrek stepped out of the room and followed Torak, could they sigh in relief.

Now only the three guardian angels were inside the room, while Calleb stayed just behind the door. Jedrek would never let any man to enter the room other than his brothers, no matter what, therefore the Gamma stood grumpily outside the bedroom.

"I don't know," Raine tilted her head and looked at Lilac's sleeping face. "It took days for me to recover."

"Hm," Hope nodded. "It took me a year to fully recover. I was dead after all," she said in low voice. "Strange enough that I feel much better when I am with you."

"Really?"Raine raised her brows and then she remembered the first time she met Hope. She was indeed not in good condition, but because Hope didn't really look like a sick person at the first glance, she didn't think much about it then.

"AH!" Hope suddenly sat up while startling Raine with her loud voice. "Maybe…"

Hope didn't have time to finish her words when the door was slammed opened and Calleb rushed into the room.

"What happened?!" he asked in panic. He heard Hope's scream, thus without a second thought he rushed inside. "Why are you screaming?!"

Hope and Raine were surprised to see the Gamma, he was scanning the room and looked for any possible threat, yet he found nothing.

"I am sorry," Hope said timidly, grinning. "I just remembered something and got too excited."

"What?!" Calleb's brows creased and behind him there were another five guards that entered the room, they looked just as confused as him.

The shifters had sensitive hearing, therefore when Hope screamed all of sudden, they thought that something had happened.

Because inside this room were the three precious mates of the Donovans, the guardian angels, if something happened to them, those cruel lycans would have their head right away. Or, worse they would torture them until they wished for death.

Therefore, they had been fully alert and kept a sensitive ear open to any sounds or oddity around them.

"Don't scream like that out of nowhere!" Calleb reprimanded Hope and waved his hand to the other guards for them to leave the room.

"I am sorry," Hope said softly, but since she knew how Calleb would usually react, she didn't think much about his outburst. The Gamma sometimes didn't treat her kindly, but he was not that rude, at least not as much as the first time they met. Raine had told Hope about the reason of Calleb's behavior and she could understand.

"What makes you scream like that?" Calleb walked closer and pulled a chair, placed it beside Raine and sat on it. historical

However, Raine hit his thigh. "Jedrek will be very upset if he smelled your scent here later."

"I am already here, he will smell my scent anyway, so why don't I chat with you guys for now. Those guards out there are very boring, they doesn't even say a word and keeping their precious lips sealed," Calleb cringed. He couldn't believe he had to stay silent for hours.

"You just wanted to cause trouble for Torak," Raine glared at him playfully, but chuckled when he grinned.

"Both of them are not on good terms already, even without me they will argue about everything. It is already good enough that Kace goes beyond the wall often," Calleb commented, but then he received a glare from Hope.

"It is not good at all! He didn't allow me to go there!" Hope snapped.

The people from the village were placed in the city and Bree was not allowed to enter the castle, since Jedrek didn't allow her.

Hope missed the little girl, especially now when Kace was very busy and they didn't have much time together.

However, Kace promised to bring the girl into the castle, once he had the opportunity to visit her.

"There is nothing you can see there, only beast and beast or rude men and rude men. You know how the Alphas when they put together in one place," Calleb rumbled.

"I don't know," Hope replied honestly. "I have never lived in that hierarchy. And I don't think Kace likes to take charge over them."

If one thing that Hope was sure about Kace, was the fact that he had an odd trauma to command people and this was related to his past and his unstable beast, though his condition right now was a little bit better, but that was because he had been healed.

However, no matter what, suppressing your beast's instinct would take a toll on the shifter in one way or another. This fact still worried her.

"Therefore, there shouldn't be two Alphas in the same place at the same time. Not to mention there are many of them," Calleb said, sighing deeply. He could imagine what kind of trouble Kace had to face in order to tame those people.

Calleb had met most of the Alphas in Torak's pack, thus he knew how stubborn they were when it came to the person that they were unwilling to listen.

Kace had a lot of homework to do.

"Anyway," Calleb clapped his hands and looked at Hope expectantly. "What do you want to say that could actually make you scream like that?" he was all ears to listen to whatever Hope wanted to say.


"What do you mean you had not seen Chiron since two days ago?" Kace felt like he was about to go crazy when he had to deal with those shifters. The Alphas were the worst. He really wanted to knock their heads off their shoulders.

"Yes, maybe you should ask Carina about his whereabouts," Zarrn said. He looked fl.u.s.tered as well about Chiron's disappearance.

"Alright," Kace said. It was strange for Chiron to disappear all of a sudden, that too at a time like this.

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