The Love of a Lycan



"What?" Rossie couldn't believe what she heard. Why would Lana want to be left alone here and give the dead baby to her? She couldn't understand.

No, there were a lot of things that she couldn't comprehend at this moment. "The baby is dead, Lana… I will help you bury him," she said as softly as she could in their current circ.u.mstances, afraid to offend the former.

Rossie couldn't take it anymore, she couldn't deal with yet another craziness. She just wanted to survive and find the rest of her family, and after that mourn peacefully for her mother's demise. She was tired and so wanted to give up on everything.

Yet, if she did that, it would only waste all of her mother's sacrifices and that was the last thing Rossie wanted to do to her mother.

"Take him," Lana spoke in a very low voice, as she handed over the bundle of baby Eddard to Rossie. "Take him and go now."

"No!" Rossie shook her head, but out of instinct she took the baby in to her embrace, and cradled the little thing carefully, as if he would wake up if she didn't treat him gentler.

"Lana, you can still survive from this… you…" but, Rossie's words were cut off when she felt the supposedly dead baby in her arms move his body lightly, as if he was feeling uncomfortable with the way Rossie held him. "What?" Rossie let out a shriek when baby Eddard squirmed again.

Though his movements were very subtle, but still Rossie was sure the baby was moving. What was happening? Wasn't the baby dead? This couldn't happen, right?

"Go…" Lana urged weakly, she took a look at the small bundle in Rossie's arms and smiled softly. At the very least, she could do this for her son. She just hoped, he would have a beautiful life.

Live for us, Eddard…

Lana whispered silently in her heart, before she took her last breath and the life in her eyes soon died out…

"Lana?" Bree shook her body when she saw that Lana's shoulders stopped moving, in other words the she-wolf stopped breathing altogether.

On the other hand, Rossie took a glance at the baby and watched as Eddard put his small thumb into his mouth, wanting to eat something, yet he didn't make a sound or even cry like a normal baby.

Rossie was totally clueless about what was going on, but to find the explanation of this was the last thing on her agenda. historical

Right now, they needed to go.

"I promise, I will keep your baby safe," Rossie leaned over and kissed Lana's temple, as a flash of memories surged into her head.

Rossie's family had known Lana for a few years from the time she, Hope and Serefina moved to mystic river village. Rossie also knew Lana as one of the teachers in their high school.

They had always been like a family and losing Lana pained her beyond words could describe.

"Bree, let's go." Rossie stood up and waited for the little girl to follow her.

Once again, Rossie looked at Lana's body for one last time before she ran ahead. She didn't know where she should go, but they had to continue moving in order to survive.


"I just heard about your visit, but I don't know what was your purpose to see me," Purple said, as they walked into a room with a warning note on its door; staff only.

"Is it fine if we go inside?" Hope looked around her surroundings as she noticed that they hadn't met a single person after they entered this library.

"It is fine." Purple nodded. "Literally speaking, this place is owned by Alpha Torak, but something happened recently and it had been a while since I've last seen the sun."

Purple glanced at the gloomy sky outside, even though it was not the night time yet, still they couldn't see a single ray of light from the sun above and this condition had been the same for almost two months by now.

"I think the war is coming… many things were happening now," Purple said and tilted her head to see the phoenix, which had flown ahead of them. "You even managed to find the phoenix."

"I think she is the one who found me," Hope said. "The phoenix helped me."

"Did you know what was beneath the frozen river?" Purple asked. Her expression darkened when she saw Hope nodding her head in answer.

"Is that creature still alive?" she asked again.

"I don't know…" Hope fidgeted uncomfortably when she remembered that moment. That was the most terrifying moment in her life. "I didn't see anything except for the phoenix."

"Hmm," Purple hummed and the rest of their walk was filled with silence, until the sound of Kace's sharp gasp startled them.

"Kace?" Hope looked at her mate as he fell down to his knees, while clutching his chest. "Kace?!"

Hope knelt down beside him and tried to look around, afraid if they were being ambushed, but the corridor was still as empty as before.

"Something happened to Lana…" Kace said softly. He felt the vow that they made nineteen years ago being nullified all of a sudden.

It had vanished and there were only two possible reasons behind it: it was either Serefina's interference, where the witch herself had lifted the cross heart vow or…..Lana was dead.


Amidst the white mist that clouded this particular area, which could confuse the beasts that were under the devil's control to chase down the escapees from the castle, a red haired witch walked slowly as if she was searching for something.

She seemed to be ignoring the fact it was hard to see ahead of her, as she walked with certainty toward a particular direction.

Serefina only stopped walking when she found what she was looking for. It was Lana's body, which was now leaning against a big tree amidst this white mist.

The witch took a step closer and crouched down beside her. She squinted her eyes and gritted her teeth. "I was telling you about this, not because so you can use it this way," she said in regret.

Serefina stretched out her hand and tucked a few strands of Lana's hair that covered her face before she chanted something and then blue fire appeared on Lana's body.

As she watched Lana being burned into ashes unblinking, the blue fire reflected on Serefina's emotionless lime-green eyes.

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