The Love of a Lycan

Chapter 910 - TO FOOL THE FOOL

Chapter 910 - TO FOOL THE FOOL

Watching the blue fire dancing in front of her, she remembered the very first time she met this girl.

Back then, Lana was very young, arrogant and had always been straightforward with her words.

Just like the fire before her eyes, Serefina could also remember the fire that always burned in those little girl's eyes. Her will to survive against all odds and how she strived to love the man that was not meant for her until Raphael came along.

The witch watched how Lana grew up, from a clueless little girl, who would defy everything that she thought not suited her heart, to the grown up woman now, who was wise enough to carry a lot of responsibilities.

Serefina watched how Lana took care of Hope when she was still a little girl herself and how she learned very fast to fit herself in all sort of conditions and situations which came her way.

Serefina remembered how she felt worried for Lana to walk in the same path as her when she noticed the familiar struggled feelings in the latter's eyes for Kace for the first time.

Serefina chuckled when the blue flames started to extinguish, leaving only ashes on the ground. She had never known that she would grow so attached to her.

In spite of the fact that their relationship was slightly complicated and they had never really said to be on the same page, still they had been relying on each other for the past nineteen years, call it for the sake of raising Hope or any other assignment the she-wolf received from Serefina.

Lana had completed almost all of her assignments, except the last one; to find her mother, or… any of her kind.

Lana just needed more time, but her time was up and nothing could be done now…

When the blue flames were finally extinguished, the thick white mist also disappeared from Serefina's surroundings and the air in that place was now clear to see again.

Since the strange mist had dispersed, those beasts could now pick up their prey's scent again.

Not too far from where Serefina was standing, there were five beasts that were growling and snarling, as they charged forward in their attempt to find Rossie and Bree, also another new scent that smelled very sweet.

Ignoring the witch they rushed ahead with their sharp talons protruding out to the world to see and their claws that dug deeply into the ground.

Meanwhile, Serefina watched as those beasts ran past her and stared at them for a few seconds as if studying them before she raised her hand and made a slash movement.

In no time, those beasts found their own legs were being cut off and they fell to the ground, wailing and howling in anguishing pain, but still they weren't dead.

Serefina watched with the same emotionless eyes as the beasts writhed in enormous pain, it was impossible for them to give a chase for their prey now.

Slowly, the witch walked toward those beasts and stopped when she was only two steps away from them, and watched them slowly bleeding to death. It was not an easy death.

There was no way they could survive, but death was coming very slow and painful for them.

Whether they were under the control of the devils or not, Serefina couldn't care less about that. She just did what she wanted to and let them taste the feeling of death that they had brought with them.

"If the devils came to know this, they would think that you avenged the people in the castle."

A gruffy voice sounded from behind Serefinaas she was busy watching the first beast dying from excessive bleeding and stopped all his movements altogether.

"I avenged my apprentice," Serefina said. She didn't need to turn around to see, who was talking to her while sneaking behind her back.

Dorian glanced at the big tree over his shoulder and noticed in time the ashes being blown away by the wind. "You still think of her as your apprentice when you already crossed the bridge and betrayed them."

"That didn't change the fact that she was once my apprentice," Serefina said when she saw the second beast stilled with his eyes bulging out from their sockets.

"You are being very sensitive for someone who is known as heartless," Dorian walked over to see the third beast leaving his last breath, and stood beside Serefina.

"You trust rumors so much," Serefina scoffed. "Did you spend all these centuries being resurrected by the devils to find out more things about me?" the witch glanced at the shadow warrior. "I am honoured." Thick sarcasm dripped in her words.

Yet, Dorian just chose to ignore every single word from her. "The devils would know this eventually."

Once again Serefina chuckled. "What make you think that they didn't know it already?" she raised her eyebrows. "Don't you know that we are playing a game?"

Soon the witch could see a deep crease forming in between his eyebrows.

"We are now playing a game, don't you know that?" Serefina crept closer to the shadow warrior. "…sometimes we have to play the fool to fool the fool, who think they are fooling you." historical

Serefina winked at Dorian and walked away, but before she could move any further the shadow warrior growled at her. "Do you think you can fool me?! I killed you once and I will kill you for a second time or even a third time if it was necessary. In simpler words, if I saw you ruining this plan to kill those Donovans!"

"Yes, you killed me, but as long as I can remember, you are dead too. Don't be so arrogant to flaunt around that fact," Serefina quipped and turned around to face him. "Don't get yourself involved in this game if you are not smart enough. You will only get yourself killed for the second time."

"WHAT!?" Dorian leashed the shadow around him, which spread like tentacles around his body within no time.

Upon seeing that, Serefina just smirked and didn't bother herself to count his actions seriously. "Your life don't have any value for the devils, definitely unlike mine."

After saying that, Serefina snapped her fingers and teleported herself somewhere to do some hunting, but before that she set out those beasts' dead bodies on fire, burning them down like how she burned the entire castle into ashes leaving nothing but a dark spot on the ground.

Meanwhile, Dorian stood there with malice in his eyes.

He would kill the witch at the first chance he got.

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