The Love of a Lycan



Rossie didn't believe that the baby in her arms was actually alive, even the wet cloak which they folded to wrap his tiny body was dry and warm now.

Not only that, they didn't hear those beasts coming after them for a long time. Even Rossie thought they would catch up with them in no time, as it had taken very long time for Lana to deliver and not to forget the time they had spent waiting for Lana to gather some ample strength before continuing their journey.

Yet, no one seemed to be coming in their way.

What actually had Lana did?

It was not that Rossie wanted them to be found, it was only her and Bree with the baby, the three of them would be the easiest target if they were caught.

However, Rossie didn't know where they should go and Bree had been silent during the entire time, as her movements gradually became very slow.

She was tired, Rossie guessed. They had been running since god knows when and hadn't got to eat or drink anything ever since they left the bunker. historical

During this time Rossie's mind couldn't stop thinking about the other women, the elders and children that escaped from their safe place. Were they still alive? If they were, where did they go?

Rossie soon found her steps being slow down too. Her arms started feeling numb, despite the baby weight was nothing to her, but she was growing weak with all the things that had occurred.

Beside her, Bree panted lightly and sweat formed on her forehead. Rossie stretched out her hand and rubbed the former's head to give her some courage and comfort, and then Rossie raised her head and looked at the gloomy sky.

Was it night or day? She couldn't see the difference as neither the sun nor the moon were in their near sight. What kind of situation was she thrown into this time?

"I am hungry…" Bree said, she lifted her eyes and looked around, hoping she could find something edible to fill her empty stomach with.

"Yes, me too…" Rossie mumbled, she was surprised that she could feel this basic feeling. "But, we need to keep walking until we find someone who can help us."

Bree lowered her head when she heard Rossie's answer, but she kept walking beside her. For an eight years old girl, she could be counted as a strong little girl and didn't complain too much, for which Rossie was very grateful.

Rossie looked down at the baby in her arms and frowned when she found he was still asleep with his small thumb stuffed into his mouth. Once again, Rossie had to pull down his small hand.

Didn't he feel hungry too? Lana didn't even got a chance to b.r.e.a.s.tfeed him.

Rossie then shook her head. She needed to focus on how to get themselves out of this forest and find someone reliable to help them.

After that, she had to go to the other realm and find Torak. He would definitely help them.

With that plan in her mind, she kept walking.

She hoped that no more unwanted surprises were waiting for them in the forest ahead of them.


"I really didn't want to go with you," Calleb grumbled as he glared the dwarf begrudgingly, who was now walking beside him into the garage.

"Do you think I enjoy babysitting you?" the dwarf snapped back at him and gave him a look. "Don't use the black car!" Nutdrouk warned Calleb when he eyed the black car.

"It's clear that you had never used this stuff," Calleb remarked.

"I am a collector, I don't have to use it," Nutdrouk grumbled.

There were around six cars in his garage and all of them were the most expensive cars in this realm…

"What is the point of having them if you can't ride them?" Calleb walked straight toward the black car and found the key easily. "Get on, or do you want to run behind the car?"


They had been keeping silence on the entire journey to meet Jedrek, but all of a sudden the car stopped moving and Raine looked around her.

They were still very far from their destination, so why did they stop in the middle of nowhere?

Raine looked at Torak beside her, who was frowning. "What is it?" she asked worriedly. Her heart was beating fast when she saw how Torak's face contorted, as if he was facing a problem.

"Nothing, it is only Lyrus." Torak kissed her temple lightly to make her feel more at ease, but it didn't work.

"What is Lyrus doing here?" Through the front windshield, Raine could see the lycan walking toward them.

They were in the middle of the road in one of the villages that could be used as a portal to the other realm when Lyrus appeared out of the blue and asked them to stop moving further through the mind-link.

Lyrus was supposed to be gathering information in this realm together with Torak's other Alphas and keep them up to date, especially about the movement of the vampires and the spell-casters in northern coven realm.

Therefore, to find him showing himself here, was questionable.

"He just wanted to talk," Torak said. "Stay inside the car with Jack."

And then the Alpha didn't wait for his mate's answer before he opened the car door and got off to meet Jedrek's beta.

Inside the car, Raine watched as Torak and Lyrus exchanged greetings before talking about something that they couldn't hear by sitting inside the car.

"Can you hear them?" Raine asked Jack, who was sitting on the shotgun seat, but the lycan warrior shook his head.

"I can't grasp their words…" he said. Torak and Lyrus were talking in a very low voice that could be heard only by the two of them. "It seemed something serious."

Raine frowned. She would ask Torak, or… she could just come out and find out about it herself.

This was not the time to keep a secret from each other, right? If this information was something that was related to whatever happened in the castle or the war with the devils, she had every right to know about it, since she was involved in it.

With that thought, Raine got off the car as well.

Raine didn't want to be kept in the dark any longer. Whether Torak would be willing to tell her about this later or not, it was best if she heard it first hand.


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