The Mafia King's First Love

Chapter 15 - The Mafia King consoles Lihua By... (spoiler)

Chapter 15 - The Mafia King consoles Lihua By... (spoiler)

Chapter 15 - The Mafia King 'consoles' Lihua By... (spoiler)

Lihua paled as that man kept poking the knife on her back.

"Keep walking where I tell you to."

"I-I don't have much money on me but you can take whatever I have…Please let me go."

The man evilly chuckled. "I will take that too, but before that, I need something else from you."

Lihua didn't know if it was her imagination but she thought she heard the man slurp and lick his tongue. It frightened her even more and she shuddered.

She looked around without alerting him, but she couldn't find anyone on the street to help her.

"Don't even think about shouting or it won't take even a second for me to stab your gut. I will flee and you will die here."

She stiffened.

The man leaned and she could feel his breath on her hair. She paled and felt disgusted. She felt as if her heart would burst out of her chest in fear and panic.

"First I will enjoy you for some time and then take your money too as you said. But first things first. I am hungry and you look delicious…"

Tears threatened to form in her eyes.

I have to find a way. I cannot let this man **** me…

Under his threat, Lihua slowly started walking. She clutched her bag hard.

Think, think, think Lihua. You cannot give up here. Are you seriously going to let him do as he pleases with you?

She bit her lip hard.

The man coldly said, "Walk fast."

She walked tremblingly with shaking legs as if she would collapse any moment. She glanced at her bag.

Here we go…

Lihua tripped her own foot against her other one and leaned ahead as if she would fall. She gasped. "Ah!"

"Oye! What are you doing?"

For just a second, he withdrew his knife in surprise. Lihua quickly took advantage of it and flung her bag at his face with full force.

" b*tch!"

Lihua's heart thudded faster as she balanced herself and ran away.

"You will pay for this!"

Lihua ran faster and faster and could hear the man running behind her too. Her legs were getting wobbly for real.

"Wait. Stop. You cannot run away from me."

Lihua panicked. She took a turn and suddenly stopped as she froze. It was a dead end.

The man chuckled as he spoke, "There is nowhere to run now. B*tch you dare hit me. I will make it even harder for you."

Lihua finally burst into tears.

"Stay away from me! Hel-"

The man pressed his hand on her mouth.


"Hehe... Nobody will help you. Until somebody comes here, I would be already done eating you."

Lihua paled. The lust on his face was so evident that it made her shudder.


Tears kept rolling down her cheeks. She resisted hard but to no avail. He bumped her back against the wall and sneered.

Lihua anxiously shook her head and shut her eyes.

Suddenly, a sharp force pulled him behind. Lihua eyelashes trembled and she slowly opened her eyes. They widened to see Wei crushing the stalker's neck.


She lost all the strength in her knees and collapsed. The most dreadful fear in her heart dissipated in an instant like vapor. josei

He is here. Jiang Wei is here.

With his bare arm alone, Wei lifted the man, tightly holding his neck.

He sharply gasped in pain as he felt every bone in his neck cracking into two. And this whole time, Wei remained unaffected as if he was squashing a bug.

His brows furrowed.

It's that strange feeling again...What is it? I don't like it all. It is irritating.

I don't like when I look at this man. I didn't like when I saw him touching Lihua.

He tilted his head, thinking about these new sensations invading him while still maintaining the deadly crushing grip on his neck.

"Ugh... stop...hah...l-leave me. I cannot breathe…"

Lihua snapped from her stupor. She tugged his shirt and quickly said, "B-Boss, he will die. Let the police handle him."

Wei blinked his eyes.


The Mafias' handled things in their own way. There was no question of involving any police.

But he didn't want to tell her about his real identity.

"I see."

Wei released his neck and threw him on the ground. The stalker fainted.

Wei saw her shiver and to her shock, he held her cheek. The sudden gesture took her by surprise. He stepped closer to her until they could clearly hear each other's soft breaths.

"Are you cold?"

Lihua felt the warmth of his palm radiating and the tears once plopped from her cheeks. Her heart raced with this negligible distance between them.

She sniffled. "I am not cold."

"But you are shivering."

"It's because I am relieved that you came. I...I really thought I was done for. I ran and ran but he still caught me. I flung my bag at him but it didn't hurt him at all," she wiped her tears.

It was evident that the incident had still shaken her up. But Wei had no clue how to console her.

He said, "Wait a minute."

He turned and typed out a message to his 'acquaintance'.

'How to console a woman?'

'I think I made it clear that I am not your personal encyclopedia. Should I dissect your brain to check what's wrong with it?'

'I will transfer a hundred billion.'

He got an immediate ping. 'Mafia people don't console anyone. Are you new to this world?'

'She is crying.'

Wei saw his reply and nodded to himself. Lihua was curious about what he was doing on his phone.

She saw him turn and she straightened up.


What happened next completely short-circuited her brain.

Without any warning, Wei pulled her face towards his and pressed his lips onto hers.

That was what his acquaintance said.

'Then shut her up with a kiss.'

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