The Mafia King's First Love

Chapter 16 - The Mafia King Makes Lihua Angry Yet Again

Chapter 16 - The Mafia King Makes Lihua Angry Yet Again

Chapter 16 - The Mafia King Makes Lihua Angry Yet Again

Wei's thin lips on hers made Lihua feel as if she was zapped by a thunderbolt. Her eyes refused to blink and every passing second was making this all the more real for her.

My G-Godly handsome prince is kissing me…Huh? Waaaaaaaaaait what!?

His fingers brushed on her cheek and his palm delved deeper into her hair, entangling it between his fingers. He tilted his head, and his lips kept pressing onto hers, firm and unshakeable.

The hyper-awareness in Lihua finally set in. His handsome face was up so close, making her heart pound in her chest. At that proximity, she noticed his sharp nose, his thick eyelashes that took her breath away, and his fair skin that lightly shone in the dimly lit road. He smelled amazing. The sound of his soft breaths invaded her eardrums, making her heart skip a beat.

She imagined his fingers would have been a little rough at the edges, instead, they were soft and a little cold. His breathtaking features mesmerized her.

The wild sensation of his lips overwhelmed her chest with warmth and as if butterflies tickled her stomach all over. They were soft and dreamy like how a prince kisses his princess.

Her first love was taking her first kiss.

Lihua was in disbelief for a long time before she realized that was standing like a log of wood. She didn't know what to do with her hands.

Should she hold his head too like he held hers? Or should she keep them on his shoulders? Or should she wrap them around his neck?

Her hands were frozen in mid-air.

This was her first kiss. This was her first intimate experience ever with a man, and she didn't know how to respond at all.

Instead, she panicked, thinking about herself. Godly handsome prince is kissing me. Why? What? How? I even smelling good!? Am I giving off any bad breath? And what should I do? Should I be kissing back? Do I even know how to kiss?

Her mind was a jumbled mess.

Thinking of all these questions was making her first kiss more nervous than memorable to her.

On Wei's side, he had thought to kiss her and then quickly withdraw to stop her from crying anymore. But he exceeded his kissing time more than he had expected.

That strange feeling fluttered in his chest again as soon as his lips touched hers. A few moments increased to more seconds passing by, but he didn't stop. He felt as if he didn't want to stop. Her cheeks felt warm at his fingertips.

He liked it. He craved for it more.

The smell of her body twitched his nostrils and he strangely felt it addictive. He couldn't bear to pull out so soon, so he attached his lips like some permanent glue, refusing to move.

Wei wanted to know if his kiss was consoling her or not as he was 'advised'. So, he half-opened his eyes to check on her. But to his surprise, Lihua looked more panicked than before. She had definitely stopped crying, but she still looked anxious and frozen for some reason.

She still seems frightened...

Wei concluded that he partially succeeded in consoling her. But he didn't like anything getting settled halfway.

So, he was left with only one alternative.

He parted his lips for just a second before he pressed them again, harder this time. His tongue gently and carefully traced her lips. The tentative friction between their lips was making her dizzy. It was delicate and sweet and tantalizing.

Lihua had a silly expression on her face. One could even see imaginary steam coming from her ears. She felt her brain cells rapidly depleting with this handsome man completely taken over her emotions. The slight moist sensation from his tongue grazing by exploded fireworks in her poor heart.

Godly handsome prince, do you want to kill me?

Here she had thought that she would be making the moves on him, but Wei not only flirted with her in the car, but now he was kissing her too.

She felt as if she was in the palm of his hands.

Wei slowly pulled back and he stared at her flushed face. He frowned and touched her forehead.

"Do you have a fever? Your face is red."


Lihua was speechless. She was just recovering from her very first kiss and his question plummeted her brainpower.

You kissed me and you ask me why my face is red?

"B-Boss, w-why did you k-ki…"

She couldn't utter the kiss word and felt strangely embarrassed.

"...k-kiss me…" Her face turned even redder.

Does he like me?

There was a tiny hope in her heart.

"To console you."


Lihua looked at him speechlessly.

"Console…? For what?"

"You were crying."

Her mouth twitched. It felt as if somebody poured a bucket full of cold water on her.

"S-so you kiss all women who cry?"

Is Boss actually a womanizer?

Wei tilted his head. "I don't talk to women. I don't touch them. I don't kiss them."

Lihua's smile slightly faltered. "I-If I may bring this to your attention, I am a woman."

"En. I know."

"So why did you kiss me if you don't touch women?" josei

He blinked his eyes. "To console you."

Ahhh why is this conversation going in circles!?

She thought to let it be. Today was already an incredible day for her. There was still the lingering sensation on her lips and right now, she wanted nothing more but to hide her face in a pillow.

Lihua said, "Thank you so much for helping me. How did you know I was here?"

"I tracked your phone."


Surely he is CEO. What is impossible for him?

"You were late and your neighbor mentioned the stalker. I connected the dots."

"I see. I see."

Wei pursed his lips. "You should have listened to your neighbor and come early."

For a moment he thought of the possibility that he wouldn't have reached her at time and that unsettled him.

Now that he mentioned it, Lihua remembered the incident in his car.

"Because I was still angry at you so I didn't want to see you. You spoke about sis Jia like that."

Wei recalled his acquaintance's other advice.

"Logically speaking, I told the truth. You cannot seem to accept that Song Jia might not return as a possibility. You are angry at me because I pointed out what you felt."

Lihua's eyes filled with tears once again.

" are still talking like that...Y-you are horrible! Why are you so persistent that she would not return? She is my sister and I won't hear anything about her like that!"

Lihua picked her bag and ran away with tears shining in her eyes.

Wei frowned.

She is angry at me again. But I did as he told me.

The first advice worked but the second didn't. He was in deep thought.

His glance then shifted at the unconscious stalker.

A prickly feeling tugged his chest, recalling how he harassed Lihua.

Just at that time, the stalker seemed to regain his consciousness, but he froze on seeing Wei pointing his gun at him.

"Y-You what are you doing? Don't sh-"

His words got cut off as Wei's bullet pierced the center of his forehead.

He calmly put his gun back and messaged Fu Renshu. "Take care of the body at the alley."

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