The Magician Kunon Sees Everything

Chapter 5

Chapter 5: A Prior Notice


What my magic teacher taught me, “the originality in magic” is very interesting.

The more you try, the more it responds to you. If you keep trying and trying, you will naturally train your magic and magic power.

It’s much more interesting than the days when I just kept using “water ball A Ori”.

“Iko, try drinking this.”


For the past few days, I’ve been doing my magic training in my room.

I used to be reluctant to do it because if I made a mistake, I would get flooded, but now that I’m used to manipulating and controlling magic, I rarely do such a poor job.

I use magic in my room, and when I’ve exhausted all my magic power, I go out in the open to exercise my body.

Lately, I’ve become aware that I’m getting stronger.

Two months of this kind of work should yield some results.

–But that’s beside the point.

He called the maidservant, who was waiting in her room embroidering, and Kunon offered her a cup.

There was water in it.

“Oh, you want me to taste the water again?”


This is the water of “Water Ball A Ori,” which has been subdivided and changed in various ways. Since I can’t see the color, I was trying various other changes.

Today, I was training to change the taste of the water.

“Now if you’ll excuse me… Hmm, it tastes like apples. It’s thin, though.”

“I thought it would be best if it was thin enough to drink.”

“Oh, I see. That’s right. If you’re going to drink a lot, thin is probably the right level. …… It’s quite delicious.”

“But if you cut off the magic, it turns into normal water.”

“It’s really …… bad. It’s not good. It tastes more bitter than normal water.”

Kunon knows it tastes bad. Kunon himself thinks so, too.

It’s not really suitable for drinking water.

That’s why the “change in taste” is so useful.

Whenever you have a problem with drinking water, It would be nice to rehydrate with flavored water.

“Magic is a wonder, isn’t it? From a person who can’t use magic, it's like an easy miracle from God.”

“That’s true. I think so too.”

And if it is a god’s miracle, then it should be possible to create a vision.

But while the craving for vision is still there, it seems to have calmed down a bit.

I can vaguely see that I’m still not going to get the results I want.

I know that it’s probably very far away.

So I’m beginning to think that it’s better to move forward slowly but surely.

I’ve already experienced the failure of magic when rushed.

I’m sure that magic is something that fails when you’re overwhelmed.

“Water was already a big help. But now, It’s a really big help to have hot water.”

Even though he had been able to use water before, now that he could use hot water with “temperature changes,” he was able to use it to prepare for baths.

Before, bathing was once every three days, but now that Kunon was able to use magic to produce water or hot water, he could take a bath every day.

Iko is very happy that she no longer has to prepare for the bath and can take a bath every day.

“Once you’re a little more used to it, perhaps you’d like to help prepare the baths in the main building?”

“Oh, yes.”

I hadn’t thought of that, but Kunon nodded that it would be a good idea.

The place where Kunon and Iko lived was a detached house built for Kunon’s comfort.

The rest of the family lives in the main building.

The main building is full of servants, so preparing the bath is probably not much of a hassle, but if it’s one of the few things Kunon can do for his family now, he’s happy to do it.

–The formerly reclusive Kunon might not have been interested in doing so. However, now Kunon was thinking much more positively about things.

Although he is not aware of it yet, he is gaining confidence in himself through training in magic and physical strength.

“Master Kunon.”

After using up all of my magic power, I waved my staff in the manner that Master Ouro had taught me.

I was sweating all over my body, and now I was starting to run out of energy when Iko called my name, and I lost my concentration.

I noticed that the wind caressing my cheeks was cold.

It seemed like it might be evening already.

“Dinner already?”

“Yes. Let’s go back to the room.”

I finished my Swings for today, and Iko took me by the hand back to my room.

I was sweaty and uncomfortable, so I decided to take a bath first.


“Kunon-sama, a letter has arrived for you from Her Highness Princess Milica.”


It was an extraordinary visit that disrupted my fulfilling daily life.

What bad news, at this time.

It wasn’t just the cold sweat that sent chills down my spine.

“I’ll tell you the details later, but the purpose of the letter was to ask if she could come and see you.”

Kunon can’t read letters, so Iko has been given permission to open and read the letter that was sent to Kunon.

In the first place, Kunon’s father, the head of the Gurion family, has to check the letter first, and then the letter will come to us.

Milica Huglia is the ninth princess, a member of the royal family.

She’s not foolish enough to write letters about royal secrets and things she can’t divulge, but there is always a chance.

In this case, it is Iko who will unintentionally find out and jeopardize her position, so the letter will be sent to her after confirmation that she is okay.

“Well, ……, I’ve got a cold.”

“You used that a month ago.”

“I have a stomachache.”

“You used that one last time.”

“…… I fell and stubbed my toe and scraped my knee.”

“Wouldn’t you not like it if she said, ‘I can still meet you if that’s the case right?'”


Kunon was troubled. Milika was becoming a bit of a hassle.

It’s been two months now since I found my future in magic, and since then, I haven’t seen my future bride, Milica.josei

I had a rule that I had to see her once every two weeks.

But now Kunon has no time to see Milica.

That’s why he’s been refusing to see her, using a temporary illness.

–In the first place, Milica probably doesn’t want to see Kunon either.

She’s a bride chosen by His Majesty the King, and that’s why she’s coming to see him.

If Kunon were to use a temporary illness, Milica would be happy to have no reason to see him.

It should be, but…

“…… I guess it's time, isn't it?"

“Well, yes. It’s a decision made by His Majesty the King and the Master, so if you refuse any longer, there might be problems.

For example, Her Highness Princess Milica could come with His Majesty to visit you.”

I don’t want that to happen.

I’m sorry to imagine that His Majesty the King would come all the way here.

“……, huh. I understand. Tell him I’ll see her.”

I really wasn't in the mood, but I couldn’t help it.

–And so it was confirmed that Milica would arrive a few days later.

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