The Magician Kunon Sees Everything

Chapter 6

Chapter 6: She Has Her Reasons Too

As I swayed in the carriage, I looked at the flowing cityscape.

It’s a view I have seen many times before.

In fact, It’s a view that I have seen so many times that it makes me feel more and more depressed.


I really don’t feel like it.

Milica let out a sigh, thinking that Kunon must be feeling overwhelmed too.

Milica Huglia.

She is the ninth princess of the Kingdom of Huglia and is currently nine years old.

She is the daughter of the current king, Leoglia. In a manner of speaking. It’s not much of a title, just because there are so many of them.

Such Milica is currently on her way to her fianсe’s house.

Kunon Gurion, who possesses the Hero’s Scar, has awakened as a sorcerer.

Milica was assigned to him on that occasion.

In other words, it was a simple connection to the royal family.

Magicians are valuable.

Regardless of whether it is on the battlefield, in peacetime, or in a specialized field, a good magician is indispensable for the development and defense of a country.

Milica is the chain and collar that keeps Kunon out of the hands of powerful nobles, much less out of the country.josei

–That’s all right.

Milica and Kunon are both children of noblemen, they can’t escape political marriage.

The only problem is.


It’s hard for Milica to look at Kunon’s face.

It was hard from the first time I met him.

The more I see him, the more painful it becomes, and the more depressed I become.

In addition, the more I see him, it feels like I have a stomach ache.

I’ve seen many children at the aristocratic school I attend, but none of them are so quiet, backward, lifeless, or have such a gloomy look on their faces.

I can’t even find anything to talk about.

Kunon rarely asks me to talk about anything, and the moment I realized that more than 90% of the topics that I bring up are based on the premise that I can see, I couldn’t say anything.

To be honest, it was hard for me to see him.

But it’s my duty to see him, so I can’t avoid it.

And probably, it is a painful time for Kunon as well.

“……sigh …….”

If I think that I will be with Kunon, a person like that for the rest of your life.

If I think that I’m going to spend the rest of your life looking at this face…

I ran away from him.

I left Kunon’s side during the walk in the garden when the maidservant wasn’t on duty.

I ran away from him because I didn’t want to be with him.

And once I ran away, I got into the habit of running away.

I know it’s not good for me or Kunon, but still, I just couldn’t stand it anymore.

For the past two months or so, I haven’t been able to see Kunon because of his illness ……, probably a fake illness.

But that is not something that can go on indefinitely.

The Gurion’s house came into view.

Milica’s sigh never stopped.

“It’s been a long time, Your Highness.”

Milica’s eyes widened at the sight of Kunon, whom she had not seen in two months.

Kunon, who was waiting in front of the main building with a familiar maid, looked very different from the boy she had met two months ago.

“I am sorry that my health has prevented me from seeing you for a while.”

“Yes, wait……huh? Kunon……?”


I thought it might be someone else, so I called out his name, and the Kunon in front of me answered.

I’m sure that’s it.

I’m sure this is Kunon.

–The face is brighter.

The body also seems to have become a little more robust. Above all, his face is bright. He used to tend to look down, but his face is bright. It’s hard to say exactly what has changed, but his face is definitely brighter. It’s so bright that for a moment I wondered if he was wearing makeup.

What the….?

What happened in the last two months?

She glanced at the house servant standing behind him – Milica, who could no longer keep up with Kunon, often asked for help from this maid who accompanied Kunon.

The house servant seemed to know what she was talking about, too, and sensing Milica’s gaze, she said.

“‘Your Highness, Princess Milica, you look lovely today! If I were a middle-aged man with a big beard, I would never leave you alone!”

–No, not like that! And the metaphor is kind of scary!

“…… Um, Kunon, what’s happened to you in the last two months?”

I couldn’t get anywhere, so I asked him directly. It’s also because I was a little afraid of the way the house servant looks at me. I’m afraid to find out what she’s thinking when she looks at me.

“It’s magic.”


“I’m starting to like magic.”

“……oh, um, okay.”

I don’t know what it is, but Kunon seems to be happy.

So it must be a good thing.

Most of all – his face was really bright.

“Your Highness, I’m sorry for always making you feel uncomfortable. Please listen to what I have to say today.”

“Yes, …….”

The magic that Kunon talked about and showed was interesting to Milica as well.

Water that changes into many different flavors.

Water breaks down into …… mist, which is combined with sunlight to create a rainbow.

Water that forms into slime and can be picked up with a fingertip.

It was all very interesting.

Before I knew it, the sun was setting and it was time to leave.

It was the first time that I had spent time with Kunon that was not painful.

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