The Magician Kunon Sees Everything

Chapter 7

Chapter 7: A Big Step Forward


Kunon couldn’t help but exclaim.


The house servant also raised her voice in response.

–Today, as usual, Kunon’s magical training continues.

It’s been about three months since that day.

The pleasant season has passed and it is now winter.josei

Today, as I was sitting in my room playing with ‘Water Ball A Ori', Kunon stood up as if he had been hit by a bullet.

“…… What’s wrong?”

The maidservant fearfully called out to Kunon, who was still stiff, to see what was wrong.

“I think I saw …….”

Kunon muttered in shock, dumbfounded as if he couldn’t believe it himself.

Time stood still for a moment, and then it began to move.

“No way! Really! Are you sure? If you say you’re lying, I’ll slap you, but are you sure?”

“Wait, wait, wait! I don’t know either! I don’t know either!”

The house servant was very excited and came close to him, and Kunon also was very confused by the sensations he experienced.

Both are distraught over the suddenness of the event.

“And maybe I’m not seeing things correctly– ouch ouch ouch!”

“Please don’t make boring jokes! I’m actually going to slap you!”

I didn’t expect to be really slapped, but instead I was pinched on the cheek as hard as I could. She is a very reserved maid.

“That is not what you call humor! I have always hoped that Master Kunon would be a gentleman with a sense of humor, but that kind of bad taste is not allowed! It’s not a joke to some people!”

And I think a lecture is about to start.

“No, no, no! Hear me!–Maybe I saw a color!”

“Color? You saw colors?”

“To be exact, I thought I might have felt it, actually!”


“……wait, isn’t that still really amazing?”

“I mean, I don’t know if I really saw …… or not.”

The two of them finally calmed down.

“Here. This apple.”

Kunon stroked his still sore cheek and picked up one of the apples on the table with his free hand.

It was prepared for a magic experiment.

Right now, Kunon is obsessed with cryogenic treatment …… or so called “freezing change”.

As a house servant, she’d rather not have it get cold in the room when it’s cold outside.

However, if Kunon wanted to do it, she didn’t refuse.

“This is…. red, isn’t it?” Kunon asked.

The maid raised an eyebrow at his words.

–It’s not red.

The apple in Kunon’s hand is a green apple.

It’s more like a light green to be exact.

Should I be honest with him, or …… no.

“No, it’s not red”.  

Iko said. She thought that it’s still in the experimental phase, and the trial phase.

It’s okay if he can’t see now,   just if he can see it eventually it would be……

“Is that so?”

However, she thought Kunon would be shocked and disappointed that the result was not what he wanted, but he remained calm.

Then he reached out his hand and picked another one.

“So is this……   what’s called the red one?”

This time the apples he chose …… were indeed red.

Then the maid finally understood.

–It makes sense. If this is his first time seeing color, then Kunon did not yet recognize the name of the color.

“The one you have is red. The apple you just saw is called a green apple, and it is light green.”

“What? It’s a green apple, but it’s light green?”

“That’s the way it is. –By the way, do you know how many red apples and green apples are on the table?”

“Yes. Three red apples and two green apples, right?”

–That’s right. That means, he can really see the colors.

“Am I right?”

“Yes!That’s amazing!”

The house servant was happy and took hold of Kunon in her arms.

It was not yet the result Kunon had hoped for, but it was a big step forward.

“But this is still not enough,” Kunon said.

After a moment of joy, Kunon calmed down.

He could now see the colors of the objects around him, but that was it.

To be honest, he can’t even see them.

–He could only sense it with his magical power.

Kunon’s conscious and unconscious mind, trying to figure out what was going on, was probably just affected by the mysterious power of magic.

My magic teacher told me that magic is a force that we still don’t know much about.

There are people who can move matter with magic power itself. I’ve also heard that there is a phenomenon called sensing by magic power.

What Kunon wants is “to get a vision with the eyeball made by magic”.

The logic is similar but completely different.

But still.

Still, it was a big step forward.

If you can’t see things, but you can see colors, then you can have some idea of what’s there.

Especially if it’s a familiar space like the one I’m usually in.

It will make my life easier.

“Anyway, let’s report this to your father! This is such a great thing!”

“It’s still too early to tell. It could be a fluke, and I want to wait until I’m a little more used to it. I don’t want to disappoint my father.”

“You’ll be fine! Have confidence in yourself!”

The maidservant tapped Kunon on the shoulder, who was reluctant due to his natural reticence.

“This is the result of your hard work! It’s not a fluke, it’s your ability! It’s your hard work, Master Kunon! It’s your hard work coming together!

Let’s go! We’ll report together! and I’ll ask if they could increase my allowance as well!”

“What?Now?Wait a minute…”

The house servant did not wait.

He was dragged or rather carried by his side, halfway to the main building.

However, the family was not there, so the two of them pulled up to their separate as if nothing had happened.

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