The Martial Unity

Chapter 1279 Terror

Chapter 1279 Terror

Chapter 1279 Terror

He noticed the presence of many more Martial Apprentices and Martial Seniors amongst the spectators as well. It appeared that the Squire-level contest had attracted so much attention that even the other two groups with their own scheduled contests could help but gather to witness the famed Martial Squire who ate a blow from a Martial Senior and got up.

He also noticed the presence of many Martial Masters in the VIP zone. It appeared that not even they had been able to resist their curiosity.

However, their presence had made him more wary. He had already underestimated Martial Masters once. Master Deivon had made it clear that their insight was disproportionately higher than what he could extrapolate from their estimated power.

'I need to be extremely careful. I have already learned that Martial Masters are basically clairvoyant in their ability to gather information.' Rui narrowed his eyes.

No Martial Path destruction shenanigans.

No Martial Heart Awakening shenanigans.

Even if Meera was on the verge of becoming a Martial Senior, as she probably was, he did not intend to push her through.

Unlike with Squire Frinjschia, he didn't feel an ounce of sympathy or pity for Meera. Her circumstances were entirely different from Senior Frinjschia. The latter had truly hit a barrier that she was unable to overcome, all mostly due to bad luck. Her perseverance had earned Rui's respect and admiration, and he wanted to give her the opportunity that she most likely would never receive ever again, considering her age and steadily declining condition.

Meera, on the other hand, was quite young. She wasn't nearly as absurdly young as Rui was for their level of power. She would have many, many opportunities over a long period of time. She didn't need him. She didn't inspire any desire in him to help her either.

'I'm going to push myself to take her down as soon as possible.' He declared to himself. 'No messing around.'

It took some time, but the spectators had returned to their seats.

The energy of the crowd was a lot more volatile and charged. The spectators seemed to be oscillating with energy and excitement.

It appeared that the anticipation of seeing Rui fight and the experience of witnessing a historic event was enough to quell the outrage of having their security compromised.

'That's actually insane.' Rui mused to himself. 'Just how much do these people love and revere Martial Artists?'

He noticed that even the people perched in the VIP seat seemed to be absorbed into the tournament, as opposed to socializing with each other.

Various Martial Masters, heads of state like Guildmaster Bradt, ambassadors like Commissioner Reze... all of them obediently sat in their seats quietly.

Rui almost forgot about the two of them. Regardless, now was not the time to ponder about them.

He returned to the contest stands.

There were only two people inside.

Squire Janeau, who immediately regarded him with wary eyes. josei

And, of course, Champion Meera, who appeared to be highly absorbed in maintaining her nails.

"Ladies and gentlemen!" The announcer began. "We will soon resume the Squire-level Martial Contest now! Here's a fun fact that not many know; There was actually a controversy behind the scenes of whether this should even considered a 'Squire-level' contest anymore! That is the magnitude of the events that have preceded this resumption!"

The crowd went wild as it cheered loudly.

"And now, we will continue to the final match of the semi-finals! Whoever wins this will go on to face Squire Falken in the finals! Are you excited?!"

The crowd roared in approval and enthusiasm.

Not a single person could wait!

"Without further ado! The final match of the second round features Contestant Janeau facing off against Champion Meera!"

The two of them immediately got up, heading out in the colosseum.

Rui immediately took note of the atmosphere between them.

Meera was as impassive as always, she simply gazed at Squire Janeau with an ordinary expression.

Squire Janeau was completely different from how he was in the first round.

Gone were the wild behavioural tics.

Gone was the barely restrained aggression.

Gone was the bloodlust.

He merely stared at her with a mixture of wariness and apprehension. His head was inclined downwards as his eyes seemed to look up to her, despite being taller than her.

This was in sharp contrast to the prior battle where he blatantly looked down on his opponent.

Rui understood the difference, yet he couldn't help but disapprove. 'All it takes is a single stronger opponent to douse that fire? Tsk, it's an insult to Nel to compare you to him. He would have gotten even more excited and his battle-lust would have grown even higher.'

Meera simply stared at him like he was a meal on her plate.

A single glance at her eyes was enough for the truth to become evident.

He was a trivial existence in her eyes.

He was not someone who could stir her.

"Take your stances," Senior Deril instructed.

Squire Janeau crouched, centering his legs together close.

A preparation to run, if needed.

Meera didn't so much as twitch as her eyes were fixed on him. Yet she didn't gaze into his eyes.


'She... Is she staring at his teeth?' Rui wondered.


Squire Janeau leaped back warily, a drop of sweat trickled down his head.

Meera didn't move initially.

She continued staring at him.

She didn't exude any overt pressure. Yet the air around her seemed to chill a few degree nonetheless.


She took a step.





Squire Janeau, to his credit, didn't run away immediately. His expression intensified as he tried putting on a brave front.

"Bring it on, you bi-!"

He froze as he felt a profound wave of malevolence radiating from her, unlike anything he had ever felt.

Malevolent, yet innocent.

"Before we fight..." She murmured. "May I do you a favour?"

Her tone was soft, yet earnest

She meant every word with sincerity.

Yet something was profoundly wrong. He could feel that in the depths of his heart.


His voice was stiff.

"...Ah, it's not much," She smiled. "There's something wrong with your teeth, you see."

Her words were ordinary, yet the horrifying sense of peril growing inside his heart disagreed.

"My teeth?"

"Indeed..." She murmured, her eyes fixating on them. "The problem with them is that they are..."

Her presence grew heavier.

A single word escaped her mouth.


He felt a shiver crawl down his spine.

"Before we fight... allow me to get rid of them for you."

Pure horror gripped his heart.

He leaped back, dashing away at top speed.

Yet, the very next moment, she appeared before him.

She didn't even care to look into his eyes.


Her eyes were fixed on his sharp canines.


Her body coiled around his faster before he could even process what happened.

One moment he was standing.

The next? His head was in her lap. His right hand buried under her feet, while his left shoulder was firmly gripped between her legs. She herself squatted on the ground, hold his shins firmly to the ground with her knees.

Her hands were on his face.

"We can fight after I get rid of them, okay?" She murmured, almost in a trance as she fixated on his teeth.

"Wait! I resi-!"

"Ssshh," She pried his mouth open with both hands.

His eyes widened with horror.

"Don't speak, you'll only make this harder for both of us."

Her tone was composed.

She resembled a dentist who truly wanted the best for her patient.

"AAAAAAARAARRHRGRHRG!LSKSHLSS!!!" His body shivered as he felt a horrifying pain flash up his skull.

Every muscle in his body revolted.

He exerted every grappling technique.

Every supplementary technique.

Everything he had.

To break out of her grip.

Yet he felt as though his body was cast in Senior-level esoteric alloys.

He couldn't even budge.

"There we go," She said with an encouraging tone as she tossed one canine away. "Thirty-one left to go... Oh?"

Squire Janeau shivered as his instincts warned him of what was to come.

"Your teeth heal and regrow?" She murmured unhappily.

The following words she uttered reminded all those who witnessed the battle, if it could even be called that, of the terror that was the champion of the Martial Contest.

Her hand caressed his face.

A troubled expression appeared on her face.

"No choice... I guess I'll have to keep pulling them out until they stop regrowing."

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